Weekly Rundown- The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

Actually, the title should be “The great, the good and the terrible.” There was so much that went well this week- the weather was phenomenal, I had some great runs, we had a VERY exciting high school football game, and my rib is about 90% better! Woohoo! But… I hurt my back, ARRRRG! As always, I’m linking up with Kim and Deborah for this Weekly Rundown (thanks, ladies!) Let’s just see what happened… Monday After the holiday week, I couldn’t face waking up at 5 am to run. I knew it would be cool and beautiful all day, so I decided to run after work. In the morning I did an upper body strength workout. I can now raise my arms above my head, and this was the best upper body workout I’ve had since I hurt my rib. Things are going GREAT! Before going to work, I just decided to tidy up a little- Christmas bins were out, and I needed to put things back into place. All I did was bend down to move the coffee table over a few feet, and when I stood up, I immediately knew that my low back was messed up. Phooey. It was so stiff and achy, I was worried about running. But after work I decided to give it a try and hooray! I can still run… 3 happy miles. Tuesday My back felt TERRIBLE. I decided to do a lower body strength workout at home. Some moves were impossible, but I could do squats so I hit those pretty hard. Good workout, in spite of my back. Wednesday I started the day with a lovely 6 mile run! It was 50 degrees and look- I’m wearing long sleeves! After this run, DOMS from my workout yesterday kicked in with a vengeance. I really put myself in a predicament- I couldn’t bend over because of my back but now I also couldn’t squat down because my legs were SO SORE. So, if I wanted to pick something up from the floor… I couldn’t. It was pretty funny (if you have a dark sense of humor.) I would say I felt like a 90-year-old woman, but actually I hope I’m moving better than that when I’m 90. It was a rough day. Thursday Okay- enough is enough! Since I can now raise my arm above my head, I decided to try the Caroline Girvan deadbug workout.. I haven’t been able to do any core since the rib injury. I could do it!!! I did feel my rib a little, but it was okay. After I finished I stretched my back for a while. This workout and stretching session was the turning point for my back- after this it started to slowly, slowly feel better. After work, another 3 mile run! Friday Since it felt so good the day before, I did the Caroline Girvan deadbug workout again, followed by hip stability exercises. I felt like I was gradually putting my body back together. At night… high school football game! It was the state semi-finals. The game was close and exciting, and in the last five seconds the other team almost scored the winning touchdown, but were stopped at the goal line and we won 14-11! It was the kind of game where everyone was on their feet screaming in horror, and then shouting for joy (unless, of course, you were rooting for the other team, in which case, reverse that.) Next week, our team (and the band!) will travel to the State Championship game. Everyone is so excited! This has never happened before in the history of our school. I can’t go because I have to work, SOB!!!! But it will be live streamed, so I’ll watch as much as I can. Saturday 4 mile run before work. My back is much better! And, every run this week has been great. I credit the amazing weather. Sunday Off! But I HAVE TO get our outdoor lights up! If I don’t, the Christmas police are going to come and arrest me. My rib is better, my back is better; I have no more excuses. How was your week? Any mysterious ailments? If you celebrate Christmas, are you finished decorating?