Weekly Rundown- Birthday Week

Hellooo!  Welcome to the Weekly Rundown, hosted as always by Kim and Deborah (thanks, ladies!) It was a good week… let’s get right into it. Sunday Long run! My last long run was 19 miles, so I was aiming for 21-22 with this one.  Well… this was HARD.  I actually got back near my house at around 20 miles, and it was all I could do to keep running for one more mile.  Of course I thought “How in the world am I going to run 50 miles if I’m this wiped out after 21???”  Ack. In the afternoon my daughter wanted to go to the gym, and I had agreed to show her how to do bench presses with the bar.  So somehow I found myself doing sets of bench presses and WAIT A MINUTE, I just ran 21 miles!  I don’t want to be doing this!  When she moved on to triceps I opted for the recovery room… Monday My legs felt pretty good- a little sore but nothing major.  I got out for a 2 mile walk. Tuesday In the morning I did a Caroline Girvan abs workout.  I knew I was meeting my daughter at the gym after work, so I saved my run for then.  4 miles on the treadmill.  No photo because… treadmills are boring. Wednesday Leg day at the gym!  I did RDLs, and then leg press in lieu of squats (following my new rule of not doing squats and deadlifts on the same day). I also did leg curls, leg extensions, and my piriformis exercises.  Good workout! Thursday 4 mile run… …followed by the Caroline Girvan deadbug workout. Friday It’s my birthday!  Strangely, I saved my most boring and tedious workout for this day- core work and hip stability exercises, SIGH!  That’s just the way my schedule worked out, and I stuck to it.  That’s okay- I ran on my Birthday Eve, and Birthday Boxing Day (what? That is TOO a thing!) Saturday I had a lovely 5 mile run- it was 55 degrees!  Any morning that starts in the 50s is to be treasured now- soon it will be sweltering every. single. day. I followed this run with some work on the pull up bar (dead hangs, scapula pull ups, and negatives.) Boy, am I weak. At night… my husband and I went out! Sunday On tap for today- another leg day at the gym, this time focusing on squats (after sleeping in and waffles, of course). My next long run will be Wednesday, and I’ve realized long runs are like childbirth.  When it hurts really bad you’re thinking “never again!” but then you somehow end up with amnesia- now I’m looking forward to it.  I’m obviously insane! Do you celebrate your birthday on multiple days?- I celebrate “birthday week.” Did you see any sunrises this week?