walkers walk… but runners fly

Halloween 2022… aka “Charlotte’s Big Day.”

Welcome to #NaBloPoMo2022!  Thanks as always to our fearless leader, San.  Check out her page for a list of bloggers participating!

I’m a little sad Halloween is over. I love holidays, and this is my favorite time of year.  I love Thanksgiving and Christmas too, but time slips by so quickly this time of year.  I hate that one holiday is already over.

We have a beautiful black cat, Charlotte, and we always joke that Halloween is her “big day.”  In reality, she has no idea what’s going on and actually probably hates Halloween because of all the knocking at the door.  But we persist!

Look at those big beautiful eyes!

We like to call this one her terrifying Halloween pose:

Ha ha… actually, she was just yawning.

We have a black cat theme going on with our decorations.  As a matter of fact I’m not allowed to buy any more Halloween decorations, unless it involves a black cat- then I can buy whatever I want.

We adopted Charlotte about five years ago.  Her foster mom named her “Selene” but my daughter had a friend with that name which seemed kind of awkward.  So I told the kids they could choose whatever name they wanted…. and my daughter really, REALLY wanted to name her “Beyonce.”

LUCKILY, my son absolutely refused to name our cat Beyonce.  They argued about it for a while but he was adamant, and they eventually agreed on Charlotte.  PHEW.  You know how when you go to the vet, they call you in by your pet’s name?  Every time that happens I imagine them calling out “Beyonce?” and how I would cringe as everyone looked on in amusement.

Nowadays my son is in college and my daughter goes trick-or-treating with friends, and doesn’t want her picture on the internet.  My days of cute costume photos are over!  But here’s a flashback to second grade.  At her school, instead of a “Halloween” party, they had a “Vocabulary Parade,” where everyone picked a vocabulary word and dressed accordingly.

Our love for black cats goes way back…

Time to put away the Halloween decorations and get ready for Thanksgiving!

Do you celebrate Halloween?  Do you decorate your house?

Are you a cat person or a dog person? – We’ve always had cats.


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26 Responses

  1. I can sort of mirror you. Your cat’s official holiday is Halloween and my dog’s official holiday is Easter. She was supposedly born on Easter so that’s when we celebrate her birthday each year. I grew up with cats, so I love both sides.

    My husband is the holiday decorator, but he only put a few things up so in a few days we’ll take them down. Now that Halloween is over, the countdown is on to when the first person in our neighborhood puts up Christmas decorations. For sure it will be this weekend, it’s just a question of if anyone does it sooner.

    1. Yes- I’ll also be checking for Christmas decorations. I agree for sure it will be this weekend! I always wait till after Thanksgiving, but I guarantee mine will go up on Black Friday.

  2. Can I just say, I think Beyonce would have been a fantastic (and hilarious) name for a cat. I’ve got to give your daughter the vote on that one. But I could also imagine the vet calling you in by that name…One of the author’s of Freakonomics has a little dog named Fifi (I think that was it?) and I just thought that was hilarious. Who am I to talk – with our hamster named Meatball – haha.

    I am not a pet person at all; I’m allergic to both and my mother was terrified of dogs when I was growing up. I do think I’d like to have a hypoallergenic dog at some point but right now – two kids seems like enough responsibility for me! My husband would LOVE to have a cat, but I’d be an absolute mess with my allergies, so that will never happen.

    We do minimal decorating for Halloween; I didn’t like the holiday growing up, so I would gladly skip it if my kids didn’t love it. I have fun, but it really doesn’t register on my “holiday” list at all. The carved pumpkins are still on our front step, but I need to start dismantling those today!

    1. Haha… well I definitely would have attracted more attention with a cat named Beyonce. I’m perfectly happy with Charlotte though! I actually like real, human names for pets, but the kids always win out (as you can tell, with out other cat named “Muffin.”)

  3. Charlotte is so gorgeous – she needs to appear on the blog more often!

    We do decorate our house. We put orange and purple rope lights around the four pillars on our front porch, a lighted spiderweb in our big picture window, and orange candles in our upstairs windows. We also have a handful of indoor decorations, including a couple of spooky candles, a Halloween nightlight, and a wall hanging with an owl my sister made for me. But I think it’s pretty minimal. I’ll probably take it all down today.

    I’m really just an animal person. I love cats and dogs and hamsters and lizards and fish and whatever. I was at someone’s house this weekend and they had two slugs and they were (surprisingly, to me) really cool to watch. You know, I just like them all.

