My son is about to start his junior year at Baylor University, located in Waco, Texas. We visited the school in the summer of 2021, and then I’ve gone with him each year (freshman, sophomore, and now junior) to help him settle in. So, this was my fourth trip to Waco!
It’s… an odd town. I have a couple friends who attended Baylor (back in the 1980s) and they loved the school- everyone loves Baylor- but said you didn’t leave campus. The town of Waco was very rundown and well, kind of a slum. But…
Chip and Joanna Gaines to the rescue! Baylor graduates themselves, they have single-handedly taken it upon themselves to gentrify the town. Their “Fixer Upper” TV show gave people something to talk about other than the Branch Davidian fiasco, and in addition to fixing up houses, they built The Silos, or rather, they built a complex of stores and restaurants around two existing silos in the heart of downtown.
(By the way- not everyone is on board with this. I got an earful last year from my Uber driver, who told a funny story about Joanna throwing a diva fit at the DMV- hee hee! Some people, it seems, liked Waco the way it was.)
Right now Waco is a weird study in contrasts. Part of the town is still very old and shabby, part of it is old and charming, and part of it is new and shiny. To be honest, it’s not a place I ever would have wanted to visit, but since my son is planted there, I’ve made it a point to get to know the area. Like most places, there are interesting things to do if you just try.

Last year I went for an epic trail run, but this year I wanted to run along the river. The river path starts in a park, and you can run (or walk) several miles on either side.
*SIDE NOTE: I’ve already mentioned that it was extremely hot while I was there- so I’m just going to say, everything I did would have been ESPECIALLY LOVELY if it had been 30-40 degrees cooler. There’s no need to belabor the point, so now I’ll stop talking about the intense heat. It was what it was.*
There’s a zoo in the park where the trail starts, and I assume that’s why there are statues of animals all along the path at that end. This one was my favorite:
At the far end of the trail, you come to the Baylor campus.
Why is running over bridges so fun? I crossed the river four times, each time on a different bridge.
In the afternoon, I went out for Part 2 of my Waco adventure. I had read that Parisian street artist Blek le Rat painted a series of murals on different buildings in downtown Waco, so I went on a mural hunt.
These were painted on the walls of various businesses (one of them was on the side of the Waco Running company, a store I was very happy to discover on my visit last year) and after I found a few of them I thought, “Wait a minute! Are these murals?” Not to sound like a philistine, but aren’t murals supposed to be large and colorful?

No worries, because it turns out Waco is a city of murals! While I was looking for Blek le Rat’s “murals”, I kept seeing all sorts of things like this:
Waconians really like to paint on their buildings!
While I was looking for a mural called “1,000 Hopes for Waco” (which, to my disappointment, I never did find because I had the wrong address) I saw this one:
It was hard to get a good photo, but far on the right side it shows the Waco Running Company! I’m still bummed I didn’t find “1,000 Hopes for Waco” (next time!) but I had fun on my search, and was surprised to find murals everywhere.
I did stop in at The Silos, mainly to use the bathroom and take advantage of the AC for a few minutes. It was fun browsing in the shops, but things are VERY pricey. At one point I picked up a nice-looking notebook- I like notebooks!- and thought about getting it, until I saw the price tag- $42. No, thanks.
In addition to the stores, there’s food at the Silos, including The Silos Baking Company. I didn’t go in because I’m pretty sure they don’t sell vegan baked goods. It smelled good, though!
The next day, as I was taking the bus out of town (I had to take a Greyhound to the Dallas airport) I was surprised that I knew the streets so well. “Oh, there’s the Waco Running Company, with Blek le Rat’s painting on the side! That means if I look down this street I’ll see the Silos. Now we’re crossing the river, so McLane Stadium will be coming up on my right…”
I’m always sad to leave my son, and I was sad to leave this odd little town as well.
Have you ever been to Waco? Ever watched Fixer Upper?
Have you ever gone on vacation to an odd location?
34 Responses
Thanks for taking us through Waco! (how is it pronounced? “Way-co”, “Way-go or “Wacko”?)
I love weird places like that. I have the feeling that in 20 years’ time, this town will be very different: fully modernized and gentrified and everyone will long for the days when it used to be so quirky.
