walkers walk… but runners fly

Weekly Rundown- The Daily Shakedown

Another week come and gone!  It was a good week- logistically, the most challenging one of the summer because my daughter had to be transported to and from camp every day.  Workout-wise, I had an extra day off (I can’t lie- I kind of enjoyed it) and I started a new mobility program.  But first, thanks as always to Kim and Deborah for hosting!  Let’s get right into it.


6 mile run.  I woke up later than I wanted, so rather than driving to the trail I just ran from my house.  I have a nice 6 mile route- it’s mostly on pavement but there are stretches where I can run on grass too.


Leg day at the gym!  I decided my last post had enough squatting action shots to last a while, so here’s a more normal gym selfie.

Warily contemplating the squat bar…

My warmup for leg day is usually ten minutes on the stair climber, then some bodyweight squats. The workout consisted of squats, deadlifts, Bulgarian split squats, calf raises, and a little bit of upper body- biceps and rows.

I’ve been pairing my early morning gym workouts with a nice trip to Starbucks before work.  This strategy works well!  It gives me a treat to look forward to, and a little break after my workout before starting the work day.


4 mile run, followed by Caroline Girvan’s deadbug ab workout.


This was my day to drive to camp.  The camp started early and was an hour away (sigh) so I opted to take today off from exercise.  But, I did start a new mobility program, Meghan Gould’s Daily Shakedown. 

It’s a 15 minute full body mobility routine, and Meghan says it can be a warmup for your run, but you should do it every day even if you’re not running.


This week there was a heat advisory for South Florida.  When I first heard that I had to laugh a little- oh no!  It’s going to be hot in Florida!  Whatever will we do?  But, there are people without air conditioning (I can’t even imagine) and people who work outside (again- that would be terrible) and the heat index was well into triple digits.

I figured this would be a great day to do speed work outside!  Just kidding- it was a terrible idea.  I’ve been doing my speed work on the treadmill at the gym- the nice, air conditioned gym!- but it just wasn’t feasible on this day.

I got out early, but of course it was still hot and humid.  After a 1.5 mile warm up I ran a mile at 5k pace.  This basically set me up for failure for the rest of the workout.  I was already tired, and my paces were all over the place.  I ran 6 x 400 (although in one of them I had to stop in the middle, so it was 2 x 200, eye roll.)  Overall, this was a workout that kind of fell apart in the middle.  It just wasn’t well-thought out.  Next week, I will be on the treadmill!


Back to the gym!  But first, I did the Daily Shakedown, and then felt that I could cut the stair climber warmup to 5 minutes.  I did squats and deadlifts, and then my son guilted me into doing overhead press as well as benchpress.  I have to agree with him that I don’t do enough upper body.  I either have to spend more time at the gym on the days I go, or go a third day for upper body. Neither option is appealing, somehow.

This was the last day of my daughter’s camp, which meant there was a concert at night (this was a jazz band camp.) Very fun, but it made for a late night.


Day off, other than the Daily Shakedown.  Thanks to the added upper body weights yesterday, now my entire body is sore.  It made going to work very un-fun.  But, one of my coworkers had a terrible migraine and couldn’t even turn her head- and she was there working.  If she could do it, I certainly could!


On tap for today- obviously the Daily Shakedown, and then a run!  It will be a longer run… 8 miles?  Location TBD.

So, it was a good week, in spite of the extra driving and the heat advisory.  The extra day off meant I missed a day of running, and I really did miss it.  After a lighter week I’m ready to ramp it back up a little.

How’s the weather where you are?  Anyone else have a heat advisory?

Do you do mobility work?  If you lift weights, what do you do to warm up before your workout?

