walkers walk… but runners fly

Weekly Rundown- Tampa!!!

Woohoo!  This week was our now-annual trip to Tampa for FMEA (Florida Music Educator’s Association, otherwise known as All-State.) My daughter was playing in the band, my husband attended professional development seminars, and my son and I were along for the ride.  Workouts continued to be minimal- I’ll get back on track next week.  Thanks as always to Kim and Deborah for hosting the Weekly Rundown- let’s get into it!


Since my strength training was sketchy last week, I vowed to do SOMETHING on this day, and I did- my hip stability exercises.  Better than nothing!


4 mile run to start the day.  It was the last day of winter break, so I got to run in the daylight once again, woohoo!


UGH.  School started again, which meant getting up at 5:30.  That was painful.  I did an upper body workout and the Caroline Girvan deadbugs.


12 mile long run!  I ran partially on the road and partially on trails.  Good run!

It was cold though- in the 40s when I started, which accounts for the odd attire.  I wore a hat and gloves, and long sleeve zippered sweatshirt.  I eventually unzipped but kept the hat on for most of the time.

In the afternoon, we left for Tampa!  Glad I got that run in before sitting in the car for four hours.


No workouts!  This was a super busy day, and- it’s a long story, which I went into in my last post, which was a whine-fest- but I had to drive my daughter to and from her rehearsals (in other years it was a short walk from our hotel.)  I did do a lot of walking, so it was a good day.

The Riverwalk- partially under construction after damage from the hurricane.


Again, it was an early day and I had to drive my daughter to her rehearsal.  Since the Riverwalk was not a great option for running, I took it to the hotel gym.

The treadmills were a little too smart for me, and I didn’t have time to figure out how to set them the way I wanted, so I just went by time.  I did ten minutes of walking, 3 mph at a 12% incline, and then ran for 30 minutes at a 1% incline.  Done!


The past two years, there was an FMEA 3K race, but they didn’t have it this year (not sure why.) I decided to run my own 3K on the treadmill!

I figured out how to program it for a 6K workout.  I warmed up for 2K, ran a 3K “race” and then cooled down for the final kilometer.  The only thing is, after all these years I still can’t convert kilometers to miles, so I didn’t know how to set my pace.  I did run the 3K at a “hard for me” pace, and increased it a bit at the end for a final kick.  I thought I would get my stats from my Garmin, but failed to realize I needed to calibrate it for treadmill running.  Technology fail!  Or, me fail.  If I had had more time I could have figured everything out… I did have a good workout though, and finished with a little core work.

My daughter’s concert was at night, and then we drove home.  Oof- very late night.


Back to reality-sigh.  Some sort of strength work must happen today!

How was your week?  

Do you keep up your workout schedule while on vacation?

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37 Responses

  1. Yay for a good running week! With the added bonus of a “running with a hat, gloves, and long sleeves” session.

    Back when I was still running and working for the international company, I remember trying to talk about running to my coworkers and then being thrown when I would say strange things like “I ran 4 miles” and they would say, “how far is that?”. My answer was of course based on standard race distances, “well it’s more than 5k but less than 8k”. And then when we went to the Dominican Republic last year and the treadmills were metric, I couldn’t figure out how to translate 3MPH from the 30/12/3 workout to KPH. Logically I knew that it should be a bit less than 5 KPH, but whatever speed around that that I tried, it felt a little off.

    1. Yes, I just could not do the conversion. I could have looked it up and figured it out, but I really was pressed for time. When I was in elementary school we “learned” the metric system because allegedly the US was going to convert at some point. HA! Apparently I learned nothing, and we never did convert anyway.

  2. Sounds like a very busy week for you! What a shame the riverwalk wasn’t fit for a run–it looks like it would be a pretty place to get it done! It’s been a while since I’ve been to Tampa–the last time was with my oldest son to pick up my youngest from the airport. We went early of course to go to the Cigar City brewery, lol.

    Your trail run looks like it was beautiful!

    1. The Riverwalk is normally a great place to run! And it was just a part of it that was damaged, but that was right where I would have had to start. That’s okay- I’ll be back in Tampa at some point, hopefully next year.

  3. I am terrible at the k to m conversion, too. I can convert the distance but not the pacing. It’s a bridge too far even for this math major. I am glad you got some good workouts in! It depends on where we vacation but I often take time off from working out and try to be active in other ways. I loathe the treadmill so so so so so much so can’t bring myself to run on it!

    My week was pretty good but boy did it feel long to work for 5 days for the first time in several weeks. Paul was thrilled to be back in school though and his behavior was back to normal so that was good. Winter break is just too long for us in our cold climate.

    1. Lisa, I ALWAYS felt like winter break got a little too long! Well- not with my son, but it was very challenging for my daughter. Some kids really do better with routine.
      It makes me feel a little better that even a math whiz has trouble with the metric system!

  4. ooh treadmill race! I always find the treadmill SO SO HARD. so much harder than actual running. even in the heat. I don’t know what’s wrong with me regarding that or if it’s mostly mental but it’s definitely a thing!

    1. I know- I think I probably would have been able to push myself harder in an actual race. But, I do like the treadmill for speed work, and I’m considering doing that once a week over the summer.