    1. I agree, Charlotte is very under-represented here. Our Calico cat gets more blogtime- she’s just more outgoing and ends up being in more photos. I pretty much love all animals as well- I don’t think I’ve ever seen slugs in person. I probably wouldn’t keep them as pets, but I can see how they’d be cool to watch!

  4. OMG, I just imagined the vet calling out ” Beyonce” … as a teenager, I used to work summers at the vet (next door) and I remember that we always knew our patients by their pet’s names… so that would have been hilarious.
    I think Charlotte is much more fitting though… and I love all your black cat paraphernalia. Did you notice the “sign with the black cat (coming from the left)” in my Halloween decoration pictures. I thought it might be Halloween decoration (what with black cats being “bad luck” if they approach you from the left), but turns out that sign is always up in our neighborhood (I guess there are a lot of cats around and drivers should be aware that they might be crossing the street).

    Your daughter is adorable, btw.

  5. I actually think I might be your daughter, because BEYONCE!!! That would have been fabulous. I used to occasionally take Barkley to a doggy day care and it cracked me up when they called the dogs for pickup. “Barkley, Winston, Maggie, Mr Tibbs, and Princess Fluffy, all ready for pickup.” IMAGINE BEYONCE. You could just sashay into the vet’s office, honestly, Jenny, this is a massive missed opportunity.
    That photo of your daughter is too cute!

    1. Ha ha… why do I constantly have the nagging feeling that my daughter has the wrong mother? You would do really well with her.

  6. Beyonce would have been hilarious! I’ve never been a cat person (horrible allergies), and Max is king because he doesn’t shed (or he wouldn’t have become our little prince almost eight years ago). I love the yawning pic of Charlotte…she looks (momentarily) evil, LOL.

  7. Maybe a cat person? I am not sure. I don’t want the responsibility of a cat right now but if some asked me dog or cat, I would pick cat 100%.
    I can relate with the kids not wanting there pictures on the internet. Mine are the same. I am already lucky if I can convince them to take a photo 😉

    1. Yes, my daughter doesn’t really want to be in pictures at all (she’s 13, so…) The good thing about it is she can be the designated photographer!

  8. I only have a little parakeet from my Mom, but I would love a dog. The problem is I would be a bad dog mom- I’m gone too much and the dog would be lonely! Maybe someday I’ll get one but for now, I just name my imaginary ones.

  9. That is so funny. And the halloween both made me laugh. I am not sure if I am either cat or dog person. Definitely not dog. Cats are alright I guess but I wouldn’t want one in my house. But I did pet one this year after many years not touching one. And I actually enjoyed it. So maybe I am a secret cat person. I love the superstition outfit. And amazing how long you carry the black cat theme in your family.

  10. Well you know that I’m trying to work on my decorating game. My husband isn’t fully on board, though. So I will have to do it gradually. I looked at Target on Tuesday and it was a bust in terms of great clearance stuff. But I’ll buy one thing each year and eventually we’ll look more festive. I really want to get a skeleton for the bench by our front door!

    We are cat people although we have a part-time cat now. She used to only go to my MIL’s when we were on vacation but at the start of the pandemic, we took the cat out to my MIL to be her “emotional support animal” and now she spends most of the year there and just visits us occasionally when she has a vet appt or my MIL is out of town. We got Oscar before we had kids and she is so skittish so is not really a ‘kid cat’. The boys love her but she hates the attention. She really only likes Phil to be honest. She likes me more in the winter when I often have a heated blanket on my lap but that’s about the only time she will sit with me. Oh and her name is Oscar because we were assured orange cats are always boys when we got her from a friend’s in-law’s farm. A couple of weeks later, Phil figured out that she was a girl but we decided not to change her name!

    1. Ha ha… my sister had a female cat named “Miles” for a similar reason. And yes- cats aren’t generally fond of toddlers.

  11. Awww, Charlotte! She’s beautiful. I love the name Beyonce for a cat – hahaha. Just imagine! I love seeing all the different pet names on the wall when I go to the vet. Some of them are so hilarious!

    I decorated for Halloween for the first time ever this year! It’s been fun to have pumpkins and such all around my home but I’m itching to get out the Christmas decorations now. Trying to hold off for at least another week or two!

    1. One of my friends just got a kitten and her daughter named him “Big Chunga.” I told her she’ll be sorry when she takes that cat to the vet! I suggested they call him just “Big” for short, but the thing is, he’s tiny right now. Hee hee.

    1. Charlotte has her cuddly moments, but in general she’s kind of aloof so she doesn’t end up on the blog as much as Muffin.

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