walkers walk… but runners fly

4th of July Race Recap!

Before I begin this recap, I have to say something.  Highland Park, Illinois is the town where I grew up.  I wish I could say I’m shocked and horrified that a shooting could take place there, but sadly the 2018 shooting in Parkland, Florida occurred in the town right next to us.  My son has friends who attended Stoneman Douglas and my coworkers have kids there.  Unless something changes, we’re all eventually going to be saying that it happened in the town next to us, or in our hometown, or directly to us.

The second amendment to our constitution says “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”  Well regulated!  Can we PLEASE do something to regulate guns in this country?

Now, on to the race.

Yesterday my husband and I ran the Weston July 4th Hometown Celebration 5K.  We run this race every year… unless there’s a pandemic, or I’m injured.  Let’s just say I haven’t run it in several years, and I was happy to be back!

The race started at 7:15, and we got there early to pick up our bibs and get warmed up.  I wore my festive shirt, but only before the race- I ran the race in shorts and a sports bra because it was a HOT day.

Not a running shirt.

I ran a mile to warm up, and then I employed a trick which has served me well in the past- I brought along ice in a cooler and put a handful of ice cubes into the front of my bra.  It cooled me down SO MUCH.  My husband obviously didn’t have this option, and he said he was extremely hot waiting for the race to start, while I was comfortable.

They played the national anthem, and I tried to focus on the good things about our country.  It’s getting harder and harder (and this was before the Highland Park shooting, of course.) In spite of everything, we’re incredibly privileged to live in America.  Compared to other parts of the world where people live in unstable and dangerous situations, we have it pretty good.  Really good.

And then the race started!  My goal was to hold a steady 9 minute mile pace throughout.  I don’t want to go on and on about it, but it’s still a little frustrating to me that my current 5K pace is 9 min/mile.  In recent races, I think I just wasn’t accepting that’s where I’m at right now, and I would go out too fast and then completely crumble in the last mile.  For this race I really wanted to be realistic, run the correct pace, and hold that pace till the end.

My first mile felt hard-ish but under control, and my Garmin beeped at 8:57.  Considering how hard it is to hold back at the start of a race, I thought that was an excellent beginning.  The second mile was 8:54.  The third mile was where it truly got hard.  I’ve been working on my mental game for that last mile, and I pushed myself- and my third mile was 9:07.

Now, I’m no math whiz, but it seemed to me that whether or not I averaged a 9 minute/mile pace would all come down to that last .1 mile.  Somewhere in the second mile I had become aware that I was running behind a young girl- maybe eight years old?  Nine?  Ten?  For a while I was determined not to let her get too far ahead, but in the third mile I realized I was gaining on her.  I resolved to pass her in that last tenth of a mile- but as the finish line came into sight, the MEDDLING announcer shouted “You’re almost there!  Sprint to the finish!” She sprinted!  I sprinted!  And she crossed the line just ahead of me.

Happy to be done!

In spite of the fact that I didn’t even know her (and she beat me) I felt incredibly proud of that girl.  She’s just a little kid and she ran a great race!  Such a consistent pace and she even had a kick at the end.  Great job-although I’ll be back next year and you’re going DOWN, Missy!

I figured with that ending sprint to the finish, I was surely under a 9 minute pace… but my official time showed this:

I PROTEST!!!  My Garmin says that I ran 3.15 miles and my average pace was 8:58, so I’m going with that.  That’s how it works, right?  When there’s a discrepancy between your chip time and your Garmin time, you go with the one you like better!  Ha ha.  Let’s just say that overall I was happy with my effort.  And come on… I can’t take myself TOO seriously.  I was battling an eight-year-old to the finish! In the end I can say I honestly had fun, and that’s what really matters.

There was the annual fire hose “shower” at the end, which felt amazing.

Next year I vote they put this at mile 2 of the race!

We didn’t stick around very long afterwards.  Instead of having the finish line food and festivities outside as they usually do, this year they had it all inside the YMCA.  I went in to get a banana, and because I was wet from the shower, the AC was FREEZING COLD.  Good thing I didn’t win an AG award (ha ha) because I wouldn’t have been able to stay to get it.  Just keep everything outside next year!

All in all, we enjoyed this race, as we always do.  Now I’m looking forward to the next one!

Did you race this weekend?

I’m linking this post with Kim and Zenaida for their Tuesday Topics, as well as  Coach Debbie RunsConfessions of a Mother RunnerMile by Mile, and Runs with Pugs for the Runners Roundup.  Thanks, ladies!



