2025 Running Plans

Yes- I have plans and goals! My last race was November 9th, and originally I was ready to jump into training for the next one. I had my eye on a 50k on the west coast of Florida in January. But then… Lately I’ve been in a pattern that goes like this: I run a race, end with some weird injury, recover, then realize my next race is coming RIGHT UP, and quickly jack up the distance of my long runs. Then I show up to the race slightly underprepared, and the whole cycle starts again. When I finished the last race with a rib injury, I decided to break this cycle. My next big race will be in April (more about that in a moment.) In the meantime, I’m planning to run a half marathon with Darlene in February! Darlene and I have a sketchy history with this race. We were going to run it together two years ago- she broke her foot and I got a stomach virus two days before the race, so neither os us were able to run. Last year, Darlene registered for the race but then sprained her ankle in December and wasn’t able to train for it (I copied her by spraining my ankle in February.) This year, nothing could go wrong! Training for a half marathon, instead of an ultra, is giving me a chance to work on speed for a change. It’s fun! My long runs don’t have to be crazy long for this race, so I can focus on other things. But don’t worry! I do have a big, scary goal for 2025. I heard on a recent podcast that your big, scary goal should be something you can potentially fail at. PERFECT! I’ve already proved I can fail at this one: a 50 mile race. The race I’m planning is the Skunk Ape Endurance Run in Ocala, FL on April 26th. This gives me plenty of time to complete my “remedial” running program, run the half marathon, and train for a 50 miler. Those are my running plans. I also have a trip to Tampa in early January (where I hope to get together with Stephany), two fun blogger meetups in February- one with Darlene to run the race, and another one with some visiting bloggers (oooh! exciting!)- and then a trip to Waco in May for my son’s college graduation. Do you have any fun plans for 2025? Any big, scary goals?