walkers walk… but runners fly

Any Running is Better Than No Running!

Hello once again!  Boy, Sunday rolls around fast some weeks, doesn’t it?  Last week I was battling a nagging shin pain, and took some time off running.  The goal for this week was to get back to it ASAP.  As always I’m linking up with the amazing Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Rundown.  Let’s just see how the week went…


I started off with a 10 minute core class and then a 20 minute glutes and legs strength class- all classes were on Peloton as usual!  Then…a 40 minute pool run.

Yes, I’m super lucky to have a pool!  But… I haven’t found anything that keeps me in shape for running other than actual running.  On land.  I was hoping this would be my last pool run.


It was my usual Yoga Monday!  First a 5 minute core class and then a 30 minute yoga flow.


My shin had improved from a constant ache to an occasional twinge, but I decided to give it one more day off.  I did a 10 minute core class, and then two classes with Matty Maggiacomo- a 20 minute glutes and legs class and a 20 minute arms and shoulders class.  The arms class had a finisher that Matty said would make me curse his name and “reconsider the nature of our relationship.”  Ouch!

After work I did a 20 minute yoga flow.


Running!  It was the day that was either going to be the best day or the worst day ever- if my shin felt good, I would be elated, and if it hurt I would be devastated.  I was nervous, obviously.

I walked for one mile and ran for one mile.  Success!  For the most part.  I felt a couple twinges but overall it was okay.  I followed this short run with a short 5 minute core class.

Later in the day I did a 30 minute yoga flow.  Hey- I’m on a yoga roll this week!


I remember hearing somewhere that when you’re coming back from an injury, pay close attention to how you feel the day after you run- if the area hurts when you get out of bed, then the muscles/tendons weren’t ready for the run.  I stepped down with great trepidation… and my shin felt perfect!  Victory!!!

I did a 10 minute core class, a 10 minute chest and back class with Matty, and one of his 30 minute glutes and legs classes.  After work I did a quick yoga flow- I couldn’t break my streak!


I started with a 10 minute barre class.  I picked one that was all standing, which was a great warmup for running.  The Peloton barre classes are a super effective glute activation, and because it was standing I felt like it warmed up my lower legs and feet as well.

Then, a 2 mile run!!!  You can see I’m proceeding with great caution.  I can’t say that my shin was 100% pain-free… but let’s say 98%.

Later in the day, a 20 minute yoga flow!


This was the first time I did a Peloton strength warmup class- I did a 5 minute upper body warmup before doing one of Matty’s 20 minute arms and shoulders class.  It was nice to have a little extra warmup first thing in the morning.  I also did a 5 minute core class.

Later in the day I did a 20 minute glutes and legs strength class and… oh darn- I broke my yoga streak.  C’est la vie!


On tap for today- a run!!!  Probably 3 miles, but if everything feels good I might go a little farther… just a little.  And yoga- must do yoga.

The two short runs I did this week left me cautiously optimistic, and I’m happy with my ramped-up strength training.  I figure no matter what happens, I won’t regret getting stronger!

If you do Peloton, do you like to stick with the same instructors or mix it up? – I mixed up the core classes a little this week, but I’m loving Matty for strength and Denis for yoga these days (well, I’ve loved Denis for a while now!)

What’s your favorite cross-training? – I can’t really use the word “favorite”… but if I have to, I’ll get in the pool.

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41 Responses

  1. Yay for your shin cooperating!

    Honestly, I mostly avoid Matty’s strength class because his 1 min sets are so hard. I’m a wimp. I do like his core classes though. I generally mix things up with instructors, but I have my favorites and a few I avoid.

    1. Ha, that’s funny because as you can tell, I love Matty’s strength classes! For core I usually do Rebecca Kennedy- she’s my current favorite.

    2. Yes any running is better than no running indeed! Glad you’re feeling almost all better. Sounds like you’ve been appropriately cautious and also doing a great job at xtraining! I don’t really xtrain, I should… but I don’t, unless walking counts!

      1. Walking counts! But I also don’t know how you would possibly have time to do anything more than what you’re already doing- working, taking care of small kids, and running. I would say that’s plenty for now.