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43 Responses

  1. Well, you did manage to be ever-so-close to that 9-minute pace you were shooting for (though I completely understand the wanting/hoping to come in under). I had a guy who was pretty much neck-and-neck with me at my race. It is fun (sometimes) trying to beat such peeps across the finish line, but if they beat me I’m not crushed by it. I just figure they wanted (or “needed”) it more, LOL I was really sorry to hear about the shooting…such a tragic ordeal).

    1. I agree, it is fun to “race” other people. And in the end it doesn’t really matter- it’s not like we’re in the Olympics competing for a medal. It just adds excitement to the race!

  2. Always go by the Garmin, ha! Well done, Jenny! You held that pace very well.
    Amazing how other runners can make us speed up. Your little rabbit-girl did great!
    How did your husband do?

    1. He was a little unhappy with his time, but the heat bothers him much more than it does me. He still had fun though!

  3. Always go by the Garmin! The race bases your pace off of a true 3.12 but we always end up running farther than that. You do hold a consistent pace so that is good. It is pretty darn hot too so don’t beat yourself up. Congrats on a great race and darn that 8 year old 🙂

    1. Yes, it was hot- I should take that into consideration. My pace will automatically speed up when it cools down, but that won’t be till November!

  4. I didn’t hear about the shooting in Highland Park, Illinois until later on in the afternoon. Very sad and I can only imagine how you feel as that is your hometown. This country is in dire need of so many changes, and quickly.

    For the race, I would go by the Garmin time!

  5. Nicely done! I found the whole holiday hard to celebrate with *gestures wildly* the news of the country, so it was nice to hear that someone was out there celebrating and focusing on the good things that we do have here.

    1. Well… that race was the only thing I did to “celebrate.” We did get a nice fireworks show thanks to our neighbors, that we watched through the window. I know it was particularly hard this year, with the most recent developments… but things still could be much worse.

  6. I think you did a fantastic job! Congrats! Too bad you couldn’t beat the kid, but hey, kids are naturally fast (unless you’re me as a kid — or an adult, LOL!).

    I did a vlog on freedom this week. I do talk about my love of my country — with all its many faults. Because if this country hadn’t taken in my grandparents (and that didn’t mean they had it easy, either) I would never have been born. They would have been killed along with the rest of their families.

    1. Yes, I tried to tell myself that the girl was a young Shalane Flanagan (although I’m sure a young Shalane would have kicked my ass even worse.)
      For sure- there are great things about our country. We just need to get our act together in certain areas.

  7. I would look go with what your Garmin said! Great work, especially on a hot, steamy morning!

    But ugh. This country. I vacillate between being grateful I live here – it is a great country with many freedoms that we take for granted. BUT can’t we get our act together on gun control? How sad that you have multiple personal connections to mass shooting locations. I just read about a shooting at a park close to a coworker’s house where my husband often runs one weekdays. There was a shooting there at 11:30 am on a random Tuesday. It’s so defeating.

    1. Yes,it’s really frustrating because I think the majority of Americans are in favor of at least some sort of gun control- and yet we don’t have it and these random shootings continue to happen. WHY?

  8. I also ran a 5k this weekend–it’s my hometown race too! I’m doing a brief recap on next week’s rundown. But I’m happy to share that it was my fastest 5k in a long time–I finished in 27:04!

    So, I don’t know if you know this but Illinois has one of the strictest gun laws in the country. However, the states around us are pretty lax. The shooter yesterday did buy his gun legally in Illinois. I’m so tired of the glorification of guns and he who shall not be named, who has validated a lot of this behavior.

    1. Oooh! I’ll be looking forward to the recap.
      I was just reading that Highland Park actually has outlawed those assault rifles in the town. But if you can buy them legally in surrounding areas, it doesn’t do much good. I mean… why are assault rifles legal in the first place? Is there a legitimate reason to have such a thing? Sigh.

  9. Ooh we need to make it a thing to have fire hose showers at all summer races. That must have felt so good.

    The race that I ran yesterday was a tenth of a mile short so my official race pace looks better than it was. We’re going with Garmin time for this one!

    1. Ha ha… yes, I love those short courses! And a fire hose shower should definitely be a thing all summer.

  10. I was devastated to hear about the shooting and I agree with you. Regulations please.

    Always go by your Garmin, it knows best. Sounds like you really pushed hard and did what you could. It’s so hard to have to race your younger self when you so badly just want to keep getting better. I’m 49 and trying to accept it. Sounds like a fun race.

    1. It was a fun race! I know I can’t race my YOUNGER, younger self- but I do think I could get back to where I was a few years ago. But yes- i have to accept where I am right now, even while wanting to be faster in the future.

