Greetings from soaking wet South Florida! After no rain at all for three months, we got the whole three months’s worth this week. Of all the times to have a flood watch, this was perfect, because it was the one week of the summer where my daughter had to be driven to and from camp every day. The camp is 40 minutes away, but add in traffic and rain, and it took a solid hour.

Moving right along! If we were having coffee/tea together on this wet and gloomy Friday morning, I would say a big THANK YOU for all the responses to Tuesday’s post, where I asked for indoor activity suggestions for my sister’s visit. I appreciate all the ideas, and I’m also flattered that you guys think we’re such an adventurous family. Ideas ranged from rock climbing to axe throwing.
My sister reads this blog, and before I even had a chance to read all the comments, she was texting me in alarm, assuring me that a nice visit to an art museum would be JUST FINE. I think the way she put it was something like, she envisioned them barricaded in their hotel room, while I pounded on the door, insisting that it was time for rock climbing.
Now I feel kind of lame, but my two favorite ideas were going to a cat cafe or an indie bookstore (thanks, Stephany!!) But when I googled it, it turns out there are none in our area- we would have to drive down to Miami. We’ll see! Maybe I’ll surprise everyone with some kind of epic adventure… OR, maybe not.
Speaking of bookstores, on Wednesday (my day off) after the rainy drive to camp, I went to Barnes and Noble. I’ve mentioned that my house is feeling crowded these days, and it was lovely to have a mini-getaway like this. There’s nothing cozier than a bookstore on a rainy day. I browsed for a long time and then sat in the cafe sipping tea.

I also browsed the cards, and found this one.

