Weekly Rundown- It Makes a Difference

We finally had a shift in our weather! It wasn’t COLD- we’re still waiting for that first blast of crisp, cool air that brings us down into the 50s at night. But we did get down to the upper 60s and 70s, and had some breezy, overcast days that gave us relief from the heat and humidity. It was lovely! Thanks as always to Kim and Deborah for hosting the Weekly Rundown. Let’s get right into it! Monday No school AGAIN today. The schools were closed last week Wednesday-Friday because of the storm, and then today was a scheduled teacher work day for the end of the quarter. SIGH. The upside was that I could sleep a little later- my 3 mile run started in the dark and ended in daylight. I followed the run with a MadFit standing core workout.. Tuesday Finally, back to a normal routine. I did this 30 minute Pilates core workout. It’s so hard and painful! I try to think about how strong my core will get if I keep doing it. I also did my hip stability exercises, including the one leg sit-to-stand. Wednesday 12 mile trail run! This was the run I’ve been waiting for- I finally felt good. It was 68 degrees when I started, cloudy and breezy. By the end of the run the “feels like” temp was 80, but that’s nothing. I’ve done long runs where the “feels like” was 103. The weather really does make a huge difference! You might be noticing I’ve been aggressively pushing my long run distance. Way back in May I (recklessly) registered for a 12 hour race on November 9th (hahahahaha.) I obviously won’t be running for twelve hours, but I still plan on going. The course is a repeated 4.5 mile loop, so I’ll just do what I can. Thursday Just a cool, breezy, short 2 mile run… …followed by hip stability exercises and Caroline Girvan’s deadbug workout. Friday Leg day at the gym! Even this workout felt better, although I can’t credit the weather for that. I did squats and deadlifts, and felt a surge of adrenaline I don’t usually get. I really need to get to the gym more than once a week. Saturday Another overcast, breezy run! 4 miles, and towards the end I felt a vaguely familiar feeling… that feeling when running is effortless. I haven’t been “flying” in a long time! Ever since “Calfgate” every run has been difficult. But I KNEW if I just kept grinding along, I would have a breakthrough eventually. Today was the day! I followed up with 100 crunches on the stability ball. My stomach is definitely not getting any smaller, but hopefully it’s getting stronger. Later in the day I watched Baylor win, FINALLY! Great game- we needed it. Sunday On tap…. sleeping in. Waffles! Football. Baylor and the Dolphins are both on a one-game winning streak- let’s keep it going! How was your weather this week?- I can finally talk about the weather without swearing, or crying.