  5. What a nice get-away for your family! Why was the riverwalk not suitable for running,? Was it in an unsafe area or was the trail too crowded? Bummer that they didn’t hold the 3K race this year, but kudos to you for doing it anyway! Kilometers to miles doesn’t come naturally to me and I have to look it up every time.

    1. I could have run on the Riverwalk, but the part that was under construction was just kind of unpleasant. That, combined with the lack of time, made the hotel gym more appealing.

  6. I glad you got a nice break from your routine and had some fun in Tampa, Jenny.
    (Also, I’ve been to St. Pete’s, not Tampa. A says it’s the same thing and they’re sister cities, but I think they’re just close together.)
    There’s usually no workout schedule on vacation for me. Hiking or sightseeing usually prevents it from being too sedentary, but it’s not very intentional. So I’m very impressed by your output! Go, Jenny!

    1. Thank you Maya! I don’t know if Tampa and St Pete are considered sister cites- they are very close together though. Maybe one of these years I’ll explore St. Pete- there are some very cool things to do there.

  7. too bad about the Riverwalk… it’s a great place to run.

    12 miles.!!! I struggled to run/walk 9. In the cold and snow. Better than nothing so I’m not beating myself up. My runners here stayed inside all week.

  8. In answer to your question, lol, no. I never keep up with workouts on vacation. I’m on vacation! I always do yoga, though, and I typically get a lot of walking and exploring in. I could not even imagine going to the gym on vacation, that’s a big no thank you from me!
    I was going to say glad you had a good time, but did you have a good time? It kind of sounds like all you did was drive back and forth in which case, oof. Sorry!

    1. I did do a lot of driving, but had a good time anyway. Good thing about the trip coming up in tomorrow’s post!

  9. LOL on the hotel treads being too smart for you — did you like the “scenery” on that run? It’s hard to calibrate a Garmin for the tread even if you try — I think it estimates based on your cadence/arm swing.

    I read your grievance about your trip and agree — that was a lot of unplanned driving!

    I hope your daughter did enjoy it and is proud of herself!

    1. Well, that’s another thing- I didn’t really like the “scenery” because it made me dizzy! And I couldn’t figure out how to turn it off. I mostly just looked above it, at the top of the treadmill. Every once in a while I would glance down though.
      I think my daughter did enjoy it, and is semi-proud. Still smarting a little over second chair though, sigh.

  10. You got in some great workouts and runs despite the busy week! I do try to get some runs in while on vacation (either treadmill or trail/beach…I don’t do road runs anymore haha) because it’s a fun way to explore the area but I don’t stress about getting in a long run or my usual mileage.

    We had our first real cold temps of the season this week — a few days, the low was around freezing so I was definitely bundled up on my morning runs, and it was nice to finally be able to wear my “winter” clothes with daytime highs in the 50s!

    1. That makes sense, because apparently the rest of the country is REALLY cold and/or having a ton of snow. The cold air does trickly down to us, eventually. We don’t get as cold as you do though.

  11. Busy week! I love Tampa, but it’s been a few years since visiting (pre-Covid). I am always confused with the km-miles conversion. I can sometimes (key word: sometimes, LOL) convert the mies if I divide by three, but calculating pace is another ballgame.

  12. I did wonder about the odd attire on that long run 😉 Looks like your running is going well! The inconvenience of having to drive your daughter to the rehearsal sounds super annoying. Driving around in city traffic is stressful to me! Fun that you did a 3K race on your own. Glad you were able to enjoy some family time before school started back up!

  13. I went to the gym Monday – Thursday (I think?) but haven’t been since because MY SISTER ARRIVED FROM SOUTH CAROLINA (along with my niece who is expecting a baby). It was a complete surprise to my kids + my parents and it has been a whirlwind. Lots of fun, but also…a lot of extra hosting hot on the heels of 2.5 weeks over Christmas. So I’m feeling kinda tired and out of routine, but I wouldn’t trade the memories for anything!

    1. I know that feeling. It’s all so worth it, but also exhausting. It will be nice to get back to a normal routine (although I know you’ll be missing them when they leave!)

  14. Very nice! We will be in St. Pete for the IGNITE festival in April, and I’m excited for that!

    I do tend to keep up my workouts on vacation. I get up earlier than everyone else, so getting in a quick walk or run usually isn’t a big interruption to our day.

  15. I forgot to mention in my last comment – (probably because I was venting) that I think it’s amazing that your daughter made 2nd chair. I’m sorry she feels like she ‘lost’ 1st chair. That’s understandable, I guess – but what an honor.

    I do usually still try to workout when we are out of town, but it depends. I do what I can, and I tend to let myself off the hook if it doesn’t amount to a workout similar to the ones I do at home. I usually go for a run, if it is someplace warm enough. Otherwise, I bring my laptop to the hotel’s workout room and I do a workout there based on one of the videos I do when I’m at home.

  16. Your “minimal workout week” is what I would consider a VERY GOOD WEEK. Great job, friend!

    I bring a travel mat when I am on the road and do a lot of hotel room yoga. I’m so cool. (No, no I am not.) I’m usually pretty sore from being in the car for so long, so it is necessary for me to be able to stand up straight.

  17. Looks like a lovely getaway and well done fitting in fitness! London is a mix of miles and kilometer speakers, I am good on distance but pace throws me!

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