Festive Coffee Date!

Hooray! EVERYTHING is festive in December, right? Decorations and lights are everywhere. Even going to the bank feels like a special occasion. I’m linking up with Coco and Deborah for this festive December Coffee Date. Get out your holiday mugs and let’s get started! Unfortunately, the first thing I would share over coffee is NOT festive. Just as my rib was starting to feel much better, I hurt my back. Yep- I innocently bent down (<= bad idea) to move the frickin coffee table, and my low back has been very sore ever since. Ironically, on this week’s episode of the Happier podcast, Gretchen gave herself a demerit for doing the same thing. Well, she wasn’t moving her coffee table. But it sounds like the same situation- leaning forward with the back rounded screws everything up. This is an ongoing issue I’m always aware of, but ironically my back had been feeling PERFECT ever since I fell in my race. Hitting the ground seemed to jolt everything into place, kind of like a chiropractic adjustment. I guess my back was feeling so good, I forgot to be careful. Luckily I can still run, so I don’t consider this a Serious Problem. But it’s made my life seriously uncomfortable this week. (Obviously, what I need to do is throw myself onto the ground as hard as I can to give myself another adjustment, right? If there were any chiropractors reading this, they would probably be screaming right now.) On to the good news. Our weather has been AMAZING. I know it’s been cold and miserable up north, but I’m not going to apologize. We suffered through a long hot summer, but even worse, we sweltered through the fall, while everyone else was posting photos of beautiful foliage. We paid our dues, and now it’s our time to shine. Oh yes- THIS is why I live in Florida! I almost forgot. Speaking of forgetting… I got two advent calendars this year, and I forgot about BOTH of them until yesterday. Oops. Here’s the first one: I’m opening two doors a day until I’m caught up! One of today’s surprises was mini-cards. I’m not quite sure what I’ll do with them, but they’re cute! The other advent calendar has cat treats. I don’t know how we’ll get caught up with that one, because I don’t want our cats- who are already “festively plump”- to have more than one packet of treats a day. We might have to just start where we are, and open some “bonus” doors after Christmas. Do you have an advent calendar? Who wants to come down to Florida for a blogger meetup in February? – I’ll be meeting up with at least three, and possibly four bloggers (oooh! I wonder who they could be!!!)