walkers walk… but runners fly

Another FIG-y Friday!

Hooray!  We made it through another week of FIGS!  Just in case anyone doesn’t know about FIGs at this point, check out Elisabeth’s post.  She is the founder of our Finding Joy in Gratitude Collective- thank you, Elisabeth!

Friday, February 14

I know I’m starting with an anti-fig, but hear me out.  Valentine’s Day is always a downer.  I think it could be from my years growing up in the midwest- I had really bad SAD, so I was already very depressed on Valentine’s Day, and maybe that found a permanent place in my psyche?  Anyway… this Valentine’s Day was suitably… depressing.

My daughter had a “friend breakup” the day before.  It wasn’t her best friend, but her second-best.  Without going into a lot of boring details, it just wasn’t a healthy relationship, and the breakup was something that had to happen.  But it made me very sad, especially for the other girl (who has now been cast out of the trio) and that weighed on me the whole day.

My husband worked all day, including late into the night, so after we left for work in the morning, I didn’t see him at all.  My daughter was supposed to have a sleepover with her best friend, but that girl ended up having to go to a funeral (seriously… could this get any more depressing???)

The whole day was a bummer… UNTIL (yes! There’s a FIG coming!) my last client of the day brought me a PRESENT!  Who brings their massage therapist a Valentine’s Day present???  Only this woman.  Here’s what she gave me:

Cozy! Cheerful!

They were in a cute gift bag, and I was suddenly inspired.  On my way home I stopped at the store to get my daughter a few things (some candy, a strawberry-scented sugar scrub, and cozy socks.)  I put them in the gift bag and gave it to her when I got home.  Valentine’s Day got a lot happier.


Another trip to the gym with my daughter!  I tried to ignore her not-so-subtle insinuations (“Mom, maybe you want to use the tricep machine…”) and enjoy the fact that we now have an activity to do together.


This was a day full of FIGS- I ran a race!  I had a couch nap, talked to my son on the phone, and- here’s a big one- MY HUSBAND MADE DINNER.  I think it was a combination belated Valentine’s Day celebration, and an “I’m sorry you’ve had to cook the last 500 dinners in a row” gesture.

Lasagna, roasted broccoli and garlic bread, YUM.


That lasagna was the FIG that kept on giving- we had leftovers for dinner so I didn’t have to cook.


Today’s FIG is a shoutout to our blogging community.  Last week I made sheet pan veggie shawarma, a recipe I got from Suzanne.  This week, Suzanne mentioned that she made it with a cilantro yogurt sauce which she got from Birchie.  So I made it again, with the cilantro sauce (I used Kite Hill vegan greek yogurt.) My daughter liked the cilantro sauce better, but I like both sauces equally.  Thanks to everyone who made this dinner possible!


This was another day full of FIGs.  It was my day off from work, and I had nothing planned. I went for a run, got a massage (!!!) and then went to Barnes and Noble.  In the afternoon I had a couch nap AND- could this day get any better?- we had more leftovers for dinner.  Lasagna and sheet pan veggies for the others, and I made myself a baked sweet potato with veggies and chickpeas, slathered generously with the cilantro sauce.

Not much to look at, but so delicious.


Muffin gets another shoutout.  Look at her helping me write this post!

Her little paw…

Are you participating in Elisabeth’s project?

Do you like figs? – I mean the food kind.  I think they’re sweet and delicious.

Top photo by Svitlana on Unsplash


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The Shape of My Week

You know how I’ve been grumbling incessantly about feeling down, and the year getting off to a slow start?  Well,

FIG-y Friday!

Oof.  I had some fig-full days this week, but some days I had to dig deep.  Then there were some

26 Responses

  1. I’ve also been an anti-fan of Valentine’s Day. I’m glad you were able to turn yours around (but man, what a bummer about your daughter and her friends. That sounds really hard.)
    And yay for an activity with your daughter! And one you like doing anyway! Those are the best.
    Cats love computers! Love that shot you got of your furry editor friend.

    1. Ha ha… right now Muffin is sanding between me and my laptop, purring loudly. I think she loves my computer a little too much!

  2. Yes I live figs.

    And I’m filling out my FiG sheet.

    Glad your week improved.

    My week has been a downer since I returned. Worse weather. Friend’s husband has cancer. Work situation.

    I am trying to remember Florida.

    1. Yes, it must have been hard to go back. Just remember how you crushed that hot and windy race! And… spring will come. Eventually. Sorry about your friend’s husband, ugh.

      1. I wouldn’t say “crushed”. I’d say “survived” and able to do it again soon.
        Very exciting, it’s supposed to reach 30 degrees this weekend. The little things. LOL

        1. Okay, okay… survived. But that’s a good thing since you are doing it again soon. And 30… that would be so cold for Florida, so warm for you.

  3. I love figs – both this kind and the fruit kind. Trader Joe’s used to have fig bars that were incredible.

    Yay for the lasagna and the leftovers! So actually I didn’t come up with the cilantro yogurt sauce – Suzanne made something else that I made with a sauce that put her on a sauce kick and that’s how she found it. But now I feel that I need to make the sauce so this is a FIG in the making.

