March Coffee Date!

It’s March! March always seems like a hopeful month- maybe because it’s my birthday month, woohoo! On this first Friday of the month I’m linking up with Coco and Deborah for the ultimate coffee date. If we were having coffee (or, tea for me), the first thing I would tell you is, we have made our travel arrangements for my son’s COLLEGE GRADUATION in May. I know- how has it been four years??? It seems like just yesterday I was weeping in the parking lot of his freshman dorm. All year people have been asking what he’s doing next, and I say “He wants to go to grad school.” But now I can finally say, “HE IS GOING TO GRAD SCHOOL!” He’s been accepted at two of the schools he applied to, and one would be free. He’s still waiting to hear from a couple others (and one of those is his Very Top Choice) so no decisions have been made yet. But we know he WILL be going somewhere. Meanwhile, my daughter is chugging away in her sophomore year of high school. It’s a busy time of year, and this week has been especially crazy. She’s playing in the pit orchestra for the high school musical, and they have rehearsals every night (the show opens tonight!) On Wednesday, rehearsal went till 11 pm. WHAT. I mean- we get up at 5:30 am; school starts at 7:30. What kind of educational system is this, anyway? In an “unrelated” note, my daughter has started drinking coffee. I don’t even drink coffee! She brings cold brew to school in a thermos and drinks it throughout the day. I have a vague feeling this is not a good thing, and I suspect it will be confirmed when I read my new book: I haven’t started it yet (because I’m afraid) but I’m hoping that reading it will lead to a “lightning bolt moment” (as Gretchen Rubin says) that will make me take my sleep habits more seriously. The other reason I haven’t started it is I’m in the middle of this one: I love it! I wish I could go on a reading retreat and just read all day long. Think how much reading I could be doing if I just didn’t have to work (sigh.) That’s it for this week! Have you read either of these books? Do you drink coffee? Did you drink it as a teenager? Top photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash