Hello! Welcome to Day 16 of NaBloPoMo. Please slow down, November- I don’t want you to go by so fast! Before we know it, it will be Thanksgiving… and time for the Turkey Trot! Yay! Between the pandemic and various injuries, I haven’t run a race in two years. I’ll be running the Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving morning, and while I’m excited, I’m also wondering a few things…
1. I’m wondering, what is the meaning of this email?

Why does it say the race is on WEDNESDAY??? We’ve run this race many times, and it’s always on Thanksgiving Day, the way a Turkey Trot is supposed to be! My husband and I did a little sleuthing, and confirmed that yes, the race is on Thanksgiving as always. Not sure why they sent this… maybe just wanted to see if we were paying attention.
2. I’m wondering what my pace will be.
Oh God. It’s going to be painful. Not running the race, but seeing my time. It has the potential to be my slowest 5K ever, possibly only rivaled by the race I ran while pregnant with my son. After a year and a half of dealing with my foot, I just can’t get any speed going. I’m resigned to the fact that I’ll check my ego at the door, and enjoy being out there. Last year I couldn’t run it (because of my foot) and running a slow race won’t be as painful as sitting home was. I’ll just embrace the “trot” part of “Turkey Trot.”
3. I’m wondering what the weather will be like.
Like every runner before a race, I’m wondering about the weather. November is a transitional month for us- it could be cool and beautiful, or it could be warm and humid. Let’s just have a look ahead…

55 degrees would be incredible. I could even run a little faster and salvage a little of my pride. 72 would not be as ideal. All I can do is wait, and hope.
4. I wonder what I’ll wear.
Every year I threaten to wear some sort of Tofurkey hat, or a tofu costume or something. Just to balance out all the Turkey apparel we’ll be seeing. Strangely, they don’t sell such items so I would have to make it myself. The problem is, I’m not that crafty. But can you imagine me running dressed as a big block of tofu? Here’s what a quick google search turned up:

