NaBloPoMo Journey

I’m SO SAD NaBloPoMo is ending!  I truly love this project, and it’s one of the reasons November is my favorite month.  I always start out the month full of ambition, but by the end I’m barely hanging on.  I try to have a meaningful theme, and end up with way too many photos of pie. NaBloPoMo is a spinoff of NaNoWriMo, where the challenge is to complete the first draft of a novel in the 30 days of November.  After failing at NaNoWriMo (I WONDER WHY) Erin Kennedy launched NaBloPoMo in 2006.  Several times during this month, I tried to imagine what it would be like if I were TRYING TO WRITE A NOVEL.  I can picture my readers now: “This was pretty good, but I didn’t understand the ending.  Why were they eating so much pie?” It feels like November flew by, but when I stop to think about everything that happened, it was quite an adventure.  We started fresh from Halloween- then there was the election- lots of crying- I ran a race!- sustained a bizarre rib injury- our high school football team won the regional championship- our weather changed- my son came home!- we got our Christmas tree- and had an amazing Thanksgiving.  Phew!  I didn’t write a novel, but I feel like I lived one. I loved reading everyone’s posts!  I wish NaBloPoMo could go on and on, but, well- we’d probably all go insane.  December will be busy enough.  A huge thank you, once again, to our fearless leader San. I wouldn’t be part of this amazing blogging community if it weren’t for her.  And thank you to everyone who read along and supported us this month!  Lastly, congratulations to all who participated. It’s a wrap!