First Coffee Date of 2025

Woohoo! It’s the first Friday of the month, and that means it’s time to meet up with Coco and Deborah for the Ultimate Coffee Date! If we were having coffee together, I would tell you… I’m still drinking out of my holiday mugs, and no one can stop me! The tree is down, and the rest of the house is being slowly de-Christmased. But I’m clinging to my mugs until the bitter end (which is, by the way, when school starts again. After that it’s just depressing to have Christmas things around.) As always, it’s hard to see the holidays end. Everything seems so blah and ordinary! But, we do have a couple things to look forward to. First, we are getting a COLD FRONT (Florida-style, that is.) 40s is SUPER COLD for us! I have to find my gloves! Not only that… I’ve been ahem, gently complaining lately about feeling overworked and under appreciated. But don’t worry- I have a break coming up! Next week we go to Tampa for All-State, where my daughter is playing in the band. This is the third year we’ve done this as a family, and I really love it. It’s the perfect combination of some together time, but also everyone doing their own thing. And guess who doesn’t have to make dinner for four nights? ME. We expect it to be even colder in Tampa than it is here. Will we need winter coats? I don’t think I own one. Lastly, yesterday I mentioned that I came up with my word for 2025. I had two somewhat different ideas for the year- one, that I want to immerse myself more deeply in some of the things I’m doing. But I also want to push myself to try new things, instead of sitting comfortably on my couch in my pajamas, reading with a cat on my lap all the time. Hmm, is there a word that could mean both “immerse” and “expand?” There is!!! My word for 2025 is… “ENGAGE.” As in, to participate or be involved, AND/OR, to be absorbed and engrossed in something. A deeper dive into “engage” coming up soon! Are you still in holiday mode, or is it over? Do you have a word for 2025?