Days of the Week

On last week’s Happier podcast, Gretchen and Elizabeth talked about finding a “delight” for each day.  In other words, identifying something little that you always enjoy on a Monday, a Tuesday, etc. I love this idea, but had a little trouble applying it to my own week.  There are a couple things that always happen, but there are also a lot of variables.  Does my daughter have school?  Am I doing a long run?  Is there a high school football game, or concert?  So this list won’t apply to every week, but here are my “delights” for each day this week: Monday–  I’ll go to the gym before work.  Full disclosure- this is NOT a delight.  I would much rather run, but I go to the gym to lift weights because I know I have to.  The delight is, on gym days I go to Starbucks before work.  I sit there with my Earl Grey tea, happily reading blogs for a while.  This is my reward for getting myself to the gym! Tuesday- My daughter has no school!  This means I can sleep a little later, woohoo. Wednesday- This is an “always” delight- I don’t work on Wednesdays.  Last Wednesday I had the dentist, the week before I had a doctor’s appointment, and the week before that I had to have blood drawn.  This Wednesday I have NOTHING!  How will I spend my day?  The possibilities are (almost) endless! Thursday- Typically my least favorite day of the week.  This Thursday, there’s a high school football game.  It’s our last game of the regular season, and so far we’re undefeated.  I’m looking forward to it. Friday- Another “always.”  We have takeout for dinner on Fridays!  After the week of dinner battles, this is a tremendous relief. Saturday- My favorite day of the week!  I work, but only from 9-1.  On the way home from work, I stop at Starbucks- I get my daughter some sort of fancy drink and I get myself an Earl Grey tea.  When I get home I sip my tea while reading Modern Mrs. Darcy.  I don’t read her posts during the week- I save them all up for Saturdays after work. This is a routine that rarely varies… EXCEPT FOR THIS SATURDAY!  Instead of going to work I’ll be running a race!  It’s a trail race in a park about an hour away from me.  Because of an annoying injury over the summer, I’m not as prepared for this race as I would like, but it’s a timed event- you run a 4.3 mile loop as many times as you can/want for 12 hours.  I’ll just run as many loops as I’m able to and call it a day.  It’s not exactly how I wanted to run this race, but I’m still looking forward to it. Sunday- This Sunday I’ll be sleeping in, for sure.  I expect to be sore and tired after my race, so this will feel extra good.  I think the occasion will also call for waffles.  Obviously! Do you have any specific “delights” for certain days of the week? Top photo by Toa Heftiba on Unsplash