Weekly Rundown- It Was Dark…

Oh, hello! Thanks for stopping by for the Weekly Rundown, hosted as always by Kim and Deborah (thanks, ladies!) Now that my long runs are over 20 miles, I only do them once every ten days, which left room in my week for some good strength workouts. And, in case you somehow forgot that we moved the clocks ahead, all my dark running photos will remind you. Let’s get into it! Monday This was a painful morning, but no need to belabor the point. I woke up at what FELT LIKE 4 am, and ran 4 miles. Tuesday I started the day with a 2 mile walk, and a Caroline Girvan abs workout.. After work, I went to the gym! I did a leg day focused on dead lifts. Photo courtesy of my daughter, who worked out with me. Wednesday Another dark 4 mile run! I added a little speed work into this one. Thursday In the morning I did the Caroline Girvan deadbug workout, and then after work it was back to the gym! This time I focused on squats (taking my chiropractor’s advice of not doing squats and deadlifts on the same day.) Also did the glute push machine, and piriformis exercises. Friday Another 4 mile run, and that is the moon over my right shoulder! I thought of Kim– especially because it was her birthday! Saturday Off! I meant to go for a walk today but… didn’t. It was a busy day of work and chauffeuring duties. Sunday LONG RUN! 22 miles, and I’ll make up for all the dark runs. There will be plenty of sunlight and heat for this one. The forecast is showing a high of 87 degrees. It probably goes without saying that I will be starting EARLY. Top photo by Mike Petrucci on Unsplash How was your week? Did you like turning the clocks ahead? (hahahahahahaha…) Did you see the full moon?