Friday Coffee Date

It’s Friday, hooray!  Let’s all get a hot, caffeinated beverage and talk about the week. On each weekly page of my planner, there’s a “to-do” section, and I’m pleased to say that ALL my nagging tasks were crossed off this week!  These included: ordering new contacts, canceling my old gym membership (it only cost a $10 cancelation fee and 45 minutes on the phone- I’ll never get those minutes back) and, the most tedious one… getting a mammogram. I’m VERY glad to get that last one taken care of, although I discovered, to my great displeasure, Rayus no longer does a mammogram and ultrasound on the same visit.  That’s how I usually do it, because I apparently have dense breast tissue.  Even though my doctor ordered both, and I ALWAYS get the ultrasound right after the mammogram, they told me that now I have to wait for the results of the mammogram- which will tell me that I need an ultrasound- and THEN make another appointment.  Grr. Let’s move on. If we were having coffee together, I would ask if you’re making any summer travel plans.  I know people are going exciting places like California and Canada… I will be making two trips to Waco, Texas.  The first will be for my son’s graduation in May, and the second will be mid-July, to help him pack all his things and then he and I will drive back to Florida. We’re able to make these plans fairly confidently, because it looks like he’ll be going to grad school either 1) in Florida, or 2) NOT in Florida, but the Not Florida option wouldn’t start until mid-September (oooh!  a clue!  What school is on the quarter system?) Either way, we know he’ll be coming back home for at least a couple months in the summer. Other than getting mammograms and canceling gym memberships (btw this was my OLD gym, which I canceled because I now go to a newer, shinier gym) I’ve been reading feverishly all week.  I’m getting close to finishing this book: It’s a strange and magical book!  The parts that deal with actual magic are mesmerizing.  I always read before bed, and I’ve noticed that I’m actually sleeping better.  The spells in the book somehow lull me into a dream-like state, and I fall asleep easily.  I may have to keep it next to my bed even when I’ve finished it, as a cure for insomnia. Do you have summer travel plans? What should I read next??? Top photo by Brigitte Tohm on Unsplash