walkers walk… but runners fly

January Joy- Getting Unstuck

‘To miss the joy is to miss all.”

-Robert Louis Stevenson

I have to admit, I got a little “stuck” at the end of December and beginning of January.  It was hard for me to move on after the holidays, knowing that my son would be leaving to go back to school.  After all the excitement, everyday life seemed kind of… blah.

I’m so glad I got past that!  Yes, the holidays are over.  All the decorations are gone, and my son is gone too.  But instead of feeling empty, my life feels full.  Here are a few things bringing me joy right now:

The weather.

I know… you hate me.  It’s cold and gloomy up north .  I know, because I lived in the midwest for a long time.  But hear me out!  In Florida, we really pay our dues for this kind of weather:

From May through October (and sometimes November) our heat index is above 100 every single day.  It’s extremely humid, and the sun is so strong it feels like it’s trying to kill you.  This year, it was very warm through December and I was starting to wonder if we would get any “winter” at all.

Not to worry!  Our weather has been ideal- cool at night, pleasant during the day.  If I can’t be happy in Florida in January, then I might as well give up and move to Canada.  Luckily I’m appreciating our weather very, very much.

Trail running

I finally got out to my trail!  Leading up to the holidays I was so busy, and then while my son was home there was always a reason why I needed (or wanted) to be home.  But on Wednesday I dropped my daughter off at school and headed to the trail.  I had the whole day ahead of me- no reason to hurry back home.

The possibilities seem endless…

As you can see, there’s no shade on this trail… so a cool January day is the perfect day for a trail run.

Books!  Books!  More books!

Ah, I love books so, so much.  Another way in which I was stuck recently was after re-reading all the Harry Potter books, I couldn’t seem to get myself to read another book.  This went on for all of November and part of December.  It was crazy!!!  Finally I read Rosamunde Pilcher’s Winter Solstice and just finished I Let You Go by Clare Mackintosh- what a book.  It’s a page-turner and if you think you know what it’s about, you’re wrong.  Enough said!

While I’m waiting for a couple library holds to come in, I’m reading Living With a Seal by Jesse Itzler.  It’s the story of how Jesse had David Goggins come and live with him for a month to whip him into shape.  And, I ordered and just received this book which I learned about from Nicole:

My cat wants to be in every picture!

In the introduction, Agapi describes the book as “fifty-two light posts guiding you back to yourself- one for every week of the year.” Nicole read a chapter every week for 2021, and I plan to do the same for 2022.  Except I just got the book today, so I’ll read a couple chapters a week until I’m caught up. Thanks, Nicole!

There are all sorts of other little things giving me joy these days- sitting in Starbucks with my tea, pulling the quilt over myself on a chilly morning at 5 am because I still have another hour to sleep, anticipating Friday night takeout (Chipotle has a new vegan chorizo!)…

What are some things giving you joy now?


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Reading and Eating

I’ve started Edge of Eternity and we are now in the 1960s!  It’s amazing to me how much I actually don’t know.  Yes- I did know there was a wall in Berlin.  But if you asked me when it was built, I would have said… right after WWII?  No!  It was built in 1961, after the US and USSR threatened war over the Berlin crisis.  This was going on during the Civil Rights protests in the US.  What an incredibly turbulent time!  Needless to say, I’m loving this book. This is the third book in Ken Follett’s Century Trilogy, and in between books 2 and 3 I quickly read this: This was a reread, as all Agatha Christies are for me.  I found it at the used bookstore, flipped through it and didn’t recognize any of the character’s names.  I took that as a good sign, and decided to risk it.  So many times I start an Agatha Christie (I read them all at least thirty years ago) and remember the ending about halfway through. Not this time!  I KNOW I read this one, but I truly couldn’t remember it.  I even tried out different “ingenious” solutions: “The narrator is the murderer!  The priest isn’t really a priest!  Someone is a long-lost son!”  Nope.  The ending was a complete surprise.  I really enjoyed this reread! Eating wise… I’ve continued to pretend that it’s not hot, muggy, and steamy here, and made chili!  I while ago I made Vegan Cincinnati Chili from this website. I was planning to make that again, but when I went to the website, I noticed he also has a recipe for “Texas Chili” which is called Best Damn Vegan Chili Ever.  Well!  I had to try that. It was very good!  I’m not sure I believe the claims that this chili is “award winning.”.  But to be fair, I did leave out two “optional” ingredients, pickled jalapenos and masa harina.  Mayne next time I’ll put those in and see if it wins any awards. I will say that my husband LOVED it!  We ate it for two dinners, and both times he exclaimed over how much he enjoyed it. Chili: Cincinatti, or Texas style? What are you reading now?

