walkers walk… but runners fly

Weekly Rundown- It Was Dark…

Oh, hello!  Thanks for stopping by for the Weekly Rundown, hosted as always by Kim and Deborah (thanks, ladies!) Now that my long runs are over 20 miles, I only do them once every ten days, which left room in my week for some good strength workouts.  And, in case you somehow forgot that we moved the clocks ahead, all my dark running photos will remind you.  Let’s get into it!


This was a painful morning, but no need to belabor the point.  I woke up at what FELT LIKE 4 am, and ran 4 miles.

I got up! I did it!


I started the day with a 2 mile walk, and a Caroline Girvan abs workout..  After work, I went to the gym!  I did a leg day focused on dead lifts.  Photo courtesy of my daughter, who worked out with me.

I’m amazed this isn’t a closeup of my butt, or even worse, my neck…


Another dark 4 mile run!  I added a little speed work into this one.

I’m there on the left with my light- and apparently that green light in the sky was a… UFO???


In the morning I did the Caroline Girvan deadbug workout, and then after work it was back to the gym!  This time I focused on squats (taking my chiropractor’s advice of not doing squats and deadlifts on the same day.) Also did the glute push machine, and piriformis exercises.


Another 4 mile run, and that is the moon over my right shoulder!  I thought of Kim– especially because it was her birthday!


Off!  I meant to go for a walk today but… didn’t.  It was a busy day of work and chauffeuring duties.


LONG RUN!  22 miles, and I’ll make up for all the dark runs.  There will be plenty of sunlight and heat for this one.  The forecast is showing a high of 87 degrees.  It probably goes without saying that I will be starting EARLY.

Top photo by Mike Petrucci on Unsplash

How was your week?  Did you like turning the clocks ahead? (hahahahahahaha…)

Did you see the full moon?

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26 Responses

  1. 20 miles every 10 days sounds tough and fun! Do you listen to music or podcast?
     I used to run always during dark to avoid heat and sun. Now in brasilia, I am always running when sun is out which is 6:20 or so which is much better. I especially enjoy the running vibe here in the central park, plenty of runners and running group. Once my portuguese gets better, I may join one of them.

    1. Running in the daylight is always nice! I love that you have such a nice running vibe now. To answer your question- both! I listen to podcasts but the later in the run put on music.

  2. Ugh the time change. Who liked it!! Gah. Everyone was cranky this week and the boys’ behavior wasn’t great at times but the principal reminded us in his weekly email that emotional regulation is challenging after the time change so that was a good reminder.

    I went on lots of walks this week, including 2 that to me to Central Park! On Wednesday we got some bizarre questions/requests so on teams l said to my coworker, is it a full moon? Then sure enough when I got home late from NYC that night I saw it was indeed a full moon.

    I hope your long run is going well! It would be a cold one here. We went from 70 degrees on Friday to a feels like temp of 9 on Saturday afternoon. Ugggggghhhh!!

    1. Ooh, walks in Central Park! And yes- it was a full moon. Work was kind of weird this week for me too- maybe that’s why?
      Eek- 9 degrees. I would have liked it a LITTLE cooler on my run, but 9 is too cold for my think Florida blood.

  3. Well I do really like turning the clocks ahead because I prefer the longer afternoons and evenings. I am sure it’s tough to get up and out to run in the dark. Hope your long run went well today-that’s some warm temps already! Have a great week ahead

    1. Yes, but did you like it when you still had kids at home? It’s hard when you have to get up early! I will admit, grudgingly, that I do like the lighter evenings.

  4. 22 miles!!! You’re probably running while I’m typing this.

    There’s no getting around it, the time change was BRUTAL. I felt wiped out on Mon and Tues.

    I’m lol’ing at your UFO encounter. Best running pic of the year!

    1. I know- when I saw the photo I was like, what the heck??? Anyway… we’ve made it through yet another time change. This week should be an easier one.

    1. Right now I’m doing some whee you lie on your back, turn your leg and foot outward, and lift it a foot or so off the ground… over ad over and over again. My PT (who I saw over the summer for my calf issue) said I should be doing hundreds of them, gulp. I do three sets of 50 on each leg right now.

  5. I was pretty tired this week, and my son was EXHAUSTED. His classes start at 7:30 and so it felt like 6:30, well, you know, I don’t have to spell this out. But since he’s in a trades program it’s pretty much physical labour all day and he was pretty thankful to catch up on sleep on the weekend.

    1. Oof! Yes, its very hard for people who get up early! Hopefully your son will feel more normal this week. Except for the incredibly dark mornings, sigh.

  6. Looks like a good, balanced week! Hope your long run went well! Thinking by now you must be about done…. or probably are already. I think you’re on eastern time?

  7. I’ve always been curious about how you take those photos of yourself running–and I love the blurry ones, actually, because that feels so “real”!

    1. I have various points where I set up my phone and take a video- then I take a screen shot from that. It’s hard on these dark mornings!

  8. I have to say I enjoyed not having to change the clocks, haha! I am missing the later sunrises because now I only see them when I’m driving to the trailhead and not when I’m running, which I could remedy by starting earlier but probably won’t. By the summer our sunrises are at 5 am and I can’t imagine getting up at 4 to be able to see them so I just enjoy them as part of winter running and am mostly fine missing them the rest of the year.

    22 miles in that heat is impressive! I feel like an odd one out in the ultra world as I don’t do many long runs over 18-19 miles in training for a race (I did do a 50K 6 weeks out from my 100K, but most of my other long runs were 14-16 miles) but that’s because I’m so slow on the technical terrain here that my long runs usually take me 4-6 hours and I feel like I’m getting decent time on feet in. And I feel better having my long run not be such a huge percentage of my weekly miles, but I’m always impressed by runners who regularly do 20+ milers in training!

    1. I feel like the odd one out because other than my long runs, my regular runs are pretty short. That’s just what works for me, to keep me injury free (well- for the most part,) But I’m glad you said that because I’ve been freaking out a little- I have three long runs left before my 50 miler and I don’t feel like they’re going to be long enough! Now I feel better though- I’ll just do what I can and have faith that my legs will carry me the whole distance on race day.

  9. As you know, I wake up most days well ahead of my alarm, so the “lost hour” doesn’t really affect me much. Besides, in a couple of weeks, the early morning daylight is pretty much back from where it left off before the time change. As you also know, I DID see the moon on several occasions 😉 Good luck on that 22-miler!

    1. Thank you Kim! I knew you were appreciating that moon. And you’re right- it won’t be long till the morning daylight is back. The first few weeks are rough though.

  10. Oh i hate the time change! It made me so tired all week, and it made my 415 a.m. alarm on Sunday (and Monday) feel like 3 a.m. good luck with all those miles!

  11. I absolutely loathe springing ahead. It’s the worst. We managed, though.

    You got some fabulous moon photos! I love them!

    And look at you with the casual 20+ miles! Rockstar!

    1. Oh, there’s nothing casual about it! There was drama and lots of emoting during my run- but I got it done.

  12. I survived the time change. The babies I sit for were a little challenged in the nap department. One afternoon everyone woke up SO easily. Ugh.

    I was able to run outside a few times last week. I laid on my deck and read my book and enjoyed weather in the 60s and 70s . . . And then it snowed today. Blah.

    I’m glad you took a day off of working out. Those are some seriously long runs.

  13. I hope the 22 miler went well! Big miles! I hope you missed some of the heat. I melted (and gave up!) when it was 59 degrees here. LOL!!! I’m glad to see you are still going to the gym with your daughter. I get what you mean about the pictures – my kids always take the worst “casual” pictures of me on Snapchat.
    Have a great week!

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