Reading and Eating

Well, it was my first post- Century Trilogy week of reading, so it was bound to feel a little blah.  But I’m happy to report that I finished this book, and can weigh in with my opinion: I liked it!  But I didn’t LOVE it.  The characters were interesting and I was curious to see where the story was going to go.  It’s a mystery, and I always love a mystery.  The thing I didn’t love was, the story was told from multiple timelines.  I think that could be super confusing if you listened to the audio version of this book (anyone who listened want to let me know?) Overall the ending was satisfying- but I wish the same story could have been told without the confusing time period switching back and forth.  But that’s my personal preference- I’m just not a fan of that style. Next up: I’m only about 1/4 of the way into this, but I’m liking it so far.  The premise is, a mysterious woman gets up on an airplane and walks down the aisle, telling each passenger when and how they’re going to die.  The passengers react with confusion, outrage, amusement… but six of them are given especially early death dates, and I’m just getting to the part of the book where we’ll see if the first prediction comes true. I’m not far enough into the book to say if I’m going to love it, or just like it.  But I’m enjoying it so far. On to the eats!  This week I made Suzanne’s Chickpea and Sweet Potato Stew.  It was so good! I also decided to splurge on the weekend, and made lasagna (I always use the recipe from Isa Chandra Moscowitz’s Veganomicon.) And, storm snacks!  We were hoping that Milton would nudge a little bit north, but it’s actually tracking further SOUTH now.  The counties to the north of us now have a hurricane warning.  It looks like we’ll have a tropical storm, but if it tracks further south we’ll put up our shutters tomorrow (we have accordion shutters which are attached to the house- all we have to do is pull them closed and lock them.) Either way, I stopped at the store for snacks! WHY do we feel like we need and deserve junk food when there’s a storm coming???  The cashier actually asked the woman in front of me, “Are you having a party?” The woman said “No, I just want to make sure I’m stocked up in case I can’t leave the house.”  Hee hee. Wish us luck!  I’ll be here eating my popcorn, and anxiously watching to see how our friends on the west coast are faring. What are you reading now? What are your favorite storm snacks? Top photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash