Birthday Week Continued

Oh, brother (you’re thinking.) HOW many times are we going to have to hear about Jenny’s birthday???  Oh, just a couple more.  In the comments yesterday, Coco informed me that in Asian cultures, the “9”s are a bigger celebration than the “10”s- so 59 is actually a big birthday, and I’m making the most of it. I don’t work on Wednesdays. Sometimes I do a long run, or I have an irksome appointment (last week I spent my Wednesday getting a mammogram and going to the chiropractor.) This week, I had nothing on my schedule, which I LOVE!  After I dropped my daughter off at school, I went to the gym, and then on to Barnes and Noble. I love sitting in the cafe drinking tea and working on various projects- today, I was inspired by Sarah’s latest podcast episode about planning for Quintile 2.  (Quintile 2 goes from the beginning of spring break until the end of the school year.) I got out my planner and got to work. Honestly, Q2 isn’t that complicated for us.  We have one trip planned, and the arrangements have already been made.  I have a race, which I’ve already registered for and requested the day off from work (note to self- still have to get a hotel in Ocala for two nights,) Then it was mostly a matter of transferring my daughter’s band events onto the calendar. After I was done I felt like I had a much better grasp of what the next two months are going to look like.  I celebrated by browsing happily around the bookstore.  I LOVE browsing, but it’s hard for me to actually buy a book- especially if it’s something I know I could get from the library.  I ended up buying nothing, but stopped at the library on the way home where I got these: I’ve never read anything by Elizabeth Strout, so I have a question for the Strout lovers out there- is it okay if I read this book first?  Is everyone screaming that I should return this and get one of the earlier books???  If so, what book would I start with? When I got home I had a lovely nap (obviously) and then…. I cooked a dinner!  Someone- and I’m sorry I can’t remember who- posted a photo of a stir fry with cashews this week, and it inspired me. It was yummy, AND THERE ARE LEFTOVERS!  I will not be cooking tomorrow (as a followup to yesterday’s post- this was one of the nights my husband wasn’t home to make dinner.) 9 pm- reading in bed.  What a nice day!!! How would you spend a day off in the middle of the week? Have you read either of these books?