Fall Fun

I had a really nice, fall-ish weekend!  When I say “fall-ish,” I don’t mean I visited a pumpkin patch or went apple picking.  No, we don’t have that in Florida- although, I’m pretty sure it’s too early for those things just about everywhere right now.  But those are things that never happen in Florida, so we have to make our own fall. We may not have cool temperatures and falling leaves, but we do have football and homecoming!  Saturday night was our high school homecoming dance, and my daughter went with two of her friends, looking amazing in her new dress.  I got a lot of GREAT comments on my post about the suit vs. dress dilemma, including one from Julie saying that she wore a tux to her prom!  For this dance, my daughter wore a dress- who knows what will happen in the future. I dropped my daughter and her two friends at the dance, and I loved seeing all the kids dressed up.  I also loved that these three girls didn’t feel like they needed dates- they were happy to be going together.  I was excited that it was my daughter’s first high school dance. I was also excited that after the dance, another mom was picking the girls up and bringing them back to her house for a sleepover.  I knew that my daughter would be in good hands and I knew she would have fun- and my job was done for the night. I got home just in time for the start of the Baylor game.  It was gloomy and rainy outside (a typical South Florida evening in September) and my house was so cozy!  We broke out the fall food and beverages. We tried each of the beers: the Oktoberfest was very good; the Pumpking Ale was okay, and the Howling Gourds was terrible.  The only one we actually finished was the Oktoberfest.  It turns out some things just shouldn’t taste like pumpkin, and beer is one of them.  But it was fun to try them all. I LOVE chips and salsa, but don’t normally eat them.  It’s one of those thing I can’t stop eating once I start, so I usually don’t let myself start.  But I made an exception since they were “fall-themed” (holiday foods don’t really count, right???) and I loved them.  The pepita salsa is delicious, and chips are always good.  Plus they looked like fall leaves! We also had this: It was good.  I mean- it was good for a prepared dinner.  Elaborate cooking wasn’t in my plan for this night, so we definitely enjoyed these “heat and serve” enchiladas. We watched Baylor win, and oh yes- I was wearing my new favorite pajamas. After the game, I stayed up late reading, and finally crawled into bed, knowing that there was no work or school tomorrow, and no one would be needing me for anything.  I could sleep as late as I wanted, and didn’t wake up until 9 am.  It felt AMAZING. After a nice slow start to the morning, Sunday got underway.  I picked up my daughter, did the grocery shopping, and started thinking about plans for the week.  I felt a little melancholy that the weekend was coming to an end.  Sometimes everything just comes together perfectly.  I know there will be more fun times this fall, but it’s possible that I’ll look back and say “Yes, that was the best night of the whole season.” Are you starting to think about fall, or are you still in a summer frame of mind? Pumpkin ale- yay, or nay?

Weekly Rundown- Everything is Awesome!

I don’t want to say this injury is behind me, because that would be tempting fate a little too much.  But let’s just say “Everything is Awesome” from The Lego Movie has been running through my head, and life seems good!  I’m linking up as always with Kim and Deborah for this Weekly Rundown.  Here’s how it all played out… Sunday I walked one mile and ran 3. Everything felt good! Monday I did lower body strength at home, including single leg exercises and squats.  One of the (few) things I’m proud of from my work this summer is the progress I made in the one leg sit-to-stand.  It’s one of the foundation exercises on Sally McRae’s app and also one of the hip stability exercises from Brad Beer’s book.  You start sitting on a chair or bench, and stand up using one leg, then sit back down, stand up again, etc. only on one leg.  When I first started I could only do five reps on each leg- now I can do 36 reps!!!  At least something has improved. I also did Caroline Girvan’s deadbug workout..  I’m really tired of it by now! Tuesday I walked 3 miles… … and then did a different core workout!  I did Caroline Girvan’s Standing Abs Workout, and I liked it.  At least, I liked doing something different. Wednesday Again, I walked one mile and ran 3.  Still feeling good! Thursday I did my single leg exercises, and another core workout.  This one Engie recommended, MadFit Standing Core Workout..  I liked this one too!  Then I had time for 20 minutes of walking. At night we watched the Dolphins game, which was a complete fiasco.  We lost, and our quarterback got ANOTHER CONCUSSION.  The poor guy will be out for… ever?  The rest of the season?  I feel really bad for him, and now our season is a shambles after only the second game. Friday Gym day!  It was a very squat-focused workout, because I skipped deadlifts.  My low back is nagging at me again, and deadlifts sadly make it worse.  After squats and Bulgarian split squats I did some core (abs and low back machines.) At night I planned to go to our high school football game, but it rained so much that the band couldn’t play (so I didn’t go.)  They did manage to play in the rain and our team won!  This was our homecoming, and last year’s homecoming was completely rained out.  September outdoor events just shouldn’t be a thing in South Florida. Saturday This was a big day- I walked one mile and ran 4!!!  I’m getting there! At night we watched the Baylor game.  FINALLY.  A game where it didn’t rain, no one got injured, and we WON!  At least the football week ended on a high note. Sunday Off!  Sleeping in and waffles will be involved (obviously.) So, it was a good week.  Moving forward, I’m going to cautiously try running every other day.  Running every third day was great to get me back from this injury, but I can’t do that forever! How was your week?  Were there any moments where you sang “Everything is Awesome?” Top photo by Stainless Images on Unsplash

