Did you know we’re having an election?  Hahahahahahaha… okay, seriously.  We’re having an election!!  Early voting in our county started TODAY!  The top photo is the coloring book I won in Suzanne’s giveaway.  At my request, she sent the coloring book to my sister. I think most people who read this blog share my political views (but if not, we can still be friends!) so I’m not afraid of offending anyone when I say that I’m voting for Kamala Harris because a) she’s not Trump (I mean….obviously), and b) she’s a WOMAN. Eight years ago, I brought my daughter along with me when I voted.  I was so, so sure that Hillary Clinton would win (sob) and I wanted my daughter to see me mark my ballot.  I told her we’ve never had a woman president before.  Her astonished response was, “We HAVEN’T?  Why NOT???”  Great question. I’m tired of this BS.  I know Harris isn’t perfect, but I want to see a woman president!  If she doesn’t win this election, I blame it on the deep-seated misogyny and racism in our country.  I hope we can overcome it. My daughter is too young to vote (she’s 15) but this is my son’s first time voting in a presidential election!  He’s away at college, but he requested a mail-in ballot from Florida, and has already sent it in.  I’m excited for him.  The thought that this is his first election, with many more ahead of him in his lifetime, helps me remember that even if things don’t go our way this time, there will be other elections.  We’ll vote again in four years (er.  Hopefully…) One more thing.  Is it my imagination, or is this election less vicious than the last one?  I mean, I know people still feel passionately on both sides.  But it just seems like we’re all less prone to going around shouting angrily at each other.  Four years ago, we had to ban all political talk in our break room at work.  I remember our boss saying “Hopefully next time we can have a kinder, more gentle election.”  Is that actually happening? OR, is this the calm before the storm?  Are people quieter because they’re wary?  Are people afraid of what Trump will do if he wins, and also afraid of what he’ll do if he doesn’t win?  All I know is, I’ve been dreading his election for four years, but now that it’s here, it hasn’t been so bad.  Of course, I may have to revise that thought on November 6th. When are you voting?  – I’ll be voting on Wednesday! Have you noticed that people are quieter this time around?  Do you think it’s because we’re too exhausted to fight, or that we’re scared?