Weekly Rundown- That Was Weird…

What a week! We thought we were getting a hurricane, and ended up with tornadoes. Because the hurricane itself didn’t hit us that badly, most people in our area had little to no damage- except for those in the path of the tornadoes, where there was utter destruction. Luckily we were in the first category, but everyone is left with the feeling, “What just happened?” But of course… there were still workouts. Thanks as always to Kim and Deborah for hosting. Here we go… Monday It was a rainy day. In the morning I did Caroline Girvan’s deadbug workout, and saved my run for later in the day. I thought I might go to the gym and run on the treadmill, but there was no thunder or lightning, so I ran 3 miles outside. Tuesday I started the day with this 30 Minute Pilates Core Workout.. OUCH. It was hard! Followed it up with hip stability exercises, and that was it for the morning. Later in the day we got news that schools would be closed Wednesday-Thursday because of Milton. Wednesday Hmmm! I had a 10 mile run planned. But there’s a hurricane coming. Should I run on the treadmill? Milton is still out in the Gulf of Mexico and isn’t due to make landfall on the west coast of Florida till night. The weather seemed fine, so I decided to run outside. Instead of going to my nearby trail (which is on the edge of the Everglades) I decided to stick to streets closer to home. I was thinking it would be safer, in case of lightning. Once again, I was a little dismayed how hard 10 miles felt. I thought about cutting it short, but instead did my trick of running 30 seconds/walking 30 seconds until I felt better, and ended up doing the whole distance. I went inside, took a shower and when I got out we had a tornado warning. WHAT? We turned on the TV and saw that a tornado was passing just to the west of us (you know, like where my Everglades trail is!) It was moving north, so didn’t affect us directly. But several tornadoes went through our county and wreaked havoc, as tornadoes do. Lesson learned- take the weather seriously. The outer bands of Milton spawned around 20 tornadoes throughout the state that day. Thursday Milton moved through overnight, causing some gusty winds but not much else. We awoke to a beautiful, breezy Thursday! Since we all thought the weather was going to be terrible, work was canceled for the day and I slept in. But later in the day I decided to go for a run. I had new shoes! I just ran 2 miles, then did a MadFit standing core workout. Then we got word that schools would be closed AGAIN on Friday. So many people in our county lost power in the tornadoes, and they were still going through every school to make sure there was no damage. Friday Okay, I’m so confused. What day is it, anyway? My daughter was home, but I had work (side note- it’s SUCH A RELIEF when your kids are old enough to stay home alone. When they’re little, these school closures are brutal.). I went to the gym for leg day! Saturday 4 mile run before work. I don’t know what’s up with this hazy photo. It was a beautiful day! Milton blew in some cooler, dryer air. Not actually cool or dry- but coolER and dryER. The end is in sight. Sunday On tap- sleeping in and watching the Chicago Marathon! Then in the afternoon I’m hoping to put up my outdoor Halloween decorations. I’m cautiously optimistic that we will have no more storms, so it’s time for outdoor decs! These storms are always scary. Luckily everyone in our Florida blogging community made it through unscathed. Our real life friends are all fine, although my daughter’s band director had a tornado go through his neighborhood! He had damage to his house, but it’s still standing and, most important, he and his family are all fine. PHEW. Did you have a “normal” week?- I’m trying to remember what that feels like. Are you getting fall weather?