walkers walk… but runners fly

New Year’s Eve and Goals…

We made it through the birthday!  Here’s how the cake came out:

Okay.  I won’t win any decorating awards.  But it tasted good!  Everyone took a piece before I could get photos, so here’s the inside of the cake:

I also had a gift victory- one of the things I got my daughter was a pair of jeans that fits “amazingly.”  AMAZINGLY.  What are the odds of that???  I’ll be savoring this for a while.

Anyway, onward to the new year!  Everyone is setting intentions and goals, and I feel so scattered.  I’m longing for same time to sit and focus on a theme for the year  I did a preliminary reflection on 2024 a couple weeks ago, and decided that the things I wanted to say “no” to but said “yes” anyway, turned out to be highlights of the year.  So my theme could be something like “expand”, as in, expand my horizons.

But I also want to immerse myself more deeply in some of the things I’m doing.  Is there a word that means both “immerse” and “expand?” Well, no, because those words are kind of opposites.  Sigh.  I’m still thinking!

Meanwhile- it looks like both kids and I will be home for New Year’s Eve.  Noemi asked why my husband is working- isn’t he an educator?  Yes, he’s a high school band director, but he’s also a professional trumpet player, which means he always has a gig on New Year’s Eve.

Maybe I can suggest to the kids that we all sit quietly with our journals and set intentions for the New Year.  HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!  Just kidding, obviously.  Right now we’re planning a dinner of vegan pigs in blankets, tempura cauliflower (from Trader Joe’s) and chips. and guac.  In the afternoon we’ll watch the Baylor game, and we’ll watch something else at night, TBD.  Maybe I can slip a little reading in there as well.

Are you setting goals for 2025?

Top photo by Oskars Sylwan on Unsplash

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35 Responses

  1. That cake turned out awesome and the photo was worth waiting for :)!
    My parents used to make a big deal of celebrating NYE with us when we were kids, so I did the same with my kids when they were younger too. But they’re too cool for me now ;).
    My goal for 2025 is to keep doing my best, Jenny. There are areas I want to work on (sleep, health, work)… but also, I know I’m doing the best I can. (I tend to be kind to myself.)

    1. Well, I like that goal! I mean… you can’t ask more from yourself than that. Hmm, this is giving me something to think about.

  2. “Expanding” and “immersing” work well together when they’re tied to a common theme, like fitness.
    I’m a big believer in saying “yes” to opportunities first and figuring out how to make them fit later.
    Like you, I’ve found that those moments when I’m tempted to say “no” often end up being some of the most rewarding!

    1. I know Catrina! I really have to push myself though. Otherwise I would stay home reading on the couch forever.

  3. I love how your inital “no” events became highlights of the year!
    I’m thinking of the word “explore” when I read your reflections around immerse and expand. Explore as in both immersing yourself and trying new things.
    I’m also struggling to find the right word! I sort of know what my main focus is, but it’s more of a concept than one word, while I’d like to bring everything together in one word.

    1. That’s definitely something to think about- explore inward and outward. I’m getting lots of good ideas here!
      Last year I definitely had a concept I couldn’t distill into one word, so I gave up on it and just went with a phrase instead.

  4. I think that cake looks delicious. I’m reading this just before I head out to eat breakfast and I’d definitely enjoy a slice of that with a cup of coffee.

    I’m doing a collection of mantras and fun ideas. No goals, no one word for the year. *shrug*

    It’s what felt right for me this year.

    I LOVE the idea of spending NYE sitting on the couch with a fuzzy blanket, some pens, paper, and time to think, reflect, plan! Sign me up for that. (In reality, we’re hosting friends for supper…)

    1. Ha, yes, I guess you won’t have much time with your fuzzy blanket… on the other hand, this could be a perfect example of saying “yes” and having a memorable experience!

  5. ZOMG THAT CAKE JENNY!!!! I want to eat it immediately.
    Also, I am going to channel my inner Elisabeth and give you a million gold stars, because who can find jeans that fit, let alone jeans that fit AMAZINGLY. This is an incredible feat and I think you’re closing out 2024 with all sorts of confetti just from that one purchase.
    I am not setting goals, other than to finish a good 3rd draft of my book. That feels like enough in the goals department, honestly. I’m not great with NY goals, I tend to be all goal setting in like August or something random like that.
    Happy New Year! xo

    1. Happy New Year Nicole! Yes I guess you’re right- I closed out 2024 in spectacular fashion with those jeans.
      Finishing the 3rd draft of your book sounds like a big enough goal for one year- good luck with it!

  6. Shut the front door! You found jeans that fit amazingly????? That is a Serious Life Achievement.

    A night at home with the kids and a spread of goodies sounds like a lot of fun. As you know, being the social butterflies that we are we’re going out tonight (jk…I can’t remember the last time that we went out on NYE) and we have a family dinner tomorrow.

    Well, my only goal for 2025 really is to follow through on the thing that I’ve been planning for a few years now….QUIT MY STUPID JOB AND START LIVING MY LIFE. I think all of the pieces are in place, I just have to make the leap and actually do it instead of talking about it. Once I have my headspace back, I can see making more specific goals.

  7. That cake looks amazing! As does your NYE menu! I love both words/themes you’re considering for next year and would also find it difficult to choose. I set a chaotic list of random things I’d like to do/try next year which seems to fit this season of life, haha!

  8. Wow, that is high praise from your daughter! Hooray! I am so glad you had a win to offset some of the angst you experienced around Christmas.

    The cake looks amazing!! Yum!!! And your NYE sounds ideal to me. We’ll be home with our kids. We plan to open some champagne after the kids are in bed, or at least after Taco is in bed. Then we will watch a show and go to bed at our regular time. Aren’t we fun? 😉 Then dry January starts the next day which will be good for me after all the wine consumption.

