Welcome to Runners Fly! I’m a runner, massage therapist, vegan, wife, and mom living in South Florida. I’ve been running since high school and at the age of 54, I’m still trying to figure it all out! In spite of all the ups and downs, trials and tribulations, I still believe I have some PRs ahead of me.
What’s up with “walkers walk, but runners fly” anyway? I have nothing against walkers! I actually love walking. I’m referring to the difference between running and walking- when we run, both feet are off the ground at the same time in the middle of the gait cycle. This part of the cycle is called the “double float.” So… we fly!
I started this blog to share all sorts of information about running, BUT I AM NOT A DOCTOR. I’ll refer to coaches, physical therapists and other experts who I respect very much, but nothing on this blog should be taken as a substitution for medical advice. I’m just a regular person trying to figure it all out, so please consult your doctor if you have any issues or concerns.