What Else Went Wrong- and What Went Right!

This vacation will go down in history as the “worst” All-State year, although we’re already laughing about it. You know what they say- the things that go wrong make the best memories! In addition to the things I already mentioned… The hotel gave us a room with two full-sized beds. FULL. As soon as I walked into the room I thought “Oh no.” At home, my husband and I share a KING. I’m definitely a special needs sleeper- I use two extra pillows, one for my knee and one for my arm (I always sleep on my side.) This was VERY hard to achieve while sharing a full bed. There was a lot of grumbling! Luckily I brought own blanket (see what I mean about special needs?) and after the first night we bought a blanket for my son ( who was sharing with my daughter.) One of the keys to sharing a bed happily is NOT sharing covers, so this eased the situation a bit. Here’s how our bed looked after housekeeping was there: We drove home late Saturday night, but our troubles weren’t over! After several drivers flashed their lights at us from behind, we discovered that our taillights weren’t working. We were driving a rental car, so spent some time messing with all the settings. The headlights were on and the brake lights worked, so although it wasn’t ideal, we decided it was safe enough to continue on. We were worried about getting pulled over, but by that point it was almost midnight and we just had to get home. It was a stressful drive. The next morning, before we returned the car, my husband thought to look at the owner’s manual and discovered that there is a setting, on the side of the steering wheel that we hadn’t noticed. But why- WHY- would anyone want to set it so their headlights are on but taillights are off??? Maybe if you’re committing a robbery and want to get away unseen? It’s so strange. ANYWAY. There were good things, I promise! Like…. A BLOGGER MEETUP! On Friday I met up with Stephany! We had an afternoon of fun planned. First stop… You can purchase drinks, food, and hang out with the cats! We didn’t get anything to eat or drink (because we knew we would do that at our next location) but we met lots of cats! The cats were available for adoption, and if I didn’t already have two cats, these two would now be mine: “Licorice” and “Pumpkin,” two brothers who are a bonded pair. They were sleeping while we were there, cuddled together the whole time. I do dream of getting another cat one of these days, and I would LOVE an orange tabby. Stephany told me that the number of cats you own should match the first number of your age, and I like that! That means I can actually get THREE more! Now I just have to convince my husband. After we had our cat time, we went to a bookstore… We browsed, each bought some books, and then sat in the cafe for iced coffee and tea. I mean… could this be any better? A blogger friend…. cats… books… iced tea, and a fun conversation. Stephany had some great ideas for the “reading” category of my 2025 goals, which I’ll be sharing soon. (Yes- I promise I’ll share my 2025 goals before Valentine’s Day.) Does anyone drive a Dodge Durango? Do you set it to drive with your taillights off???????? How many cats is too many? – My husband and I do not agree on this.