walkers walk… but runners fly

A Cry For Help!

HEEEELLLLP!  I need help with my face.  SIGH.

I don’t know if I’ve ever mentioned it here- I know I’ve talked about it in the comment section of other blogs- but I have rosacea.  It first showed up about twelve years ago, and it’s been plaguing me on and off ever since.  About three or four years ago, it got so much better!  I started to think it was gone forever, but then about a year ago it returned, with a vengeance.

I have the extra-special kind of rosacea that’s not just red, but also looks like little pimples (I know- yuck.)  Some days it’s better than others, but I know it’s been really bad lately.  How do I know this?  Because other people have started commenting on it.

One day, a coworker said “What’s wrong with your face?”  Okay- time out.  I don’t think this is something that should ever be said.  Granted- this woman speaks English as a second language, BUT STILL.  It’s a Universal Truth that that question is not acceptable.

Another day, a client asked me if I had just done a chemical peel.  And several other people have asked- in a “tactful” way- what’s going on with my face.

I’ve never been overly concerned with my appearance, but as you can probably imagine, I’ve become a little self conscious.  I’ve experimented with some “home remedies” like turmeric, ice, and antibiotic ointments, all of which seem to work temporarily, but nothing really helps.

I don’t eat dairy, I do eat gluten but try to limit it, I eat very little sugar, and I’ve tried eliminating various other things from my diet, like seed oils, but it doesn’t seem to make a difference.  Of course unhealthy things creep in here and there (hello, Coke Zero).  I think I may be looking at some sort of drastic elimination diet (sob) but I just can’t think about that till after the holidays.

There are some products on Amazon that say they work for rosacea- of course the reviews vary from “this cured my rosacea!” to “this did nothing.”   I’m willing to try, but I also don’t want to waste my money.

Has anyone had rosacea?  What did you do about it?   Tell me there’s hope!

Ending on a positive note- the grad school essays are going well- I think we NAILED the “diversity statement!”  And… I’m off to make the dough for our pie crusts!  Wednesday is “pie day!”

Top photo by Aarón Blanco Tejedor on Unsplash.



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Another FIG-y Friday!

Hooray!  We made it through another week of FIGS!  Just in case anyone doesn’t know about FIGs at this point,

The Shape of My Week

You know how I’ve been grumbling incessantly about feeling down, and the year getting off to a slow start?  Well,

31 Responses

  1. Oh no! So sorry to hear that!
    I have allergies that can be very visible in my face (itchy red skin, and very swollen, blotchy eyes). I look like I’ve been crying for days.
    Like you, I try out eliminating foods: dairy, gluten, nuts, etc. It seems to help, but not completely. It’s so tricky!!
    Also, my mood seems to affect it: if I’m stressed, there’s more blotchiness.
    I’ve been to doctors, but they couldn’t really help. What about your doctors?

    1. I actually haven’t seen a dermatologist in a while- I’m due for a visit. And, I’m sorry to hear about your issue! It’s SO frustrating when you can’t find the cause. Just tell me to stop eating something- nuts, chocolate, whatever, and I’ll do it! But nothing seems to work.

  2. Ugh. I’m so sorry. I have rosacea too. The pimple kind (if you look it up they are referred to as “pustules”! So gross!) I am not quite sure what makes mine flare beyond new products. I have found a very limited amount of things I can now use on my face. On thing that really seems to help me is this tea tree cream that I originally got for my daughter’s ring worm (yes, also gross). I saw it came up on a list of things that might help with rosacea and since I had it I tried it. And it really does help mine. It’s kind of annoying actually because the tea tree smell is STRONG, so I kind of wish it didn’t work that well but it’s definitely the best thing I’ve found so far. I got it straight from their site (https://www.gotucream.com/). I can’t say that it will help you, only that it helped me. Good luck. I’m so sorry. It’s really awful. I used to love my skin and now I hate it. And I have no idea what this started or how long it will last. I hope you find something that works for you!

    1. I’m laughing. Ca we make this any worse? Oh yes, let’s refer to it as “pustules.” Anyway, after writing this post I did order something on amazon that I’m going to try, but if it doesn’t work I’ll try the cream you recommend. Tea tree is good for a lot of things, so even if it doesn’t get rid of my pustules (ARRRRG!) it would be good to have around.

  3. sorry to hear that. I’ve never had that. Lizzy and Sofia had eczema and following doctor’s protocol really helped. I had some acne and with the meds the doctor got me, I’m clean for over a year. So maybe a dermatologist could help?

