Weekly Rundown- We GET To

Hey everyone!  Thanks for stopping by for the Weekly Rundown, hosted as always by Kim and Deborah.  This week my thoughts were constantly with SHU– in case you haven’t heard about it, she ran a race last Sunday and ended up in the hospital with a VERY serious medical condition (story here.) Thankfully- she is fine and home from the hospital. But the whole thing really shifted my perspective.  Running is a privilege that could be taken away at any moment.  I don’t HAVE to get up and run in the dark- I GET to.  No more grumbling! Let’s see how the week went… Monday I started the week with a 4 mile run! i followed this run with some planks.  Now that I’ve learned the world record for holding plank is 9 hours, 38 minutes, and 47 seconds, I’m inspired.  (Actually, I’m kind of horrified at the thought of holding plank that long!) Tuesday It was a morning of various strength programs- first, the Caroline Girvan deadbug workout.  Then I did my hip stability exercises, and finished with work on the pull up bar. Wednesday LONG RUN! This run felt better than last week’s run of 17 miles.  My hips felt really tight in the beginning, but they felt better as the run went on.  The only niggle was my left achilles- I must have stepped down funny on the trail, although I don’t remember it. Thursday My plan was to do a short, easy run today, but that achilles was nagging a little too much, so I opted for this instead: Guess what- it wasn’t that bad!  I thought it was going to be a horrible slog, especially since I didn’t do many intervals (I was trying to mimic the effort of a slow, easy run.) But I’ve discovered the key to the Stairmaster: MUSIC.  Not podcasts.  I put on Abbey Road and listened to a good part of that album for a 40 minute climb. Friday I did the Caroline Girvan 4×4 Lower Abs Workout and then hip stability exercises again.  I’m doing all the usual ones, plus a focus on piriformis, which I usually neglect. Saturday Our cat decided to start DST a day early by meowing loudly outside our bedroom door at 5 am (my alarm was set for 6.) Thanks a lot, Muffin! Eventually I made my way out for a 5 mile run.  When I started, I felt that achilles a little, but it felt better and better as the run went on. I was really happy I opted for the Stairmaster on Thursday, and I won’t hesitate to make use of it again as much as I need to before my race in April. Sunday To ease the pain of turning the clocks ahead, I made this a rest day.  Except while putting this post together, I realized that, other than hip stability exercises, I didn’t do lower body strength this week- how did that happen???  So I’ll be making my way to the gym at some point for a squat-focused workout. How was your week?  Are you looking forward to some super dark mornings? (NO.)