There’s also this:
It’s probably too late to get the shirt in time. Well, if I run in a tofu costume I’ll have an excuse for running slowly, right? Ha ha… we’ll see.
5. I wonder if anyone will be wearing masks.
Florida is so weird. Twice during the pandemic we had the highest number of Covid cases in the country, and now we have the lowest (probably because everyone’s already had it.) People are still arguing over masks, and whether or not there’s really a pandemic (I know.) I don’t expect to see many masks at the race, and that’s okay. We’ll be outside. Our family has been vaccinated, and then I feel like my husband kind of Covid-proofed our house this summer by getting Covid (after he had been vaccinated) and exposing us all to it. I’m not too worried.
Are you running a Turkey Trot?
Do you ever run in a costume?
25 Responses
This sounds so fun. Thanksgiving is over here in Canada, but where I live we have a big set of races mid-fall (right in my hometown). I need to get my butt in gear and participate. There is everything from 5K up to a marathon + fun runs for the kids and the starting line is literally less than 2 km from my house.
I haven’t run a timed race ever (I did a Colour Me 5K once years ago) and I think I’m going to add it to my 2022 goals!
Ooh! Yes, you should run a race! I know I was complaining about being slow, but the truth is you’ll never be last. There are tons of runners at all different paces- most people are just doing it for fun.
I have never run a timed race, but I probably wouldn’t right now because the numbers here are as high as they were at this time last year before the vaccine. I am vaccinated, but so are a bunch of people in my office who are now really sick with Covid. But, I think this really depends on geography and how the spread is in your area of the country.
We’ve been seeing highs in the low- to mid-40s here these days and, I have to admit, it’s been putting me off running outside. I like the 50s, too, but my lungs start to burn when it gets into the 40s. Maybe I’ll see if there’s a day this week when it’s closer to 50 and try to get out for a very slow run.
Yes, the lowest we really get here is 50s. Every once in a while we’ll get down to 40s at night, and then everyone freaks out (I’m sure all Wisconsin-ites would laugh at that!)
Crazy how Covid is hitting all parts of the country differently. And yes- you can still get it if you’ve been vaccinated! As I said, my husband had it post-vax. He was sick for three days but got over it quickly.
Of course I’ll be trotting!! A friend & myself have organized a local trot and this is our 10th year. It’s a free event & we collect food items $ monetary donations for our local food bank. It’s fun!
That sounds amazing- this is an event you organized yourself? Awesome. I can’t wait to hear all about it!
I want to do a TT but I’m still not fully back to running. If I did one, it would be for fun–but I’m too competitive for that, lol! Stay tuned.
Oh yes- I’ve skipped several races for that reason. I knew my foot wasn’t up to it, and that I would get out there and run too fast and hurt it again. I don’t think there’s any danger of me running “too” fast this time- I just can’t get my speed up. Sigh.
I’ll be running a turkey trot, but I signed up for the virtual race (even though the actual trot is in-person again this year). Since our turkey trot is the largest in the nation, I know the startline will be packed and while they require masks at the start, I am not fond of being in a crowd … I’ll probably run the 5k early in the morning by myself.
I hope you have fun. Don’t sweat your time… it’s a turkey trot, it’s not about your pace! 😉
A virtual one definitely counts! Have fun with it. Yes, I’ll just focus on having fun as well-it’s all I can do at this point!
That tofu costume is hilarious! I think you should make one – even if you don’t think you’re crafty, you might surprise yourself! Our whole family used to dress up in turkey and pilgrim outfits for our Thanksgiving morning turkey trot, but this year I’m wearing capris with turkeys on them. Just hope it’s not too warm for capris!
I’m still debating that costume idea! One thing to consider it, if I wear a tofu costume my husband might refuse to be seen with me, ha ha. We’ll see.
Ooh, my mom and I were just talking about doing the Turkey Trot this year! We’ve done it in years past, but since she has been hosting Thanksgiving for the past few years, we haven’t done it. This year, my cousin is hosting so maybe we can! We’d definitely walk it and would be sloooooowwwww, haha. The high is supposed to be 73 on Thanksgiving here, blah. Warmer than I’d like!
You guys should totally do it!!! It would be so fun. All the comments here are reminding me to just get out there and enjoy it- who cares about pace at a turkey trot?!
I am sure it will not be your slowest 5 km.
Enjoy the race.
About the mask, we had to wear it at the start for 500 mt and after the arrival to get the swag.
Oh I don’t know! I think it really might be my slowest. But it can only improve from there, right?
Good luck with your run, I think you should totally dress up as tofu.
Even if it is a slower pace than you would like, you’re still doing it! And that is the fantastic part. When I feel like I “should” be doing something – running at a certain pace – I always think that I GET to do this, I don’t HAVE to do this, and there is nothing to prove. Just running for the sheer enjoyment is key, and I know you’re going to have a blast!
Yes, you’re right. This race is completely optional, so why would I choose to go do it and then beat myself up for not running faster? I’ll definitely just be happy to be out there… not sure about the tofu costume though. I’m still thinking about it!
Yes check your ego at the door. Even if it’s a pw you’ll be faster than half the runners.
I’m running a 10k. Love running on thanksgiving. I can eat more lol.
This year I have a themed beanie and compression calf sleeves. Too hot for that where you live.
Enjoy the race.
That’s true Darlene- a turkey trot is a great place to have a slow race because there will still be a ton of people behind me!
Oh wow that’s a pretty bad typo in the email – yikes! i hope it doesn’t confuse other runners.
Turkey Trots are always so much fun. I hope you have a great race next week!
The closest I come to running in a costume is festive socks & hats. That’s it! And usually only once a year.
I haven’t been sidelined by injury, but just haven’t had as much time to run. I’m sure any race I’d do would be slow — but I’ll be on the road on Thanksgiving (to my mom, of course) so nope, not racing. I only did turkey trots when I hosted Thanksgiving — weird but true. Well, I did do a few friendsgivings in TX, but I wasn’t a runner then so didn’t do a turkey trot then either.
I hope you have a great race with great weather — whatever those things may look like for you.
Thank you Judy! I’m going to try and just enjoy it, and be glad that I’m running at all.
Enjoy your turkey trot. Maybe a quick idea about your possible costume: you could make yourself a shirt. There is transfer paper that you just put in the printer and then iron on to your shirt. You can type something fun up or use a photo or something. I did that this January to honor my word of the year and after many washes it holds up pretty good https://www.instagram.com/p/CKx-6zRMFdy/
I love that shirt! I had forgotten, but I did make a shirt once using the transfer paper. Maybe i can do that again- thanks for the suggestion!