Weekly Rundown- Between the Years

Why is the week between Christmas and New Year’s so confusing? I worked my normal schedule- had Christmas Day and New Year’s Day off, but Wednesday is my day off anyway- and I STILL couldn’t remember what day it was! We’re definitely still in “holiday mode” around here, as you’ll, ahem, be able to see from my workouts. Thanks as always to Kim and Deborah for hosting the Weekly Rundown! Monday 4 mile run! And, it was my daughter’s 16th birthday! She had a sleepover with her two best friends. There was a cake of course, and presents (because who doesn’t need MORE presents on December 30th???) Tuesday I did the Caroline Girvan deadbug workout and hip stability exercises. Then… New Year’s Eve celebration! It was just me and the kids. We had a nice, quiet evening. Wednesday 10 mile long run! I was worried this run would be hot, but it was okay. I felt pretty great from start to finish. Thursday Upper body strength, and core. This was a harder upper body workout than I’ve had in a long time because I got out the dreaded pull up bar. Let’s see. Last time i did (assisted) pull ups, I hurt my arm and vowed never to do them again. That was a year ago, and apparently I’ve changed my mind (or, forgotten how much that hurt.) Friday 3 mile run! Our cold front is coming through, and it was in the 50s. Hooray! Saturday 4 mile run, and brr! It was 49 degrees! When it starts with a “4” I get out my hat and gloves. Except I couldn’t find mine, so I’m wearing a weird assortment of random items. Sunday On tap- well, I usually take Sundays off. But my lower body strength training was almost nonexistent this week, so I have to do SOMETHING. Sheesh. Nest week, the kids go back to school on Tuesday. But we leave Wednesday afternoon for Tampa, so it will be another unusual week. I’m looking forward to a break though! How was your week? Could you remember what day it was? Top photo by BoliviaInteligente on Unsplash