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Reading and Eating

I’ve started Edge of Eternity and we are now in the 1960s!  It’s amazing to me how much I actually don’t know.  Yes- I did know there was a wall in Berlin.  But if you asked me when it was built, I would have said… right after WWII?  No!  It was built in 1961, after the US and USSR threatened war over the Berlin crisis.  This was going on during the Civil Rights protests in the US.  What an incredibly turbulent time!  Needless to say, I’m loving this book. This is the third book in Ken Follett’s Century Trilogy, and in between books 2 and 3 I quickly read this: This was a reread, as all Agatha Christies are for me.  I found it at the used bookstore, flipped through it and didn’t recognize any of the character’s names.  I took that as a good sign, and decided to risk it.  So many times I start an Agatha Christie (I read them all at least thirty years ago) and remember the ending about halfway through. Not this time!  I KNOW I read this one, but I truly couldn’t remember it.  I even tried out different “ingenious” solutions: “The narrator is the murderer!  The priest isn’t really a priest!  Someone is a long-lost son!”  Nope.  The ending was a complete surprise.  I really enjoyed this reread! Eating wise… I’ve continued to pretend that it’s not hot, muggy, and steamy here, and made chili!  I while ago I made Vegan Cincinnati Chili from this website. I was planning to make that again, but when I went to the website, I noticed he also has a recipe for “Texas Chili” which is called Best Damn Vegan Chili Ever.  Well!  I had to try that. It was very good!  I’m not sure I believe the claims that this chili is “award winning.”.  But to be fair, I did leave out two “optional” ingredients, pickled jalapenos and masa harina.  Mayne next time I’ll put those in and see if it wins any awards. I will say that my husband LOVED it!  We ate it for two dinners, and both times he exclaimed over how much he enjoyed it. Chili: Cincinatti, or Texas style? What are you reading now?

Fall Fun

I had a really nice, fall-ish weekend!  When I say “fall-ish,” I don’t mean I visited a pumpkin patch or went apple picking.  No, we don’t have that in Florida- although, I’m pretty sure it’s too early for those things just about everywhere right now.  But those are things that never happen in Florida, so we have to make our own fall. We may not have cool temperatures and falling leaves, but we do have football and homecoming!  Saturday night was our high school homecoming dance, and my daughter went with two of her friends, looking amazing in her new dress.  I got a lot of GREAT comments on my post about the suit vs. dress dilemma, including one from Julie saying that she wore a tux to her prom!  For this dance, my daughter wore a dress- who knows what will happen in the future. I dropped my daughter and her two friends at the dance, and I loved seeing all the kids dressed up.  I also loved that these three girls didn’t feel like they needed dates- they were happy to be going together.  I was excited that it was my daughter’s first high school dance. I was also excited that after the dance, another mom was picking the girls up and bringing them back to her house for a sleepover.  I knew that my daughter would be in good hands and I knew she would have fun- and my job was done for the night. I got home just in time for the start of the Baylor game.  It was gloomy and rainy outside (a typical South Florida evening in September) and my house was so cozy!  We broke out the fall food and beverages. We tried each of the beers: the Oktoberfest was very good; the Pumpking Ale was okay, and the Howling Gourds was terrible.  The only one we actually finished was the Oktoberfest.  It turns out some things just shouldn’t taste like pumpkin, and beer is one of them.  But it was fun to try them all. I LOVE chips and salsa, but don’t normally eat them.  It’s one of those thing I can’t stop eating once I start, so I usually don’t let myself start.  But I made an exception since they were “fall-themed” (holiday foods don’t really count, right???) and I loved them.  The pepita salsa is delicious, and chips are always good.  Plus they looked like fall leaves! We also had this: It was good.  I mean- it was good for a prepared dinner.  Elaborate cooking wasn’t in my plan for this night, so we definitely enjoyed these “heat and serve” enchiladas. We watched Baylor win, and oh yes- I was wearing my new favorite pajamas. After the game, I stayed up late reading, and finally crawled into bed, knowing that there was no work or school tomorrow, and no one would be needing me for anything.  I could sleep as late as I wanted, and didn’t wake up until 9 am.  It felt AMAZING. After a nice slow start to the morning, Sunday got underway.  I picked up my daughter, did the grocery shopping, and started thinking about plans for the week.  I felt a little melancholy that the weekend was coming to an end.  Sometimes everything just comes together perfectly.  I know there will be more fun times this fall, but it’s possible that I’ll look back and say “Yes, that was the best night of the whole season.” Are you starting to think about fall, or are you still in a summer frame of mind? Pumpkin ale- yay, or nay?

