FIG-y Friday and Bloggerpalooza!!!

Well, thank goodness for Elisabeth and her Finding Joy in Gratitude (FIG) collective. 2025 so far has not been a high energy year for me- I feel like I’m moving in slow motion. I use all my energy to get through the day, and by evening all I want to do is get in bed with my book. The good news is, I’m sleeping more. The bad news is, I still feel blah and lethargic. What’s up with that? After my post earlier this week, several people commented that they felt the same and also were having trouble setting goals for 2025. Maybe we need a goal-less support group! And- this week was especially challenging, because I didn’t run for three days. More on that coming up in the Weekly Rundown (I think everything is fine now, phew.) Let’s just say I needed to look for little joys this week- but they’re always there, right? Here’s my daily list: Saturday, February 1st! I had a LOVELY couch nap after work. Couch naps are the best! I was sitting there reading, and my cat came and snuggled on my lap. I got sleepier and sleepier, and finally laid my head back- I love the moment where you just give up and let yourself drift off. Sunday I took myself out to Starbucks, where I got a treat- instead of my usual plain Earl Grey, I got a London Fog- Earl Grey, oatmilk, and half a pump of vanilla. I sat there for about an hour and read my book. Monday Another book-related FIG. My book is so good, I absolutely can’t wait to see what happens next. I love it when a book is that engrossing! This is the third book in a trilogy- the first book was good, the second was great, and this one is so fascinating I can’t put it down. It’s hard to find a book like this! Tuesday I grumpily took myself out for a walk instead of running… but at the very end I saw the sunrise. I don’t think it’s possible to see a sunrise without feeling at least a little joy, and nowadays it reminds me of Barack Obama’s quote (the day after Trump was elected in 2016) “The sun will rise again tomorrow.” Wednesday BLOGGER MEETUP! So, what are the odds of this: Lisa and Birchie were both in Ft, Lauderdale for work, and Sarah and I both live in the area (we actually live about 40 minutes from each other but had never met in real life.) HERE WE ALL ARE! Every time I meet a blogger in real life for the first time, I feel like I’m meeting a celebrity, ha ha. We had a lovely lunch, talked and talked and talked (you can imagine) and then Lisa had to leave for the airport. Sarah had to get back to her writing (she’ll be submitting her final book draft soon!!!) but Birchie and I had more time, so we continued our meetup at a nearby park. So many things to love about this day. The weather was beautiful (we arranged it especially for the out-of-towners!) The restaurant was right on the water. The conversation was amazing- lots of talk about non-blog-able topics (oooh! Fun…) The time flew by. We will meet again, ladies! Thursday My son came home! Only for two days, for some grad school auditions. But it’s wonderful to have him here. Okay… I guess it was a pretty good week. I’ll report on another week of FIGS next Friday! Are you participating in Elisabeth’s project? Top photo by Tijana Drndarski on Unsplash