walkers walk… but runners fly

And Furthermore…

In yesterday’s post I talked about my decision to sign up for a 50K trail race at the end of April (GULP!) But I have ANOTHER fitness goal to share as well.

I’ve mentioned that I’m, slowly but surely, working my way through Caroline Girvan’s Iron Series on YouTube.  I’ve completed 20 of the 30 workouts, and I’ll definitely finish it.  But today I stopped in at an old haunt…

Yes, the gym!  The gym I’ve been a member of for years but haven’t gone since before Covid.  I didn’t go there to work out, but rather to make sure that location was still open and that I am, actually, still a member.

They were able to confirm that I’m still a member, and told me I haven’t been there for 1,070 days.  AAAAACK!  I really don’t think that needed to be pointed out.  It’s not that I’m upset about not going to the gym for so long- I mean, I HAVE been exercising- but I’m upset that I’ve been PAYING for the gym all this time.

How did this happen?  Well, for one thing, YouFit is cheap.  I used to pay $10 a month but sometime in the last 1,070 days it’s gone up to $12.  That didn’t seem like too much to pay… and I kept thinking I might go back any day… AND you actually have to go there to cancel- it’s not like you can do it over the phone or online.  Basically, I’m their dream client- someone who pays but never goes.

Well, no more.  Next week when my son is home, he and I are going to the gym together.  I actually had to upgrade to a more expensive membership to be able to bring a guest.  I can just imagine them thinking “Wow, this woman is really optimistic- she hasn’t been here in over 1000 days, and she just came in to UPGRADE HER MEMBERSHIP.”

My son has been working out at school, so I “innocently” asked him if he’d like to go to the gym a couple times while he’s home, and he said yes.

MUAHAHAHAHA!  Little does he know I have ulterior motives.

After all this time, it’s so hard for me to go back to the gym.  I feel insecure about it, like I don’t belong there anymore (although God knows if anyone deserves to be there, it’s me, after all the money I’ve paid them.)  And the truth is, I don’t WANT to go back.  I want to just keep working out in the privacy and comfort of my own home.

But I HAVE TO GO.  I have to start lifting heavier weights.  I learned this after I read Stacy Sims’ book, Next Level.  The workouts I’m doing would be great if I were in my 20s or 30s, or even 40s, but I now understand that post-menopausal women need to be lifting heavier weights.  The only way for me to do that is to go to the gym.

I know no one is going to be snickering behind my back at how weak and puny I am… but I still feel self-conscious.  I figured if my son came with me the first couple times, it would be easier.  He might even be able to give me some tips.  My goal is to go twice next week while he’s home, and after that I can go on my own.

I’m not sure how I’m going to work this into my schedule yet, but I’ll figure it out!  That seems to be the theme of my life lately- jump right in and figure it out afterwards.

Does anyone actually go to the gym?  Or are you completely happy with whatever workouts you do at home?

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Another FIG-y Friday!

Hooray!  We made it through another week of FIGS!  Just in case anyone doesn’t know about FIGs at this point,

The Shape of My Week

You know how I’ve been grumbling incessantly about feeling down, and the year getting off to a slow start?  Well,

31 Responses

  1. The gym terrifies me. I think because I don’t know what I’m doing? That’s why I like exercise videos: I can just follow along, and the host tells me exactly what to do and I don’t have to think, just follow along. But even if I had a routine, I know I would forget it and just end up flailing around looking ridiculous. But I am very impressed that you are going back to this!

    I think I am really in a phase of life where I just want an expert to tell me what to do. I would gladly hire a personal trainer to tell me what to do every day, but it’s very hard to find one these days! It seems to be all about the classes. Which I enjoyed pre-Covid, but am not sure I could do these days with the state of my foot.

    1. I worked with a personal trainer about seven or eight years ago, and it was the best thing ever (except for the cost and inconvenience.) I really learned a lot and am hoping that will all come back to me. And that’s also why I want my son to come with me!