Weekly Rundown- Everything is Awesome!

I don’t want to say this injury is behind me, because that would be tempting fate a little too much.  But let’s just say “Everything is Awesome” from The Lego Movie has been running through my head, and life seems good!  I’m linking up as always with Kim and Deborah for this Weekly Rundown.  Here’s how it all played out… Sunday I walked one mile and ran 3. Everything felt good! Monday I did lower body strength at home, including single leg exercises and squats.  One of the (few) things I’m proud of from my work this summer is the progress I made in the one leg sit-to-stand.  It’s one of the foundation exercises on Sally McRae’s app and also one of the hip stability exercises from Brad Beer’s book.  You start sitting on a chair or bench, and stand up using one leg, then sit back down, stand up again, etc. only on one leg.  When I first started I could only do five reps on each leg- now I can do 36 reps!!!  At least something has improved. I also did Caroline Girvan’s deadbug workout..  I’m really tired of it by now! Tuesday I walked 3 miles… … and then did a different core workout!  I did Caroline Girvan’s Standing Abs Workout, and I liked it.  At least, I liked doing something different. Wednesday Again, I walked one mile and ran 3.  Still feeling good! Thursday I did my single leg exercises, and another core workout.  This one Engie recommended, MadFit Standing Core Workout..  I liked this one too!  Then I had time for 20 minutes of walking. At night we watched the Dolphins game, which was a complete fiasco.  We lost, and our quarterback got ANOTHER CONCUSSION.  The poor guy will be out for… ever?  The rest of the season?  I feel really bad for him, and now our season is a shambles after only the second game. Friday Gym day!  It was a very squat-focused workout, because I skipped deadlifts.  My low back is nagging at me again, and deadlifts sadly make it worse.  After squats and Bulgarian split squats I did some core (abs and low back machines.) At night I planned to go to our high school football game, but it rained so much that the band couldn’t play (so I didn’t go.)  They did manage to play in the rain and our team won!  This was our homecoming, and last year’s homecoming was completely rained out.  September outdoor events just shouldn’t be a thing in South Florida. Saturday This was a big day- I walked one mile and ran 4!!!  I’m getting there! At night we watched the Baylor game.  FINALLY.  A game where it didn’t rain, no one got injured, and we WON!  At least the football week ended on a high note. Sunday Off!  Sleeping in and waffles will be involved (obviously.) So, it was a good week.  Moving forward, I’m going to cautiously try running every other day.  Running every third day was great to get me back from this injury, but I can’t do that forever! How was your week?  Were there any moments where you sang “Everything is Awesome?” Top photo by Stainless Images on Unsplash

Friday Coffee Date!