    I had thought of choosing breathe for 2025 but now I might pivot to light. It has several meaning. I want more daylight on my body which means making sure I get walks/runs in despite the weather (well unless it’s subzero – then I am NOT going to be seeking light). I also want to weigh less at the end of 2025 which I hate even typing out because I’m supposed to be all about body positivity but I loathe how I look right now. Long-term steroid use has been horrible for my body composition and I don’t even want to take pictures with my boys right now… which is not good. And then lastly, I want to focus on lightness – like not having such a heavy mood like I have quite a bit in 2024. But it’s hard to figure out how to embody more lightness…

    1. This reminds me of when Gretchen and Elizabeth set there words for the year on the Happier podcast- they always pick words that have multiple meanings, that all somehow work for them. I think “light” is good for you. I’m imagining that getting off the steroids, and having your hand get better will make you lighter in spirit and body. It’s not about looks, but the problem is you’re not comfortable. You had a lot of challenges in 2024- you’re due for a good year!

  9. The cake looks amazing and your NYE dinner sounds like it’ll be really good too!

    My goals for next year are to work on my anxiety and to stop worrying so much about what other people think. I’m hoping to start therapy as I believe it will be helpful for these goals — just gotta find an affordable option or one that’s covered by my insurance. I also am figuring out my running goals, I want to see how my upcoming race goes before I solidify anything for later in the year but I also know I want to take some time off structured training because I’ve been basically in race training mode this whole year and I need a step back. I still plan to run but without the pressure of hitting a certain weekly mileage goal!

    1. Those are good goals- I didn’t know you suffered from anxiety. Not worrying about what other people think is definitely a life goal for all of us- I know it doesn’t help right now, but that gets SO MUCH EASIER as you get older. I do wish I could go back and give that gift to my younger self.

    1. Well, if I could stay injury free and healthy it would be a pretty great year! That’s a good way to simplify things.

  10. I am with you on more sitting in silence and peace to set intentions, I won’t be able to do that until we go back home. I have a lot of travel plans for 2025 as we move to a new continent, personal goals (running related yes, others not so much yet).
    I enjoy reading others’ recap and goal setting though, give me inspirations.

    1. I’ve been getting a ton of inspiration from other people’s goals and intentions! Now I just need the quiet space to do my own, sigh. Once again the day passed by in a whirlwind.

  11. Your cake looks great!

    I don’t really set goals for the new year–but I always like to push myself out of my comfort zone. That’s becoming more of a challenge as I get older. I just don’t want to end up like my parents, sitting on the couch watching TV all the time. Which is what we’ll be doing tonight, lol.

    Happy New Year Jenny! Curious, are your kids vegan outside of your home? I have 2 families in my practice that are vegan, but as the kids have gotten older, they are only vegan at home–when they are with their friends, they want to fit in and eat what they are eating. It’s so hard, isn’t it?

    1. Great question. My daughter is no longer vegan outside of the home, but my son is! He has never wavered in his veganism, no matter how hard it is for him.
      Not trying to be like your parents is a good motivator- I know what you mean.

  12. Nice job on the amazingly fitting jeans!

    We are chilling at home, watching The 6888. We had empanadas, hatch green chili dip and 7 layer mediterranean dip. Mr PugRunner’s birthday is tomorrow, so that will be another celebration. All good things.

  13. Happy New Year! I love your NY plans; they sound right up my alley! I went to bed around 10 last night but woke up around 11:30 because there were SO MANY fireworks going off. From then until maybe 12:30 they were booming! So I lay in bed but definitely heard the celebration. Other than that it was dinner, cards and a movie! Luckily I am in Europe so I can celebrate the NY here and then again with my CA peeps!

    1. Yep- there would be no way to sleep through midnight here either. SO many fireworks. That’s okay- we stayed up just past midnight and then went to bed.

  14. Of course I’m setting goals. Otherwise I’d do nothing except read trash on the couch. I appreciate people who are naturally ambitious and get shit down without outside encouragement, but I am just not that girl. *sigh*

  15. I had to laugh at Engie’s comment because I feel the same way. I have to set goals, otherwise nothing will get done. It’s a big motivator for me!

    I went to a small house party for NYE and it was really nice! We were all fading by, like, 11pm and had to rally to make it to midnight so they’re my kind of people!

    I don’t usually pick a word for the year, but if I did, it would be something like “present” because I really want to focus on being present and not thinking about the future too much. Sometimes I get so worried about what the future COULD look like that I’m not really living in the present moment.

  16. I carved out some time last weekend to ponder goals, even though for a while I was considering not making any. I just have done SO bad the last couple of years at actually completing my goals. Like, I’ll write them, and then just sort of…. ignore them. It’s very weird, because I LOVE the process of setting goals, and I legitimately get excited over it! So I have just been really annoyed with myself. Anyway, ultimately I was unable to resist the temptation to set goals and I set a whole bunch. Hahaha! I’ll hopefully post about them this week yet. I wish I just had had this entire week off of work. I took Monday off 12/30 and feel a little bad because I completely ignored the kids and dove into one of my goals, which is to better organize and declutter and catalog my closet. (Spoiler… it involves a spreadsheet. 😅😅) I felt like I should have “done something fun” with them, but honestly, I think they mostly just wanted to do their own thing (ie play video games with their friends) much of the day, anyway. I’m working Thursday/Friday now and so wish I had a couple more days to just capitalize on the new year energy and get a bunch of stuff done!! wahhhh.

  17. Happy New Year, Jenny! Hope you had a fun NYE with the kids. Ours was very quiet with our two little grandchildren sleeping over. Well, not quiet, but low key. LOL

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