  11. Well done! I expect the girl who beat you will pop up in the Olympics sooner or later! Nothing I can add about the shootings. I don’t like much about the UK (esp now) but when we had a mass shooting we toughened up gun laws and have had nothing in the same degree (obviously other stuff, though) since.

    1. Yes, and the same thing has happened in Australia and New Zealand- one mass shooting and they got rid of the guns. For some strange reason, guns are just embedded into American culture. I know the UK is perfect but at least you don’t have to worry about getting shot while watching a parade!

  12. Congrats. You did great.

    I always use the official time but I know I prefer mine usually.

    Those youngsters are hard to beat. Sometimes those older runners too.

    Sounds like a fun race. Nothing better to start off your holiday.

    I ran a 4 miler. I did ok. If only I didn’t walk so often I could be faster. Or maybe not.

    Wish we lived closer so we could do speed drills together.

    1. You know what was weird at this race- we didn’t see a lot of older runners! I mean… older than us, ha ha. Usually there’s a real range, from kids to 80 year olds. This year it definitely skewed to the younger side.
      Yes, if you lived near me we could do speed work together! Maybe you can convince one of your running friends up there to do speed work with you.

  13. Great job, Jenny! Especially in that heat! One thing I will say about Florida is that you Floridians love your air conditioning! Any time I’ve been there – or Texas – in the summer, the air conditioning is always so high that I freeze indoors! It’s a funny feeling, to be wearing warm-weather clothing and then practically need a sweater indoors. Well, funny for a Canadian, I guess. So I can only imagine how cold you must have been after your fire hose!

    1. Yes! I don’t know why the AC is turned up SO HIGH! It can be really uncomfortable. And after getting wet under that shower… forget it. I was much more comfortable outside.

  14. Congratulations, Jenny! It had to be fun going against that young lady! I’ve never done the ice cube hack but I’ll have to remember that!

    I totally know how you feel. I’m from Buffalo, NY and I have friends from high school who lost family members due to the mass shooting hate crime back in May. It hits completely differently when it’s your hometown. It just seems that it will never end and it’s heartbreaking.

    1. Yes- the ice cube hack truly works.
      Yes, I thought about the fact you’re from Buffalo when I was reading your post today. It’s just happening so much, soon every single of of us will be personally affected.

  15. Your shirt is so festive!
    I agree with Nicole – it’s always shocking to me how cold the AC is in the US. I LOVED being at my sister’s home in SC (she’s Canadian) where the AC was kept to a dull roar and I was 100% comfortable in shorts in a T-shirt inside.
    Great work and definitely go with the reading on your Garmin 🙂

    1. Thanks Elizabeth! We definitely keep our AC in the house at a reasonable temperature- but if I go to Starbucks and sit for a while, I wear TWO sweatshirts (and that’s while drinking a hot tea.) It’s a little crazy.

  16. Congrats on your race! Haha, that is too funny that you were battling with that little kid. At least she inspired you to run faster at the end. That hose shower looks amazing and I am sure it felt great after the race.

  17. Congrats on your race! Some of those younger kids are so speedy. But many times they start out fast and then need to walk a mile in, so its awesome that she still had a kick at the end! I would definitely go by your Garmin for your pace!

    1. Yes, most of the kids I see at these races can’t run the whole way without stopping. This girl did awesome! I think she’s a future cross county champ.

  18. I once did a 3k race as part of an event at my kids school. You should have seen how disappointed the adults were at being completely outclassed by those little kids we birthed! Haha! Well done on a super race, yes, go with the Garmin! (And sorry to hear of yet another shooting – it just seems so senseless).

  19. Nice job on the race! These comments about Floridians and AC makes me giggle. I keep the AC at my house at 71 degrees regularly and I looooove it. Give me cold blasting AC or give me death. 😉

    1. Ha ha, 71 is cold! We keep ours at 75 during the day, BUT we turn it down to 68 at night- and I still wish it could be cooler. I think the whole system might explode if I put it down as low as I want it.

  20. Congrats on your race and in my book you met your goal of keeping it at a 9:00 pace – ALWAYS go with the faster time. 😉 When you said, “… you’re going DOWN, Missy!” I totally cracked up!

    I didn’t run in my usual Firecracker 5K this year and it felt odd even though I had a super fun time on my bike ride.

    1. Glad you enjoyed that, Deb- I’m still laughing at myself, being so competitive with a little girl.
      Your bike ride looked amazing! It was a perfect activity for the 4th- you can’t do everything.

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