Hey, it’s Friday!  Pour yourself a beverage in your favorite fall mug (wait- you do have one, right?) and join me. Let’s talk about the weekend!  Tonight is another high school football game, and I will be there.  The last two weeks have been away games, so I’ve missed going.  But you know what that means- it’s time for Homecoming!  My daughter decided to go to the dance with a group of friends, and we started thinking about what she would wear.  But let’s back up for a moment… The high school concert band uniform is tuxes for the boys and long black dresses for girls.  When my daughter was a freshman last year, she said she would prefer to wear a tux. Now, I wasn’t entirely opposed to this, but I just preferred that she wear a dress… like all the other girls?  I told her that whatever she decided to do was fine, but there’s a reason boys usually wear suits and girls usually wear dresses.  Girls are more curvy, so dresses flatter them more.  My daughter is very curvy, and I thought a tux would just make her look kind of big all over. She decided to wear the dress, and I thought she looked lovely!  Then I was telling my friend about how well I handled that situation, and she thought I was VERY WRONG.  Why, she asked, did it matter how she looked?  Why did I make that the most important thing? Er- good question.  When it was time for New Year’s, my daughter wanted to wear a suit to the party.  I agreed immediately, and she actually looked kind of cute (not that it mattered!) Later I asked how she liked wearing the suit, and she said “I loved it.  I felt really confident.”  Okay then. Back to Homecoming!  My daughter said she wanted to wear a suit, and we got to work on her outfit (I was tasked with finding her some new pants, which was surprisingly hard.) Then yesterday she went to the mall to help her friend find a dress, and came home with… a dress, which she is now wearing to Homecoming. You guys, I can’t keep up!  Girls are so hard!!!  Boys are so. much. easier. Anyway, while my daughter is at the dance on Saturday night, my husband and I will be watching the Baylor game!  I have a fun fall-themed dinner planned, with some new things to sample from Trader Joe’s. One last thing- I’ve submitted my request for postponement of jury duty.  Weirdly, the request had to be submitted in writing, and by that I mean I had to write a letter and mail it through the U.S. postal service.  When was the last time you did that? I was so confused.  I couldn’t even really remember how to do it.  When I printed out my letter, my husband looked at it and said “You didn’t leave room for your signature.”  Oh yeah- I totally forgot.  Then I had to find an envelope and a stamp, and take it to the mailbox… I mean, don’t we have more modern methods of communication nowadays?  Anyway, I hope it gets there, and I hope I get my postponement (actually, I’m hoping they forget all about me, but if worst comes to worst I’ll take a postponement.) That’s it for this week! When was the last time you mailed a letter?  I don’t mean a greeting card or postcard, but like an official letter?   Do you think I was wrong to encourage my daughter to wear a dress?  How much does appearance matter? What are your plans for the weekend? Top photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

41 Responses

  1. I do either a 15 m treadmill walk or Peloton warm up before doing strength. I was doing daily mobility for a long time but have recently slacked. Thanks for the reminder. I do not envy your heat index. I know it’s coming but so far it has not been as miserable as usual this summer. You are a good mom driving one hour each way to camp! Don’t miss those days at all (maybe a little)

    1. Yes, Peloton has some good warmups.
      As you said, I’m sure you’ll get your share of heat! But nice that it’s not miserably warm yet for you.

  2. We haven’t been under a heat advisory, but we have been having air quality alerts. That’s something new and different, but the smoke from the Canadian wildfires has been clogging our air here in the Midwest. Ugh.

    Before CrossFit, there is a group warmup consisting of mobility exercises, and usually I’ll do some of those to loosen up before strength training. I’ve also been doing a lot of shoulder mobility work, stuff on the bar, which helps a lot.

  3. An hour drive to camp? Yikes! We used to be bused to day camp.

    I’m sorry about the failed speedwork in the heat. No, we definitely cooled down quite a bit, which is good for me going to my mom (her apartment is unbearably hot usually).

    Enjoy your long run today!

    1. Thank you Judy! Yes, this is another of those things where I think “I don’t remember my parents driving me an hour to and from camp every day???” Hmm.

  4. I’m going to check out that mobility workout. If I’m not running, my 0.9 mile walk with Scooby is my first warm-up, and then I ease into strength with a core class. If I am running, I start with a core class and some sort of lower body warm-up.

    Yikes on the hour drive to camp. I’m glad it was only one week, and it sounds like you divided up the driving with other parents?

    1. Yes, we divided up the driving with one other family. My husband ended up doing a lot.
      That would work- you don’t really need a warmup for a core class, and by the time you’re done you’re warmed up.

  5. Argh I remember so vividly how my speed work days would inevitably line up with the hottest days. Ironically it was pretty chilly up north this week but we will get ours.

    I’m going to check out the mobility workout – thanks for the tip.

    1. I’ll be interested to know what you think! i forgot to mention one annoying thing- the video is interrupted twice for ads. I’m looking forward to having it memorized and doing it on my own.

  6. What a week. But you did it all.

    My workouts are mild and short.

    Same with my runs.

    As Judy said it cooled down. Too cool for the boat today.

    Enjoy your run. I’m resting from my 5k.