    1. All right, I can’t keep it all straight. Somehow I want to give you credit for bringing that sauce to my attention though.

        1. Okay, so I credited the wrong sauce to the wrong person… I’m so confused. I guess I’ll have to try Birchie’s sauce as well.

  4. I love actual figs! What a great list, Jenny, that acknowledges the ups and downs. My heart goes out to your daughter and her friend; it’s so hard to set boundaries (really at any age) and that’s a heavy thing to carry into a week. Also, how lovely your client brought you that Valentine’s present – it’s the little things, right??

    1. Yes, it’s the little things! And those slippers were a good reminder that you can do something “little” for someone that actually makes a big difference in their day.

  5. My favorite part of this was the client who brought you the V-Day gift and how that inspired you to get Angie something… the relay effect!
    And of course the race too–I was thinking of you wanting to run “extra miles” before and after randomly and it made me think I would never! You’re so unique, Jenny! Hope you continue having lots of joy-filled days!

    1. Ha ha… I think a lot of people would call me “unique.” And once again- just goes to show how making a little gesture (bringing someone a present) can go a long way.

  6. Teen girl friendships are SO hard. We are in the middle of some similar angst (multiple complicated 3-way friendships). I’m so glad your client thought of you on Valentine’s Day and I love the ripple effect where you bought something special for Angie.

    Congrats on the race! Woot, woot.

    Aren’t leftovers the best. And aren’t leftovers of food you didn’t have to prepare even better! I LOVE leftovers.

    I don’t think I’ve ever had a fresh fig. I’ve had plenty of dried figs, but never a fresh one. I don’t even know if I could buy a fresh fig locally? That needs to go on my list of fun things to try. I’ve had Dr. Pepper – next up, fresh figs!

    1. Yes, you definitely need to try fresh figs! I think they’re hard to find out of season though, and their season is fall. It can be a project for you.
      3 way friendships…. I’m not a fan. I was always a little worried about this one, and it did not end well. Sigh.

  7. Valentine’s Day is a downer because you don’t eat candy. If you do eat candy, it’s WONDERFUL. Also, do you know our Valentine’s Day tradition? We make homemade cards for each other. Neither of us is particularly artistic, but we sit down at the table together with construction paper, markers, tape, and scissors, and then we exchange cards. And that’s it! It’s fun! I’m 100% on board with it as a fun holiday.

    I have a confession: I don’t think I’ve ever had a fig. I’ve had fig Newtons and they’re pretty good, but I suspect a fresh fig is as much like a fig Newton as a fresh strawberry is to a strawberry PopTart.

    1. Ha ha… yes, you should try a fresh fig sometime.
      I did know your tradition! It sounds fun, but I somehow can’t imagine getting my husband to do it. I think your first solution is correct- candy.

  8. I have never had a fig. Love the cute slippers your client gave you! And what a nice way to use your gift as inspiration to make the day brighter for your kid.

    That cilantro sauce is DA BOMB isn’t it? And so versatile!

  9. I love figs, especially dipped in peanut butter! But they have such a limited season that it’s hard to find them fresh.

    Your sweet potato looks amazing! I’m gonna have to make that sauce.

    My FIG of this week is having a four day weekend! I don’t have another long weekend until April (unless I take a PTO day in March…) so I’m trying to soak it up.

    1. FIGS DIPPED IN PEANUT BUTTER. What a concept- I want one. And… a four day weekend. I see lots of trail runs in your future.

  10. I’m so impressed that your husband made lasagna! That is so much work and yields so many leftovers!! I would love to make the Shawarma dish but I need to wait until I’m back to cutting up veggies… so maybe in April or May? Yikes. I think it’s too putzy for Phil to take on. He’s doing basically 100% of the prep work and then I do what I can in terms of assembly!

    I had a week of good figs as well! And now I do not travel for 2 weeks which I am thrilled about!!

    1. The biggest chore of that dish is the chopping, so maybe you’ll have to wait. And… two weeks of no travel! That will feel luxurious to you.

  11. We have two fig trees in our townhome complex, but I’ve never taken any, as they are in yards and I don’t know the people. I like figs with cheese and honey, SO GOOD. But not a lot of them, maybe 2 or 3. So if I buy them, most of them end up going to waste, which is sad. The kind we get are black mission figs.

    Congrats again on your run! I am sorry that your daughter’s friendship fell apart. I know 3 kid friendships can be tough. I was part of several growing up, and never had a problem with them, and years later my mom told me she was amazed because so often they go south. I guess I got lucky with the friendships I was in.

  12. I’ve never eaten a fig. My mom used to buy fig newtons for my brother and ick. I did not like them at all. How sweet that your client got you something. I baked cookies with the girls for Valentine’s Day. It was unexpected and another chance to connect with them. I wish I could’ve eaten one, but I heard that they were good. I laughed at ‘for cooking dinner 500 days straight.’ Coach will grill in nice weather. See where I’m going with this? I need winter to end, so he can fire up that grill. (he does grill in chilly weather, but not when it’s crazy cold).

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