Friday Coffee Date!

Hey, it’s Friday!  Pour yourself a beverage in your favorite fall mug (wait- you do have one, right?) and join me. Let’s talk about the weekend!  Tonight is another high school football game, and I will be there.  The last two weeks have been away games, so I’ve missed going.  But you know what that means- it’s time for Homecoming!  My daughter decided to go to the dance with a group of friends, and we started thinking about what she would wear.  But let’s back up for a moment… The high school concert band uniform is tuxes for the boys and long black dresses for girls.  When my daughter was a freshman last year, she said she would prefer to wear a tux. Now, I wasn’t entirely opposed to this, but I just preferred that she wear a dress… like all the other girls?  I told her that whatever she decided to do was fine, but there’s a reason boys usually wear suits and girls usually wear dresses.  Girls are more curvy, so dresses flatter them more.  My daughter is very curvy, and I thought a tux would just make her look kind of big all over. She decided to wear the dress, and I thought she looked lovely!  Then I was telling my friend about how well I handled that situation, and she thought I was VERY WRONG.  Why, she asked, did it matter how she looked?  Why did I make that the most important thing? Er- good question.  When it was time for New Year’s, my daughter wanted to wear a suit to the party.  I agreed immediately, and she actually looked kind of cute (not that it mattered!) Later I asked how she liked wearing the suit, and she said “I loved it.  I felt really confident.”  Okay then. Back to Homecoming!  My daughter said she wanted to wear a suit, and we got to work on her outfit (I was tasked with finding her some new pants, which was surprisingly hard.) Then yesterday she went to the mall to help her friend find a dress, and came home with… a dress, which she is now wearing to Homecoming. You guys, I can’t keep up!  Girls are so hard!!!  Boys are so. much. easier. Anyway, while my daughter is at the dance on Saturday night, my husband and I will be watching the Baylor game!  I have a fun fall-themed dinner planned, with some new things to sample from Trader Joe’s. One last thing- I’ve submitted my request for postponement of jury duty.  Weirdly, the request had to be submitted in writing, and by that I mean I had to write a letter and mail it through the U.S. postal service.  When was the last time you did that? I was so confused.  I couldn’t even really remember how to do it.  When I printed out my letter, my husband looked at it and said “You didn’t leave room for your signature.”  Oh yeah- I totally forgot.  Then I had to find an envelope and a stamp, and take it to the mailbox… I mean, don’t we have more modern methods of communication nowadays?  Anyway, I hope it gets there, and I hope I get my postponement (actually, I’m hoping they forget all about me, but if worst comes to worst I’ll take a postponement.) That’s it for this week! When was the last time you mailed a letter?  I don’t mean a greeting card or postcard, but like an official letter?   Do you think I was wrong to encourage my daughter to wear a dress?  How much does appearance matter? What are your plans for the weekend? Top photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

26 Responses

  1. I’m totally with you on embracing joy each day. While we’ve had a few “cold” days recently (by Florida standards), I’m taking it all in. All of my Midwest friends are shivering under temps that are a good 50F colder (and so will I, in another week #brrrr). Glad to hear you were reunited with your trail 😉

    1. Yes, even on a “Florida-cold” day we’re still warmer than the rest of the country! Glad you’ve been able to enjoy it.

  2. Joy is so important. We get caught up in all the negativity in the news and all the things we cannot do that we lose sight of it.

    For me, being healthy enough to run… outdoors… every day (even in the cold).

    We are not in lockdown. I can don my mask and go inside anywhere (if I choose).

    Books – loving the library!!

    This weekend I am going to NYC and will run a half marathon (cold and hilly but who cares?) and Starbucks on every corner.

    Friends both those I see in real life and those who support me virtually.

    1. Yes, I can tell you know how to enjoy life! You really keep yourself busy with fun activities and friends. Can’t wait to hear about the NYC weekend.

