This Is It!

Here we are… the last blog post before Christmas. I always get REALLY sad after Christmas, but this year I’m determined to look at things differently. Because my son got home so late this year, we didn’t get to do a lot of the pre-Christmas things we usually do. He got home around 10 pm on the 22nd, and when he walked in the door he said “Let the holiday begin!” Well- that’s a little late to be starting, in my opinion. BUT… Because we started late, I’m declaring the week between Christmas and New Year’s to be “Christmas-time.” The decorations will still be up, we’ll still have festive food, and will listen to Christmas music if we feel like it (not sure if we’ll actually want to at that point, but we’ll see.) The point is, Christmas isn’t over on the 26th. As a matter of fact, the “12 Days of Christmas” actually starts on Christmas Day. I’m pretty sure that by January 1st, the tree will be drooping and losing all its needles, and I can just picture us saying “Wait, HOW many days of Christmas are left??? Sigh…” Maybe we won’t feel like celebrating for all twelve days, but we’ll see! In the spirit of prolonging Christmas, I’m going to do a blog post every day for the 12 days of Christmas. Let’s call it the “12 Days of Blogmas.” Is this a good idea? It sounds like a fantastic idea right now… we’ll see how I feel on day nine or ten. Topics will include a Christmas wrap-up (obviously), post Christmas thoughts, 2025 goal setting, and of course New Year’s festivities. Today (as I’m writing this, the 23rd) is Festivus! Sadly I have to work, but I got the Festivus bagels set up before I left. We always eat bagels on Festivus because in the Seinfeld Festivus episode, Kramer works at H&H bagels. Well, he works there for one day before organizing a strike. Speaking of which…. Starbucks. OMG. This is a tragedy! I mean, I don’t even drink coffee but I absolutely rely on Starbucks for their free wifi- it’s my place to go to get out of my chaotic house, sip tea, and write blog posts. The baristas in our state aren’t striking- I mean. Obviously. I live in Florida. Eye roll. But, solidarity. I hope this is resolved soon. It’s Christmas! Are you ready? Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash