Reading, Eating, and Rosacea Update

First things first! Last week I posted a “cry for help” with my rosacea. That same day, I ordered this product from Amazon: This woman looks even worse than me! At least I don’t have it on my FOREHEAD. (Or, maybe that’s what I have to look forward to…) Anyway, I picked this particular product because it contains sulphur. Some people mentioned there’s a prescription face wash for rosacea that contains sulphur, and it really helps- but from what I understand, you will smell like sulphur. I cannot smell weird with the job I have. But this product has a much smaller amount of sulphur, and the reviews were positive so I decided to try it. IT WORKS. My face looks so much better! I mean- it’s not perfect (that’s okay- I gave up on perfect long ago.) But it got me out of the category where people feel the need to ask me what’s wrong, so I’m really happy (and- it does not have an odor.) Noemi also did a post about rosacea, and she recommended another cream that I’m going to try as well. One thing I’ve found is that something will work for a while but then stop working, so I’m going to try rotating different things. Let’s move on! I actually read TWO books during November, which is huge for me during NaBloPoMo. The first was The Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafon, and the second was Tied up in Tinsel by Ngaio Marsh. I enjoyed Tied up in Tinsel so much that I’m reading another book by Ngaio Marsh, one that I picked up a couple months ago at the used bookstore. I’m REALLY enjoying this one! It was written in 1958, and the premise is, a murderer is on board a ship sailing from England to South Africa. It’s a cargo ship, with accommodations for nine passengers, and one of those nine is the culprit (the way this is set up is just barely plausible.) Inspector Roderick Alleyn, Marsh’s series detective, is on board to find the guilty one. I love mysteries with a closed circle (where everyone is snowed in, on a train, or contained somehow or other.) Ngaio Marsh is sometimes compared to Agatha Christie. I would say Marsh’s characters are more fleshed out and the writing is better in general- but no one can write an ending like Christie. Marsh does a respectable job though. When I finish this book, I’ll be at 50 for the year! I’ve set this goal over and over again and always fall short, because I usually don’t read any books during NaBloPoMo. This year, I front loaded my reading in the first three quarters, and managed to read two books in November. I also should mention that four of the books I read were LONG- around 1000 pages (the three books of Ken Follett’s Century Trilogy, and Stephen King’s 11/22/63. I imagine I’ll read a couple more books in December when I finish the Marsh- so overall I’m very happy with this year of reading! Eating…. ugh. I’m in eating jail until I recover from Thanksgiving. I ate way too much bread, sugar (even though I tried to avoid it- it crept into things like salad dressing and rolls) and rich foods in general. My stomach let me know that it is NOT HAPPY. Here’s how my dinners are going to look this week: Do you set a reading goal for the year? Do you need to recover from Thanksgiving?