  7. We haven’t had heat advisories but the air quality was horrible for a couple of days. It smelled like a camp fire outside on Wednesday. It was weird to look out the window at work and see Smokey/hazy air. 🙁

    When I strength train, I am usually doing a video which includes some sort of warmup! I am not great at warming up in general. Like I don’t do any sort of warm up before my runs. I am not really doing any sort of running ‘workout’ though. I am just running what I would call ‘junk miles’ in my marathon training days. I feel so pressed for time, though!!

    1. Yes, when my kids were little I didn’t do any run warmup- maybe just a few minutes of walking. But I was also younger then (obviously) so I probably didn’t need a warmup as much.
      The weather seems extra crazy this week- drought, rain every day, smoke, extreme heat… what next???

  8. I’m not sure what mobility work is, but I do a yoga practice every day so I feel like that’s enough to keep me limber. I hope, anyway. It’s very cool here now but we did have unusually warm weather for the past six weeks or so. I loved it but it felt a little nerve-wracking, with all the fires. Now it feels more normal, but I prefer the warmth. Of course, we are nowhere near your temperatures even on our hottest days.

    1. I’m sure your yoga practice is as good or better than mobility drills! I really miss yoga but am still having my wrist issue. Sigh!

  9. I tend to favor upper-body strength work (over the lower-body stuff), so I need to be better disciplined about that. I do so much cycling (and stair-climbing), that I feel like my legs/glutes get worked enough (my excuse, LOL).

    1. I feel like lower body is exactly what I need to help my running, and it’s hard for me to get motivated to do upper body. I know I need it though.

  10. It has been raining most days. The weirdest June weather! It has been 2 weeks of rain most days. It’s good for the forest fire situation but has been a nightmare for a few outdoor projects we had on the go.

    Glad the jazz concert was fun; an hour commute is a long one, though!!

    1. Oh wow- compare that to Engie’s comment, they’re in a drought. Well- it all evens out eventually, I guess.

  11. My warmup before lifting is just a 5-minute Caroline Garvin video. Maybe I should be doing more, but I’m already resentful of the time it takes out of my life to exercise, so it’s the most I’m willing to do!

    It is hot and dry here. We’re still in the midst of a drought, which is terrible, but also means we’ve only mowed TWICE all season, which seems incomprehensible, but the grass can’t grow with no rain!

  12. I think that looks like a great week. Except maybe the speed work in the heat. What temperature do you have over there now? I think doing more upper body training is a good idea. But of course I’m biased, I love strength training generally.
    Here we have glorious summer weather. Sunshine, a small breeze and 20-22 C (about 71 F). I normally prefer a bit warmer but won’t complain, this is great weather for June in Ireland, and while wearing a boot, this is definitely warm enough.
    When I can use all my limbs, my usual warmup before weights would be bodyweight squats or lunges + inchworms or wall slides.
    I’ve started doing almost daily mobility work now with this injury. I do hips, rotator cuffs, additional movements for the back (rotations) and sometimes Caroline Jordan’s chair stretch workout on YouTube. When I sit so much, moving is essential to not get more pains and aches than necessary. And I do ankle mobility movements the physio gave me (and my trainer has recommended similar exercises earlier). I’ll likely continue daily mobility later – my body is liking it.

    1. Yes, daily mobility is feeling good! To answer your question, our actual temperatures were around 95 but with the heat index (humidity figured in) I think we were getting up around 110. Of course that’s in the afternoon- it’s not that hot in the morning when I run.
      i would love 71!!!

  13. I don’t do a warm up before I lift weights, mostly because I’m limited on my time. I go on my lunch hour. I think the stair climber is a great idea though! I did get a chuckle out of the crop top post because my daughter has actually been cropping all of her shirts lately! We got her a sewing machine for Christmas and she’s does a great job of sewing, but it’s just funny everything is cropped! Aren’t the Old Navy/Athleta rewards the best? I’ve got $118 right now, burning a hole in my pocket so to speak. I’m not sure what to get!

    1. Ha ha, I walked around with hundreds of dollars of rewards for a long time because I couldn’t decide what to get! The fact that you can use them at Athleta is amazing, because that store is expensive and I don’t shop there normally. Now I’m spent all my rewards… I may have to activate that credit card again!