The hours at Barnes and Noble were my oxygen (thanks, Elisabeth!) and afterwards I was ready to deal with the rain, the driving, and all the other challenges of life and parenthood.
What would you tell me over coffee? What was your oxygen this week?
20 Responses
That card is so perfect. My nurse yesterday had 15 and 16yo daughters and told me how hard this age is. I was so empathetic because I was also so hard on my mom at those ages. But I just that eventually when they have fully formed brains, they will apologize like I did. I was a great kid that followed the rules but oof I was hard on my poor mom. When I apologized she said she didn’t really remember it as it all becomes a blur (which I can understand since she had 5 kids!!).
My run in Central Park was my oxygen this week! I was able to run on Monday after work and it was such a delight. I was quite slow since I was taking it all in and stopped to take pictures but it was so much fun.
Lisa, I love runs like that- kind of a sightseeing tour, while running. And… I’m glad your mom didn’t remember how hard you were on her! I’m pretty sure I won’t be saying that about Angie, ha ha…
Hahahaha THAT CARD. I just wrote about me at age 13, after my writing partner encouraged me to look at my old yearbooks, and what a ride that was. HELLO ATTITUDE. Ah, 13. It’s hard to be 13.
I am glad you aren’t totally flooded – whew, you got a lot of rain! Hope your daughter has a great time. Happy Friday! It’s been such a weird week for me, I’ve had so many boring and tedious errands, etc., but I have a party to go to tonight, so I’m happy.
Ooh! A party. I hope you had fun. We had fun going to the jazz camp final concert (key word- FINAL. Glad to not make that drive next week!)
There are not enough bookstores in south Florida! Indies, used books, something….there is a need here. B&N is good but not enough.
We got a lot of rain over here on the west coast, too. I’m glad you weren’t in the catastrophic flooding area–maybe that was just Miami?
My oxygen amidst all the clouds was looking at the pretty yarn I bought on my trip last month. Such color on grey days!
Not sure where on the west coast you are, but it seems like there a lot of cool things in the St. Pete area. Yes- we need more bookstores than just Barnes and Noble- although I’m grateful that they’re still open!
Yikes on the flood watch, but maybe you could send some of that rain my way! We haven’t had any rain in months and probably won’t get any until at least July, it’s so hot and dry here and I’m worried about wildfires this summer.
I’m glad you got to spend some time alone at Barnes and Noble to refresh and recharge! My oxygen this week, as always, was getting out on the trails in the morning. It always helps prepare me for the day ahead and is the one time I don’t really have to worry about my work or other responsibilities!
I know- can’t we just spread this rain around? It seems like everyone is either in a drought or being flooded. And- running, ESPECIALLY ON TRAILS- is always oxygen.
The rain! I’ve been hearing about it on the news and it sounds awful. It’s always so bad we don’t get these weather events in moderation. Like California has needed rain but then they got floods. Argh.
My oxygen has been a stretch of days away from home. Can I admit I am NOT READY TO GO BACK. It’s like jumping back in with two feet though, thankfully, my husband is home for another week before he travels again. But it felt amazing and I needed this time and I think once I transition back in – which I know WILL be hard – I’ll find I have better perspective and more energy. That’s the hope!!!’
That card! I have to admit we’re very fortunate to have a lovely teen. She pushes all the normal buttons and can drive me to exhaustion or despair, but she’s a really great “kid” and it is a blessing to get to watch her grow! I’ll get back to you in a few years when we have TWO TEENS. Gah…
I know- it’s hard to go back. I’m glad John will be there, AND at least you get to go back to your ‘lovely” teen! I don’t think you have to worry two much about having two teens- I’m pretty sure Levi will be lovely as well. (Besides…. think boys are easier!)
Your book store trip sounds perfect–I think I’ll treat myself to one if I meet this weekend’s writing deadline. I hope you like the Iris Murdoch! I used to be very into her as she taught at my uni, but now all her books have blended into blur of smart dialogue.
I should find a copy of that card and save it for my kids too, haha.
I read some Iris Murdoch years and years ago, and liked her. I’m looking forward to this one.
I need to do a Barnes and Noble visit sometime soon! That sounds sooo nice. Especially on a rainy day like that. Perfect! This makes me once again kind of miss how I used to have weekdays off. I don’t feel like it would be nearly as relaxing to do that on a busy Saturday. And lol about your sister and the “time for rock climbing!” thing. 😅
Yes- the tradeoff is I have to work Saturday mornings, which I DON’T like (I’m reluctantly getting ready to go to work right now.) But I think it’s worth it. Having a weekday off is really nice!
Ugh, I’ve been thinking about you and all that flooding in South FL. We are getting barely any rain here. This whole week was supposed to be rainy and we got maybe one tiny shower? I guess it’s better than the monsoon you guys were dealing with!
I’m bummed you don’t have any cat cafes or indie bookstores near you! I am so spoiled living in the Tampa Bay area – we have MULTIPLES of each! If you ever come back to Tampa, we’ll have to do a cat cafe date!
OKAY YES WE WILL DO THAT! When I was googling it, i noticed a bunch of cool things in your area. And it’s so crazy that you are getting no rain, while we are deluged. I mean we’re not that far from each other!
Oh, a solo-trip to the bookstore (including coffee) sounds like such an “oxygen” event 🙂 I had seen pictures of all the rain in Florida, that’s insane.
Cozy bookstore outings when it is raining outside are the best. Glad you enjoyed it and even found a book you took home.
I would commiserate with you on the rain. It’s been such a rainy spring and it rained all night Saturday and into Sunday morning. Between road construction and flooded roads, my commute is taking twice as long as it should be. *sigh* It’s been a real struggle for the farmers, too, because it’s been veering from really hot to cool and with the wet conditions, the forecast for the crops is not great this year. I am realizing as I’m typing this that I am a true Midwesterner because I could talk about the weather forever. Your husband has typecast me for a reason, I guess.
That card reminds me of a conversation I had once, reminiscing about teen years. I was getting a massage, and I guess I was talking to the massage therapist, and he told me he remembered his mom asking him something basic like, “what would you like for dinner?” and he felt like screaming, “WHY ARE YOU RUINING MY LIFE???” LOL.
I’m glad you had some bookstore time. Bookstores are the best. We have some nice ones about 1/2 hour from us, and Barnes and Noble is fine when we can’t go that far.