Weekly Rundown- All the Things

Oh hi! Did an entire week really pass by since the last Rundown? Yikes. It was another jam-packed one. Lots of cookie baking, present wrapping, and general busyness. But I had some great runs, and chose my holiday phrase of the year! Every Christmas I try to pick a phrase, like “comfort and joy” or “next year all our troubles will be out of sight” (Covid year.). We’ll get into all of that- thanks as always to Kim and Deborah for hosting the Weekly Rundown. Monday Let’s get this week started! A 3 mile run, and I definitely thought of Kim when I saw that full moon. I followed this run with the Caroline Girvan deadbug workout. Tuesday Strength day at home (I’m not sure if my car even remembers the way to the gym at this point.) I did the CG deadbug workout again, hip stability exercises, and upper body. I have to be a little careful with upper body strength, because I still feel that rib injury a little. Wednesday Long run! I was worried this run would be hot and muggy, so I brought along water. But it turned out to be cloudy the whole time, and breezy. I was planning on 8 miles, but felt so good I ended with 9. I’ve mentioned that I’ve been doing a little bit of speed work, and I can already see the difference. I can’t say I’m running fast, but I’m faster. During this run I listened to a Christmas playlist, and when Jingle Bell Rock came on, I picked my 2024 holiday phrase: “Giddyup, jingle horse, pick up your feet…” As a matter of fact, that’s going to be my phrase from now until my half marathon in February! Thursday I did the CG deadbug workout and hip stability exercises, and called it a day. Friday Oops. Somehow I OVERSLEPT MY ALARM. This was the first day of my daughter’s vacation, so she wasn’t awake. And the cats didn’t wake us up! How is it that they wake us up when we want to sleep in, but they let us sleep this morning? We didn’t wake up until 6:50. My husband was especially disgruntled because he didn’t have time to run. I threw on my running clothes and got out the door for 3 miles. Saturday I did a lower body strength workout at home (of course) and then drove to Orlando! I took my daughter and her friends to a holiday anime convention. It’s a three hour drive each way (oof) but once we got there, all I had to do was drop them off. AND THEN I HAD THE DAY TO MYSELF! It was amazing. My daughter is the one in the blond wig- she and the girl in the middle are dressed as characters from a game, and the girl on the left joined in at the last minute and kind of did her own thing. Their costumes were pretty tame compared to a lot of people I saw when I dropped them off. It actually looked really fun and I almost wished I were going… almost. Sunday On tap- so many things. Since I didn’t work yesterday, I have to work today. I also have a four mile run planned. And cookie baking, and cleaning the house. And at night- MY SON COMES HOME!!!! It will be a full day. How was your week? Did you manage to fit in all the workouts you wanted?