    1. I think rosacea is tricky to treat, even by a dermatologist. But I am do for a skin check anyway, so I can bring it up. Or, the dermatologist will probably bring it up first when they look at my face.

  4. I’m so sorry about this and especially about people’s comments! That’s a shame and comments like that makes everything worse and makes you even more conscious. I had severe acne when I was younger and in my 20s I saw a dermatologist and was treated with Accutane, which cleaned it up. I had some of it back later in life but at the time I didn’t really have a proper skincare routine because I thought “nothing helps for acne anyway”.
    I was approached (politely) by a lady in my church who worked with skincare, and she helped me get products that would help (which they did). It disappeared almost completely when I moved to Ireland so along with treating my skin properly, I do think it had to do with stress (I was stressed ALL THE TIME when I worked as a nurse) or possibly the very dry Swedish climate.
    Salicylic acid is what seems to do the trick for acne, it’s an antiinflammatory/purifying/antibacterial agent of sorts common in skincare products for acne, could this help for rosacea too since there seems to be some bit of bacterial component to it?

    I also read the tip to write a symtom diary for some time to try to figure out if anything in particular seems to trigger it.

    1. Something anti-inflammatory might help, but I have to be careful because a lot of things can irritate it. I’ll look up salicylic acid and see what I can find out. Thanks for commenting, and also for the story. It’s making me realize- people should NOT comment on your facial issues unless they are trying to help, like the woman you mentioned.

  5. I’m so sorry you’re dealing with this, and I wish people would not comment on other people’s appearance! I have not dealt with rosacea, but when I run, I wear volleyball knee pads to protect my knees from falls on the trails (after getting stitches two years ago, I do NOT want to deal with that again), and as a result, I have weird tan lines on my legs that people always comment on and it gets really annoying!

    I did used to have really bad acne in my teens and early 20s and tried a lot of things, before it just kinda cleared up on its own? But I’d maybe consider seeing a dermatologist if you can because they’d have more insight into your rosacea!

    1. Yes, I can see how it would be annoying. Plus, I can see you explaining over and over again, “Well, I wear knee pads when I run….” it’s not exactly a simple explanation that people might be expecting.

  6. Sarah just mentioned rosacea in her post today!
    I don’t have it myself but my feeling always is to just go to a dermatologist. Just cut right to the chase. Any skin issues I’ve had, or my kids have had, is so easily solved by a dermatologist, and I always wish I had gone sooner. So that’s my advice. It might not be food related at all, Jenny, it could be any number of things so best to see a doctor.
    Also wtf people? I hate when people comment on appearances ESPECIALLY FACES. What the actual fuck, who does that? Imagine going up to someone and asking about their face? Jesus. Like, is that supposed to be helpful? Are they pointing out something you don’t already know? OH THANK YOU I HAD NO IDEA, SO GLAD YOU TOLD ME. I am getting angrier and angrier as I type this. WHAT THE FUCK PEOPLE.

    1. GREAT POINT. Obviously I already know my face looks bad, and now that you’ve mentioned it, it must be even worse than I thought. And I’m hightailing it over to Sarah’s post right now!

  7. Oh no! I am so sorry to hear this. Problem can be so terribly rude. I had horrible acne in my 20s. It was so terrible and so embarrassing. I remember telling a coworker I wanted to walk around with a bag on my head. I tried so many things, even these bizarre dry ice treatments at the dermatologist. Removing dairy helped in my 20s but then stopped seeming to help. Now it is much better and not wearing make up seems to make the biggest difference!! But I am no help on rosacea since I haven’t had that issue. I hope others have a good suggestion!!

  8. I have the same kind of rosacea that you do, although mine shows up in BIG zits rather than little ones, ugh. After trying elimination diets and changing up my skincare and smearing prescription goop on my face, the only thing I’ve found that helps is prescription face wash with a sulphur element to it. It doesn’t prevent the breakouts entirely — anytime I sweat, I get zits, and of course I prefer to exercise daily so that’s a lot — but it definitely helps. I’m so sorry you are going through this, too!

    1. Yes, I remember you talking about that! I just ordered something from amazon that contains sulphur, and some people in the comments said it really helps. It’s probably not as strong as your prescription wash though (but does yours smell like sulphur???)

  9. Oh my goodness – how RUDE. This is awful, Jenny. I’m so sorry you had to hear that.

    Unfortunately, I have zero advice because I use coconut oil on my face and I suspect that wouldn’t make things better for you 🙁 I hope in the comment section you get some great advice.