Blek le Rat’s murals are fabulous! Remind me very much of Banksy’s artwork.
I agree- give it 20 years and the town will be all new and shiny. I’m glad I got to see it now!
I’m laughing a little at “Wacko”- no, it’s pronounced “Way-co.” But I’ll be thinking “Wacko” in my head.
I think I’ve watched Fixer Upper once, maybe, so I tend to associate Waco with Branch Davidian, unfortunately. But it looks like a neat little town! I especially like the elephant on the bench. The only place I’ve been to in Texas is Houston, so I have a skewed version of what Texas is like!
I’ve only driven through Houston, never stopped, but my impression is that of all the big cities in Texas, Houston is the most boring. But I don’t really know- there are probably fun things to do there, just like most places. Dallas looked really nice, what I could see of it going to and from the bus station.
Next year’s trip goal: find 1,000 hopes for Waco.
Like Nicole said, I first heard of Waco c/o the Branch Davidians, but Chip and Joanna really reframed it. It’s definitely a mixed bag – yay for revitalizing the town/boo to $42 notebooks. Didn’t they start the Waco marathon?
Anyway, this sounds like a fun trip and I love the bridges.
I had to look it up, but yes- they did start the “Silo District Marathon.” Hmm, that might be fun!
I loved this tour of Waco through your eyes! Sounds like a pretty fun city! The murals are awesome, and I love that you found so many more than you were looking for.
It is fun, and I’m sure there are plenty of things I haven’t done yet.
I have never been to Waco and I know nothing about it, minus just hearing the name on the news years back when that horrible cult tragedy thing happened (which I also am pretty fuzzy on the details, but I remember it involved a religious cult and a huge deadly fire and that a lot of people died. I think I was fairly young when that happened.)
Reading about both you and Nicole sending kids off to college makes me so sad!! I feel like we are getting so close to that point already; E starts high school on Monday, and I am terrified I am going to blink and he will be graduating!! I know it’s all part of the process, etc… but still…. SAD!! I was just talking with my husband last night about how when covid started E was only in the spring of 5th grade. He was so young and little! And these last few years were such a blur in so many ways, and now he is driving and starting high school and it’s like, wait, what?! Where is my little guy?!
I’m glad you had a fun trip and best wishes to your son for another amazing school year!!
You are right on a couple counts- yes, the Branch Davidian cult tragedy involved a fire and lots of people dying, in 1993. AND, I hate to say it but the high school years go so fast! My daughter is also a HS freshman this year, and after that it will be an empty next for me. Slow down, time!
I love some nice murals! My favourites here are the fiddler and the colourful one with the cyclist.
Couldn’t agree more about bridges! There’s something special about them for sure.
I also only knew about Waco because of the Davidians. That’s really sad and I hope the city can get famous for something else..
Here in my little town there are statues of animals all over the place as part of a project 10-15 years ago to help save endangered animals. I should go out on a photo spree later when I can walk properly!
You’re such a good spokesperson for Waco. I really just assumed it was sort of a dusty backwater and that the remodels from the Fixer Upper people were terrible quality and fell apart ten minutes after they turned off the cameras. It’s good to know I’m wrong.
So, I had a discussion with my husband just now about the word mural. He and I both agreed that we think it should be big, but the officially definition is just “a piece of art executed directly on a wall” without any size limitations, so I guess all of us are wrong. (This came up with the word “gala” recently. The place where I volunteer is hosting what they’re calling a “gala” and I sort of cringe from that because it makes it sound like it’s fancy, but it’s really going to be a spaghetti dinner with dancing. However, the literal definition of gala says nothing about it being fancy, just being special, so I lost that one.)
Okay, we’re both wrong on both counts. I also would have though “gala” was a big fancy party. Hmm, I’m going to start using that word more often.
Ha, I’m pretty sure if the Fixer Upper houses were crumbling to pieces I would have heard about it!
I’ll admit I really only knew about Waco because of the tragedy with the Branch Dividian ordeal…and had never heard of Baylor before your blog (but I’m Canadian, so that seems fair?!). I also had no idea that’s where the Gaines’ lived and worked.
