New Year’s Eve and Goals…

We made it through the birthday!  Here’s how the cake came out: Okay.  I won’t win any decorating awards.  But it tasted good!  Everyone took a piece before I could get photos, so here’s the inside of the cake: I also had a gift victory- one of the things I got my daughter was a pair of jeans that fits “amazingly.”  AMAZINGLY.  What are the odds of that???  I’ll be savoring this for a while. Anyway, onward to the new year!  Everyone is setting intentions and goals, and I feel so scattered.  I’m longing for same time to sit and focus on a theme for the year  I did a preliminary reflection on 2024 a couple weeks ago, and decided that the things I wanted to say “no” to but said “yes” anyway, turned out to be highlights of the year.  So my theme could be something like “expand”, as in, expand my horizons. But I also want to immerse myself more deeply in some of the things I’m doing.  Is there a word that means both “immerse” and “expand?” Well, no, because those words are kind of opposites.  Sigh.  I’m still thinking! Meanwhile- it looks like both kids and I will be home for New Year’s Eve.  Noemi asked why my husband is working- isn’t he an educator?  Yes, he’s a high school band director, but he’s also a professional trumpet player, which means he always has a gig on New Year’s Eve. Maybe I can suggest to the kids that we all sit quietly with our journals and set intentions for the New Year.  HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!  Just kidding, obviously.  Right now we’re planning a dinner of vegan pigs in blankets, tempura cauliflower (from Trader Joe’s) and chips. and guac.  In the afternoon we’ll watch the Baylor game, and we’ll watch something else at night, TBD.  Maybe I can slip a little reading in there as well. Are you setting goals for 2025? Top photo by Oskars Sylwan on Unsplash