    Wishing you speedy healing and clear skies and skin ahead <3

    1. Thank you Elisabeth! When I was in my “good” phase (ah, how I miss those days) I used coconut on my face and it looks amazing. It probably woudln’t be so great now.

  10. I can’t believe people would be that blunt/rude to your face. (no pun intended!) I am sorry but I cannot help either. My brother has some issues with getting skin irritations and he has seen doctor after doctor and they are now saying that it could be something to do with his histamine levels… However, they still have not told him what he can do to fix it. It is so hard and doctors are kind of a pain. I hope that you figure something out soon!

    1. Ha ha… yes, people were literally rude to my face. Your comment is reminding me why I haven’t rushed off to the dermatologist- these things can be really hard to treat, even with a doctor. Sigh.

  11. People are just the worst, Jenny – how awful that someone said that to you! What is wild is that I spent all night researching rosacea products for Lil Momma because we are pretty sure she has it on her face but she is refusing to go back to the doctor’s for a bit after a flurry of appointments (which we’ll allow as her flare up does seem mild at this time). We are trying to cut out what little dairy she has and are going to try out some new face products for her but I’ll be so interested in hearing how the over the counter sulphur works for you for when she grows up a bit.

    1. Poor Lil Momma! I do just have to mention- rosacea usually plagues middle-aged women, so are you sure that’s what she has? Hers could be an allergy or something. On the other hand, you sound like you’ve done your research. Anyway, i’ll definitely share whatever I learn.

      1. I’ve been messaging with her pcp, haha, and learned so much. There is a thing called pediatric rosacea that can look similar to what she has going on. It’s been a few months, though, so we don’t know if it’s her new love of tween skincare, genetic, stress, etc. I ordered super gentle products, so hopefully they help and, if they don’t, I have an appointment for her over winter break (that I’m not telling her about yet haha, the anticipation drama gets real over here).

  12. Well, I thought you looked fine when I saw you last Feb…

    I have two friends who suffer from this but they get some sort of treatments for it monthly from an esthetician – here’s an article about it – https://www.halecosmeceuticals.com/blog/the-role-of-estheticians-in-treating-rosacea

    I have dark circler/bags under my eyes… people comment say that I look tired or ask if I sleep enough… I want to say: That’s my face and all those creams don’t work. I don’t plan on plastic surgery…

    1. Thank you Darlene- I must have been having a good day! I’ll read that article, it sounds interesting but I have the weird feeling it’s expensive. And btw- my daughter is only 15 and she has dark (ish) circles under her eyes. Honestly, I don’t see it- but she says people ask her if she’s tired and she’s self conscious about it! So, the lesson to be learned is- DO NOT COMMENT ON PEOPLE’S APPEARANCE. Unless you’re giving them a lovely compliment.

  13. A dermatologist might be the best course of action if it’s severe, Jenny…
    But WTF–how is that person at work making such personal remarks?!? What is on with people who talk about people’s skin?!? I would be so upset.
    FWIW, I cannot see ANYTHING in your photos–and you take a lot and you’re not wearing ANY makeup in them… So hopefully, it may seem like a severe, hypervisible thing to you, but isn’t, maybe?

  14. Oh bother. What a pain in the neck, or in this case – in the face. Coach has rosacea, but it is really well managed. He sees a dermatologist for it and either takes something orally or uses a cream. I’m not sure. Sarah just posted about her rosacea today. Good luck.

  15. I would recommend seeing a dermatologist rather than making further eliminations to your diet. Sometimes these things need some prescription help – it’s not ALWAYS about diet, you know? You already eat SO CLEAN and having a Coke Zero every now and then isn’t going to make a condition worse.

    I’m sorry you’re getting negative comments, though. 🙁 That’s so unhelpful!

  16. I am so sorry Jenny. I feel like some people have no feel for what is appropriate and what isn’t. My boss is a really nice person but sometimes he will make comments about my (or other’s) appearance that are just out of line. I hope you will find something that helps!

  17. Jenny, as others have said, I don’ t understand people. The cardinal rule of being human dictates that you never, ever comment on anyone’s appearance. I’m so sorry. I also hope you’ve gotten a derm appointment…sometimes a SKIN detox is needed to help figure out what works. I hope you find something that works for you. Take care – and ignore the weirdos who never got the memo about being human. Sheesh.

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