I agree that murals are big and colourful; the smaller black and white street art looks more like Banksy-style work (which I happen to love and I’ve seen a few genuine Banksy’s!) which I see more as graffiti art (while I know some people have a big issue with graffiti, some of it is incredible and for the most part I’m a pretty big fan)?
Okay, that makes sense! It wasn’t that I didn’t like those paintings, I just needed it to be called something different.
Living in Canada, it’s not surprising that you’re not an expert on Waco. I’m sure a lot of people in the US have never heard of Baylor, although their sports teams have been doing really well lately- that makes them more “famous.”
Thanks for taking us on a tour of Waco! I have never been to Waco, or Texas, for that matter, but I do enjoy watching Fixer Upper.
Fixer Upper is fun, and sometimes they’ll show the Baylor campus. We always get excited when that happens!
Love this– forgot all about the branch davidians because that’s how much I love home makeover shows.
Oh good! I’m sure the people who live in Waco would prefer that people forget about the Branch Davidians.
I have not been there or watched the show. It is nice that some of the locals are trying to spiff it up a bit. I always enjoy exploring college towns and seeing how much they change over the time our kids are there. Thanks for the mini tour!
Yes, it’s fun to get to know these towns our kids call “home.”
Those black and white murals are so cool! I have never been to Texas (I haven’t been west of Chicago – YET!), but I feel like I know Waco from Fixer Upper being my mom’s favorite show which I know is a somewhat divisive view into a place that obviously has so much to offer and see, especially from your great pics and running tour!
Tell your mom that she should visit Waco- I have a friend who LOVES Fixer Upper, and she went to Waco and stayed in an AirBnB that was a Fixer Upper house! And- yes. When I look back on those black and white murals, they do look really cool.
You certainly got to see some interesting sights. I do love wall art. Thanks for sharing.
We have some in the city of Albany but it’s unfortunately not walker friendly like NYC.
Have been to San Antonio (before I was a runner) but never to Waco or watched Fixer Upper.
Yes, I want to go to San Antonio! My son was there last year for a music convention and he really liked it.
I am glad you found some good things to do while you were there. Crossing bridges is fun. From all my work and fun travels I have noted that the best cities to run in have water in them – a lake, a river, the ocean, etc. they tend to have great running paths! That is the case for Minneapolis as we have tons of lakefront running paths and a nice path along the river.
I have only driven through by Waco when driving from Austin to Dallas – I’ve never actually stopped. There is a well known book store there that I would like to visit if I had time to stop. It’s called Fabled. Check it out next time you are there. One of the owners, Elizabeth Barnhill, is well known in the podcast and social media communities for her excellent taste in books!!
WHAT??? There’s a bookstore I don’t know about? How did I miss that? Well, it’s something for me to do next time.
I agree, water really makes a difference. The fact that Waco is on a river makes it much nicer than it would be otherwise.
I’ve never been to Waco but I visited San Antonio once and loved it! I’m glad that you found some cool stuff to do while you were down there.
There are a few other cities in Texas I want to visit eventually.
I’ve never been to San Antonio, but that’s a city I want to see. Also, Dallas looked really nice- from what I could see out the window of my Uber, on the way from the bus station to the airport.
I have not been to Waco, so thanks for taking us along.
The elephant statue is so cool…. and I love murals, we have so many here in Sacramento (and I have yet to go on a little tour around town to see them all).
What a fun perspective! I have not been to Waco. Really, I’ve only been to Texas a few times for work.
Coincidentally, last weekend I listened to an episode of How I Built This with the Gaines. If you haven’t heard it, you might check it out.
Oh, that does sound interesting! I’ll check it out.
I’m still laughing at Wacko as a potential pronunciation. 🙂 It might be perfectly appropriate, at least at times!
I just read a long article on the Branch Davidians and what happened, etc. It’s a clear memory for me but not one that comes to mind frequently, unless, of course, someone mentions Waco. I think I knew about the Gaineses (?) but since I don’t really watch home improvement (right?) shows, I’m kind of clueless. Obviously. 😉
Yes, I had heard “Wacko” before and it always makes me laugh. Apparently you can go to a memorial at the Branch Davidian complex, but I’ve never done that. What a weird and tragic event.