  3. YES you got to have the I Let You Go experience!!!! This is exactly like back when I read The Double Bind and wrote that I had to talk about it but couldn’t say what it was about and you left a comment about not being able to say anything either. Keep us posted on Living with a Seal. I’ve been meaning to listen to the audiobook forever but just haven’t gotten to it yet.

    Florida can have the pleasant weather with my blessing, just send it back up north in a few weeks;-) I have got to get a long weekend somewhere warm on the calendar for next month.

  4. Joy definitely can be a little hard to come by in the heart of Winter (up here). But it’s always there if you look hard enough. It’s sunny today! Ok, it might be too cold for a walk (for me), but just seeing the sun can be a gift up here. We don’t get it too much!

    The longer days definitely give me a lot of joy! Yes, it’s still dark early but every day the sun sticks around a little longer.

    The full moon. It almost always makes it more difficult for me to sleep, but it’s so dang beautiful in the morning (if the clouds don’t obscure it, I’m sure there’s a blog post in there somewhere, LOL!).

    I’m glad you found your joy again, Jenny, and are reading again!

    1. Sounds like you’re finding things that make you happy, even in the dead of winter. I’m sure a sunny day is a rare treat.

  5. You know I’ve been working hard on joyfinding! I’m so glad you’re feeling better after the post Christmas slump; January can be such a tough time of year. And I’m also so glad your weather is nice.
    As much as a loathe winter, I LOVE our summer/fall season here. I just need to start snowbirding and get the best of both worlds? Is 34 too young to be a snowbird? #Dreams

    1. No, it’s not too young at all! Come down!!! In the summer and fall we’ll be reversed- i’ll be complaining about the weather and you’ll be loving it.

  6. Glad to read you are feeling much more positive these days. You sure do have perfect running weather right now so enjoy it while it lasts. I am reading “the maid” kind of a quaint murder mystery who done it.

  7. It’s very cold here, but what brings me joy is that on the coldest days, my dog has to wear a coat outside and she looks SO ADORABLE in it. I just think she’s the cutest and it makes these cold days so much more happy knowing I’ll get to see her strutting her stuff in her coat.

    1. Ha ha, that is hilarious. What about little boots? Or I guess they’re more like slippers- I’ve seen those on dogs so their paws don’t get irritated (I think from the salt they put down, or maybe it’s just to keep them warm?) So cute.

  8. Joy is very important. On these winter days both staying warm at home or going out for a run give me joy.
    And more joy is spending time with my grandsons.
    I have an “intrusive” cat too.

  9. Oh, I am so happy you got that book! I loved it so much and I hope you do too. It’s just so beautiful and full of meaning.

    Your weather is gorgeous! That is prime outdoor weather, in my opinion. Even though it’s cold up here, I think it’s easier to dress for the cold than it is for Florida summers. I mean, you can only take off so many items of clothing!

    1. Ha ha, that’s true… I guess eventually you can put on enough layers to keep warm. I think we all have to decide what we’re willing to sacrifice- for me, as hard as the summers are, I’ll take them over a freezing cold winter.

  10. While you. were stuck a bit by the end of the year and beginning of the new I felt all. was rushed. Hence my absent on dropping in for so long. As you may remember the sunny weather is not my jam but I would love to see Florida one of those days. I will keep in mind that January and probably February would be more my kind of weather.
    Also that books ” I let you go” is on my TBR and your words just pushed it up quite a bit. I am intrigued now and need a page turner. Thank you for putting it back on my radar.

    1. Tobia!!!! My NaBloPoMo friend! Yes- if you ever come to Florida, come in January. It might be bearable for you! I’ve been thinking about you and will visit your blog- it’s been too long.

  11. My son is the grumpiest child in the morning. The only way we get him to focus on putting on his uniform, eating a bite or two of breakfast, and getting into the car – is the promise of Harry Potter on audio! Haha!

  12. One of my favorite sayings is “perspective changes everything”… and so focusing on finding joy in the everyday is such an important tool to change perspective! I am glad you’re finding joy and a way to get “unstuck’ after the holidays.

    1. Yes, I always have a little trouble getting unstuck at the beginning of January- it’s a relief to be past that point!

  13. I am wayyyy behind on blog reading (oof), so I’m just now getting to your post about January joy in FEBRUARY, but yassss to all of this! We really do pay our dues to enjoy some really nice weather January-April. I have so enjoyed this weather!

    What’s bringing me joy right now? The Olympics, another cold front, and my new position at work!

    1. Yes, I do that too- get way behind on blogs and then try to read them all at once. Luckily the weather is still great! And yes to the Olympics- I’m really enjoying it.

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