  14. A Starbucks treat after gym before work sounds like the perfect incentive to stick to the plan 🙂 It’s been warm here, but no heat advisory yet… (but it will come, I am sure). You’re smart opting for treadmill indoors on these days (and for speed work).

  15. Okay, I’ll admit it, I’m not very good at doing mobility exercises except for when I teach my Friday Balance and stretching class.

    We’ve had some pretty amazing weather so far this summer. I’m sure the heat is coming, but we can’t complain so far.

    I’m sure it feels good to get the toughest week of the summer over with early on.

  16. We’re currently having an official heatwave in some parts of the UK – I mean wow it’s 73 at 7pm here and that is quite warm for us but everyone else will laugh at that! Well done for getting so much done. I’m allowed to add yoga back into my days so assume I’ll manage to make my whole self ache quite soon …

    1. How humid is it? 73 can feel VERY warm if it’s humid too.
      I’m envious about the yoga! My wrist won’t let me do yoga right now and I miss it.

      1. It was 85% the other morning when I ran – and a lower temperature! Its not normally that bad. I’m sorry about the wrists/yoga. I can’t get into any of the positions or shapes really any more – might need to go and consult my old teacher!

  17. that’s a lot of driving for camp! I can see how that could be challenging!
    I do not do well is super heat with humidity. honestly it’s draining just to step outside in that case. and we don’t have a lot of airco so it’s not like we can really stay cool indoors and then make an attempt in the heat!

    The daily shakedown looks interesting! haven’t done mobility work for ages and I was actually doing courses to become a mobility trainer! oops!

    1. The one thing about Florida is, there is AC everywhere. So you really can stay cool until the moment you step outside. It’s still horribly hot out, but we get a break from it inside.

  18. It’s been hot AF, but we also have these awful storms. Usually, it rains for an hour and we can move on, but it’s been constant soaking thunder and lightning storms. It’s depressing and making me so unhappy.

    I think A is going to go to a summer band camp next year. Things were so up in the air with his dad’s health, that we just didn’t do anything this summer. I hope your daughter had a great time.

    1. She did have a great time and next week she’s going to band camp at FSU! That’s not too far from you guys…maybe A could do that next summer. It’s only a week. It would be fun if they were at camp together.

  19. No one really has air con in London, so when its hot, it is HOT. And the tube gets pretty steamy too. But Floridians are ready for it!

    I sent you a message over Instagram, but not sure you check there- I LOVE the dead bug workout and its my new favorite thing and I think it cured my knee/IT band pain. It’s the perfect mix of core and stability, right where I need it! I hope the magic continues, I’m trying to do it at least every other day. Thank you for the recommendation!

    1. I’m THRILLED to hear that!!! No, I’m really bad about getting on instagram so I’m glad you left this comment. Well, you’re inspiring me- I haven’t done that workout once this week, and I definitely need to.

  20. We’re under a heat advisory here in AZ too, it’s supposed to be at least 105 degrees every day for the next week & beyond! The last week of June/first week of July is usually always the hottest here before we finally start getting some much needed rain so I’m hoping that’s on the way.

    I definitely need to be better about doing mobility. I don’t usually do much before runs or lifting but I’ve been trying to do yoga once or twice a week. The Daily Shakedown routine looks interesting though!

  21. So, do you get ready for work at the gym on the days you go to the gym? Or is it gym-home-Starbucks-work? I’m always curious about how people fit workouts (and going to gyms, in particular, given the logistics and time involved) into their days.
    Also, jazz music camp! So much fun. A friend of mine went to a tiny college in Iowa (Luther College) that has renowned summer camps for high schoolers. Their campus is overrun with musical high schoolers in the summer – so much fun. Somehow, though, I suspect your daughter is happier staying in Florida (although it really does get quite warm in Iowa in the summer!).

    1. Yes, I get ready for work at the gym. I have to say that I’ve only been doing this in the summer- once my daughter starts school again I’m not sure how my morning schedule is going to be. I won’t have as much time- I’m still trying to figure it out.
      I think my daughter would be happy to leave Florida in the summer! We might look around for different music camps next year.

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