Reading and Eating

Hi there!  This week in reading I finished this: It was good!  But it wasn’t life changing (I think after reading Ken Follett’s Century Trilogy my bar is set a little too high.) The premise of this book is, a mysterious woman on an airplane goes down the aisle, predicting each passenger’s age and cause of death. That’s all fine for the people who are told they’ll live into their 90s, but many of the passengers are given an alarmingly early death date.  Is the woman actually psychic?  Will these people start to die in the manner she predicted? One thing I know about Liane Moriarty is that her books aren’t going to have some horrible, dark ending that sends me into an existential crisis.  But I honestly couldn’t see how she was going to put a positive spin on this one.  No spoilers- you’ll have to read it for yourself.  I really did enjoy it, and it has this quote that I love: It is only when we truly know and understand that we have a limited time on Earth and that we have no way of knowing when our time is up that we begin to live each day to the fullest, as if it were the only one we had. -Elisabeth Kubler-Ross Nest up is the first book of a sci-fi trilogy: My son read this.  He said the first book was hard to get through, the second book was better and the third book was amazing.  He INSISTS that I read them, but I’ve been putting it off (for reasons which are probably obvious.) I finally feel like I’m ready to dive into a “difficult” first book of a trilogy, so here goes. Eating-wise- yes I did cook!  Once.  I made Massaman Curry from Minimalist Baker (I made the tofu version.). It was really good! My only regret is, my daughter can’t tolerate cooked onions of any kind (SIGH) so instead of sauteing the shallots first with the curry paste, I fried them in a different pan and added them as a garnish to my husband’s and my dish.  Don’t do this!  They were kind of crispy and had a strong onion-y taste. Next time I’ll just leave them out entirely. And one last thing.  A couple weeks ago I mentioned that we were going to have a mini “Oktoberfest” but then forgot to post about it.  Possibly the reason I forgot is we drank Sierra Nevada IPA and ate sub sandwiches, so it wasn’t very German.  BUT!  I did drink my beer out of this mug, which I got a long time ago at a brewpub in Munich- so I think I should get some Oktoberfest credits. What are you reading?