Weekly Rundown- Between the Storms

Oh, hi there!  Thanks for stopping by the Weekly Rundown, hosted as always by Kim and Deborah (thanks, ladies!)  It was a good week- read on for details… Monday I started the week with a 3 mile run… …followed by the Caroline Girvan deadbug workout. Tuesday This was a strength day at home- hip stability exercises, upper body strength focused on back, and a MadFit standing core workout.. Wednesday “Long” run!  8 miles at my old favorite trail.  The last time I was here was before my race in February. I forgot how much I love this trail.  We may not have mountains or woods, but I like to call this trail “Florida-beautiful.” I was really happy with how well my calf held up in spite of the fact that this is a sandy trail.  But, I was a little alarmed at how hard eight miles felt!  Maybe it was the weather- I’m not complaining, mind you, but I’ll just mention that it was hot AF.  Or, maybe I’m just out of shape.  This was the first long-ish run I’ve done since May.  Well, I’ll just keep grinding away. Thursday Leg day at the gym!  Squats, deadlifts, and abs. Friday I knew I was going to run two days in a row- for the first time since May- so I kept this run short.  2 miles… …followed by another MadFit standing core workout. and then hip stability exercises. Saturday It was a dark and stormy morning! Actually, it was just dark at first.  I ran 4 miles, and in the last mile the rain started.  Luckily no lightning though! I’m loving this schedule of a long run in the middle of the week, and Sundays off.  I finished this run, congratulated myself on a solid week, went to work, and then came home and hunkered down for the weekend. What?  Some people go out on Saturday night?  Don’t be ridiculous!!!  We had plenty of entertainment right in our living room.  First up was my son’s senior recital. This was a big day for him, and while we couldn’t be there in person, we were able to livestream the concert.  Other friends and relatives around the country were able to watch as well. After that excitement, we watched the Baylor game.  Arg!  Can we ever WIN???  Oh well- at least we have the Dolphins tomorrow (Oh.  Wait… sigh.) Sunday On tap- sleeping in!  Waffles… football… the usual Sunday activities.  And- we have ANOTHER hurricane headed to Florida.  It’s predicted to hit Tampa, which is the last thing they need.  We’re forecasted to get a lot of rain.  I don’t want to wish away any of this time, but we’ll all be happy when hurricane season is OVER. How was your week? Do you like to sleep in on weekends, or do you keep to your regular schedule? – I know you’re supposed to stick to the same schedule every day, but there’s no way I’m getting up at 5:30 if I don’t have to!