  2. I think I would love the gym; when I was in university I really enjoyed going (it was included in my student fees). But there are no options that don’t involve more driving than I’m willing to do…
    I also don’t like working out at home though, so I’m in a season where 100% of my exercise is either walking or running. For now this works, but I think a gym would be a good investment when the kids are a bit older and it doesn’t feel like an extra burden to have to find childcare etc., to use the gym.
    Quite possibly these are all just big excuses? But I did LOVE the vibe of having a specific place to go and work out without having any of the visual clutter and expense of buying the equipment myself.

    You can do this and YAY for having a joint activity with your son. I suspect you’ll really enjoy it 🙂

    1. Well, that’s a good perspective! When my daughter was younger we belonged to the Y, so I could go work out and she could go to child care (it was a lot more expensive than $10 a month!) She liked it, so it was a win-win. It won’t be long until you can leave your kids alone for a while and go to the gym… if that’s what you want to do. I agree, the equipment can become a lot of clutter. If I stick to the gym, I’ll have a bunch of dumbbells lying around at home that I never use.

  3. Oh Lord no, I haven’t had a gym membership since 2015 when I got a treadmill. It was just too hard to make it in the hours that it was open and stressful to comply with cardio equipment being available and having to stick to time limits. Our gym setup at home gives us exactly what we need.

    BUT ==> yes it’s a lot easier/cheaper to try out heavier weights at a gym than at home, and it’s also fun to get your cost per use down as low as you can. If this is the only $10 a month charge in your life that you’ve gotten no use out of for 1,000 days+, then you’re doing pretty good!

  4. I wish that working out at home would work for me. Somehow I can’t make my family understand that if I get out the yoga mat it means that I am off duty but somehow everyone apparently thinks the opposite is true. I prefer to get out of the house. I like to run outside but I am not a morning person and I don’t like to run in the dark, We have a Planet Fitness around the corner and I am happy to pay to pay the $10/month membership So I have the option to go anytime I feel like it. Yes, I do feel self conscious at times but I learned what times are better in terms of what kind of people are at the gym so that helped. I love it that you are going with your son. I hope to be there some day. I used to do Taekwondo classes with my kids but stopped when the pandemic started and just have not picked it up again because I started having some issues (shoulder, knee) that are not that compatible with Taekwondo.

    1. My son only recently started lifting weights. Before that, he was not interested in anything athletic and neither is my daughter. I’ve tried to get them both into running, but they hate it. Oh well!

  5. I used to absolutely love going to the gym, but to be honest we have such a great home set-up that I only go rarely. I used to love going to spin classes but now I have the Peloton…and we have tons of weights at home and most are aspirational weights for me.

    1. You probably have lots of weights because your sons work out, right? My son was complaining over the summer that our weights aren’t heavy enough. I either have to make a big investment in workout equipment (which we don’t have room for) or get myself to the gym, sigh.

  6. Interesting that you never canceled your membership! Even if it IS inexpensive, it adds up over time! BUT. I’m so happy you’re going to give it a try. I guess I’m the aberration because I don’t mind going to the gym and I’m not that self-conscious because I imagine everyone is too busy doing their own thing to pay attention to me. But I don’t like going because of time in transit and how much wasted time there is in getting a gym bag put together and blah, blah, blah. I like at-home workouts that literally take zero prep time or transportation. Essentially, I’m too lazy to get to the gym, although I’m fine once I’m there. I’ll be very interested in your experience and if you feel comfortable quickly. It’ll probably be good to help you train for your big race, too!

    1. I know- I can’t believe I let it go on so long. I should have canceled that membership years ago and just joined again now. Oh well. Yes, I really don’t want to spend the time getting to the gym, etc. like you said. I’m going to remember your words when I go- everyone is too busy doing their own thing to be looking at me.

