Friday Coffee Date

TGIF!!! Seriously, I’m ready for the weekend. But first, let’s have a lovely cup of coffee (or, tea) together and chat about our lives. If we were having coffee together, I’d talk about our weather. The other day I saw this headline on our local news: “Cold Front Arriving.” Oh, REALLY? Let’s just look at the forecast: Now, a high of 79 is a HUGE improvement! And it was cloudy! And windy! You could tell it’s no longer summer. And running this morning when it was 69 degrees felt amazing. But I was still wearing a tank top. I know our perspective gets skewed after living in Florida for a while, but I think we should strive to be a little more accurate with our adjectives. 80 degrees is not a “cold front.” Moving along. I had a personal triumph this week involving pants. My daughter needed pants for a concert on Wednesday, and Tuesday we discovered that her old ones no longer fit. She had no time to shop, so Tuesday after work I found myself at Macy’s frantically going through the racks. Of all the articles of clothing to buy for another person, pants are the worst. I brought along a pair of her jeans for reference, but there are so many choices. Straight leg? Flare? Does she want pleats? Pockets? Is she going to wear a belt? I finally picked out three pairs, figuring one of them would fit and I could return the other two. LUCKILY, one of them did fit! The next day I headed back to return the other two, but at the last minutes I noticed one of the tags said “Final Sale.” NOOOOOOO! How did I not see that before? They weren’t expensive, but I figured that was $20 down the drain. But then… I thought of my ex-boyfriend- let’s call him “Andy.” Andy had ZERO fear of rejection. He had no problem asking for special favors. If there was a sign saying you couldn’t do something, he would ask if they would make a special exception for him. And he couldn’t understand why I didn’t like to do that. So what, he would say- the worst that could happen is they’ll say “no.” I decided to channel my inner Andy. I was literally cringing inside as I said “I know these say “final sale”, but is there any way I can return them anyway?” The clerk scanned the receipt without saying anything and handed me my refund. I must have looked astonished because she said “You have one day to return “final sale” items.” WELL. Who knew??? I was so elated! I had written off that $20, and now I felt rich. And… guess what store is right across from Macy’s? Bath and Body Works- and they were having s SALE on fall candles! I had to get it! It was only $10, so I still came out $10 ahead. And it smells sooooo good. I don’t like candles that smell sweet- like I don’t want my house to smell like apple pie. This just has a lovely, fresh, apple smell. Oh, and guess why the fall candles are on sale? It’s obviously time for Christmas! Unlike some people, I don’t mind seeing Christmas displays in October. Show me all the Christmas! I’m not going to BUY any Christmas items (I’ll wait till November) but I did smell the candles. I like the ones that smell like Christmas trees. Would you try to return pants that said “final sale?” Is it too early for a Christmas display? Top photo by Brigitte Tohm on Unsplash