walkers walk… but runners fly

A Peaceful World

A running world is a peaceful world.

–Eliud Kipchoge

Did you know that a large number of Americans actually agree on most issues?  According to a recent Gallup Poll, 79% of Americans believe abortion should be legal.  Three-quarters believe the government should expand its coverage of health care.  And I doubt anyone woke up and said “Gee, I hope the police kill some more black people today!”

Our similarities are greater than our differences.  How did it get to the point where we’re shouting angrily and unfriending people for voting differently then we did?  I blame it on our current political system.  BOTH Democrats AND Republicans are more interested in increasing power in their own parties than passing effective legislation.  And it’s actually in their (once again, both Democrats and Republicans) best interests to keep issues alive rather than doing anything to solve them.  Keeping people riled up increases voter turnout and gives politicians a platform to run on.  I know there are some congressmen and women who are exceptions, but the ones in power are only going to keep this system as is because it works in their favor.  But it doesn’t work for the people they are supposed to represent.

That’s my rant!  I don’t know the solution, but I believe it can be solved if we can elect some younger, more forward-thinking people (hello, Andrew Yang!). I voted for Joe Biden in this election.  But my biggest wish is for a peaceful world, and a running world.

Serenity now!

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