  7. Hi there, I’m new to your blog but have been lurking here for a few months. I found you when I started running and looked for info and inspiration. I started in September but the first thing that happened was a knee injury so now it’ll be more work in the gym before I try again.
    I totally understand that feeling of having paid for so long without being there! It is annoying and it was the situation a lot for me in the past, then mostly because I couldn’t find a way to fit training in my life. Now my life is different and I go to the gym every Friday, and will add another day too from next week. I train with a personal trainer and it’s one of the best decisions I’ve ever done for myself. He’s very competent and I get a lot of help, and he challenges me to lift heavier than I would have on my own. I tried to do at-home workouts but our house is tiny and we have no allocated place for it and it just never happened. My weekly sessions with the PT fit me perfectly.
    I can imagine if you have the right equipment at home it’s just fine to continue doing it there. If you feel awkward about the gym, perhaps you can get some heavier weights? But I can imagine the support from your son will help a lot to get started. Also, having been to several gyms (I’ve moved a lot in my life) in the past, my experience is that people are very nice and supportive and will help if you ask.

    1. Susanne, thank you for your comment! Yes- years ago I worked with a personal trainer once a week and it was so great. He really pushed me to do way more than I would have on my own, AND I knew I was doing everything correctly. It gave me a lot of confidence. After I stopped working with him I continued on my own for a while. Too bad I stopped- I would be really strong now!

  8. I do not laugh out loud very much, but this sentence made me laugh: “Wow, this woman is really optimistic- she hasn’t been here in over 1000 days, and she just came in to UPGRADE HER MEMBERSHIP.” Lol! I’m just snickering over here so well done! I think it’s a good plan to go with your son. He will give you some ‘street cred’ since he probably lifts/goes to the gym more. Or he’s basically your wingman for the gym. I also do not feel very comfortable at the gym. I’m paranoid that other people are watching me lift and I’m doing something wrong and they are laughing at me inside their head. Which is dumb because I am not watching others/judging others.

    But I haven’t had a gym membership in so long – probably since I lived in Charlotte! I had a core power yoga membership for awhile but it was stupid expensive so I didn’t do it for long. But the price of it motivated me to go there a ton, and it was great during the winter months as I loved their Yoga Sculpt classes which is like a bootcamp with some yoga mixed in. Now I am perfectly happy to work out at home although I need to get some heavier weights – like some 12 and 20 lb dumbbells.

    Also, re: Starbucks cups – I am so annoyed that they are not recycleable! And who would have known they weren’t recycleable? And why are they designing cups you can’t recycle! Especially as a Seattle-based company as I’d imagine that influences them to be a bit more green?!

    1. Yes, I’m very upset about those Starbucks cups. And still intrigued that Minneapolis banned them- are there any other cities where they’re banned???
      Anyway… that’s exactly how I feel at the gym. “Heavy” lifting for me will still be pretty light for most people, and I imagine people snickering at me, which is so crazy. I know no one’s really doing that… but still…

  9. I’m sure the gym has lots of “ideal” clients like you! I just can’t bring myself to do gym work for my strength training so I’ve started doing pilates reformer classes as my strength training which I do actually enjoy, but boy do am I saw afterwards.

  10. I have not been to the gym since March 2020 and I have -meanwhile – canceled my membership (they froze it for a while, but then resumed withdrawals and I knew I was not ready to go back and didn’t want to continue paying. I might have stayed for $10/month, but not for $40). I am absolutely happy with my home setup and while I miss aspects (and some people) of the gym, I do not see me going back there anytime soon.

    I think it’s fantastic though that you want to go back to add more weight training to your routine (they have no idea that you’re a workout beast, just haven’t been at their gym for that). I am sure your son will be proud to play the personal trainer for you 🙂

    Keep us posted.

  11. Fabulous! You’re like me with the Crossfit thing. So glad you’ve decided to do this.
    We need to lift heavy weights and these are usually at the gym. 🙂

  12. There was a time I went to the gym rather. consistently about 2-4 times a week. Even Saturday mornings before breakfast. But after 2. years not really seeing. any result I just was frustrated. But I also wasn’t too much into it to really figure out why that is. I loved the rowing decile though. But often opted for the bike because I could read there. My heart was definitely not in it…
    I totally understand the self-conscious part. Hope you have fun going there with your son.

    1. Thanks Darlene! Yes, our Y is expensive- I used to belong to it years ago for the free childcare. Also, YouFit does not have a pool- but that’s okay.

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