New Year’s Day Meltdown

Does anyone remember the episode of The Simpsons where Marge totally loses it, and has to go to “Rancho Relaxo?”? Well, I had a mini version of that today. As I’ve mentioned, the lead up to Christmas was EXTREMELY busy. I literally did everything- put up all the decorations (inside and out), bought and wrapped all the gifts, cooked all the food, made all the cookies… but that’s okay. This is my husband’s busiest time of year, and besides, Christmas is more important to me than it is to him, so I don’t mind doing it all. But what put me over the edge was having to cook dinner every. single. night. Shouldn’t there be some kind of special dispensation for holidays? By the time Christmas rolled around, I was about to lose my mind. I announced that after Christmas Day, I wasn’t making dinner for an entire week. And then… My husband and son got sick. I haven’t mentioned it before, but we think they had Covid. I don’t want to jinx myself, but so far my daughter and I are healthy (fun fact- my husband and I have both had Covid, but never at the same time. Can we continue our streak?) Instead of doing less, I ended up doing more, including putting together a birthday for my daughter and baking a cake from scratch. Then I took down the Christmas tree, and made a New Year’s celebration. (And by the way- let’s remember that I’m the only one going to work as usual- everyone else is on winter break.) This morning I went out for a long run. In the middle of the run I got a text, and it was suddenly too much. I imagined it was a text from my family, demanding to know where the blueberries are or something stupid like that. I CAN’T TAKE IT ANYMORE! I finished my run, then read the text (turns out it wasn’t from my family after all- they were all still in bed.) I showered, ate, and then announced that I was going into the bedroom ALONE for several hours. Ahhh. I set up my new planner, thought more about my word for 2025 (GUESS WHAT- I came up with a word that encompasses both “immerse” and “expand”… more on that soon!) and started to read my book- and then I feel asleep, and took a 90 minute nap. When I woke up I felt so much better. I’m still vaguely annoyed, I guess at the universe. I mean- seriously? They had to get sick NOW? To clarify- they’re both much better than they were. My son especially is almost back to normal, other than a hacking cough. My husband is getting there. He has some lingering fatigue, so like if I ask him to unload the dishwasher, he can do it- but then he’s so tired, he has to lie down. I know I’m the lucky one here. I would much rather be well and going to work than be home sick. I just got a little overwhelmed by everything- I feel much better now that I got it all off my chest! How was your New Year’s Day? Was it relaxing? Top photo by Vladislav Muslakov on Unsplash