Looking Back, Looking Ahead

The strangest thing happened at Target the other day- this Feliz Navidad mug just jumped off the shelf into my cart! Ha ha… well, I saw it and couldn’t resist. I do NOT need any more holiday mugs, but this one was only $5 and now it’s mine! Christmas prep is going full steam ahead. I made the dough for my gingerbread cookies, using the recipe from this cookbook: The dough is chilling in the fridge! Cookies coming up soon. In addition to buying YET ANOTHER holiday mug, another crazy thing I’ve done lately is agreeing to take my daughter and two of her friends to a holiday anime convention tomorrow, in Orlando. This will be an all day affair, with six hours round trip of driving. But- I don’t have to GO IN to the convention with them. I can just drop them off… and then I have the whole day to myself. At first I thought I would do last minute shopping, but the thought of finding a mall in Orlando on the last Saturday before Christmas is… not appealing. Instead I’m planning to find a quiet location to delve into the “Did Something” project from Monica Packer’s About Progress podcast. I listened to the episode last week where she says “Let’s take a moment together to reflect on what we’ve accomplished, identify what truly matters, and set the right intentions for the new year. I introduce you to the ‘win-win’ formula and explain how looking back can guide your future goals.” If you go to the page I linked to, she has a free downloadable guide. I have the pages printed out… … and all I need is a few quiet hours to work on it. I’m looking forward to a little break from the holiday madness- after tomorrow it will be all Christmas, all the time until the 25th. Have you had any time to reflect on 2024? Do you choose a word of the year?- I do sometimes, but then I usually forget all about it after a month.