  2. Good news about your shin. I hope you continue to have pain free runs. You are lucky to have access to a pool.

    I only use Peloton for runs and not often then.. I’ll probably cancel once the free months are over. For runs I like Matt Wilpers because he is not as chatty as the others. I want to hear the music!!

    1. Oh that’s funny because I feel like I use Peloton for everything OTHER than cycling or running. I would rather listen to a podcast while running, or my own music.

  3. LOL about saying if you have to you’ll get in the pool. You have no idea how much I wish I had a pool, or that my friend with the pool lived closer! I think swimming for me is actually like running for you. It leaves me feeling so peaceful and calm.

    Glad that running is proceeding well for you & hopefully you’ll be back to your longer trail runs soon!

    1. Yes, I’m really missing those trail runs! I do know what you mean about swimming… it can feel really good. But my pool is too small to swim laps, and pool running isn’t quite as peaceful as actual swimming.

  4. If we can’t have 100% we’ll take 98% pain free running! I’ve got my fingers crossed that the shin pain is on its way out.

    Eeeeeeeh…yes it’s hard to use the word favorite in the same sentence with cross training, but I keep toying with the idea of cutting back on the running and adding incline treadmill power walking back into the mix. In a perfect world I would just run, but the reality is that I’ve got the ice in winter and the heat in summer holding me back from training the way that I want to.

    1. Actually, incline treadmill power walking doesn’t sound that bad! If I had a treadmill I would consider it.
      I also have my fingers crossed- everything felt good on my run today, so I think the shin pain may be done- but I’m afraid to actually say it out loud.

  5. Ha ha…I took that same Matty class (the one where he said I’d be cursing his name). He is SO funny…no matter how hard he works me over, I’m usually left laughing (out loud!) rather than cursing him. I can’t pick a favorite cross-training…I love my biking, I love strength-training, I love stair work (though it’s been awhile), and I even love walking. Too many options!

    1. That’s a good problem to have- too many options of cross training that you love! Yes, I love Matty. His workouts can be grueling but he makes up for it with his personality.

  6. I was holding my breath as I read this! Glad your shin is feeling ok so far. Yay! I do love Matty most of all. I do lots of Susie Chan and Becs Gentry runs. I like Callie Gullickson for strength and Core too!

    1. I think I’ve done some of Callie’s core classes. I tend to branch out on core more than the other classes.
      And, yes! My shin really is feeling good- phew.

  7. Well done on being so sensible. And thank you for that post title. I only got 10.5 miles in this week in two runs – at the start of the week I had a horsefly bite right on my ankle that wouldn’t let me get my trainers on, and it was hot (for here, mid 80s), I ran Thursday morning (nice and breezy) and Saturday the five miles to parkrun and the last mile home (nice and coolish on the way hot on the way back but it was a mile I was going to have to walk or run so got it over with). Today it was in the 70s first thing and is now 86 at 6pm and tomorrow and Tuesday it’s predicted in the high 90s, just not what we have here, so no running for me even super early.

    Glad the shin is behaving, this is good news.

    1. Yes, that is HOT for you guys. I mean it’s hot for anyone, but unusually hot for you. I still say- any running is good! If I don’t run at all I feel like I get out of running shape fairly quickly- but if I just run a little, I seem to stay in decent shape.

  8. Glad to hear that your shin is calming down. I know you don’t love the pool running (actually neither do I), but it really is good cross training. I too am proceeding cautiously–today’s run was pain free, but I’m going to retape my knee tonight.

    Slow forward progress, my friend!

    1. Yes, that’s a great mantra- “slow forward progress.” I’m going to remember that.
      Glad your run was pain-free! It sounds like the taping is helping- your knee should be fine.

  9. Good for you, Jenny! I’m so glad you could go for some runs – short runs are absolutely 10000000% better than no runs! Good for you for listening to your body and proceeding with caution. After all, if you listen to the whispers, you don’t have to hear the screams!

    I do mix up my instructors on Peloton to some extent. I ride almost every day, even if it’s just a short one, and I like to have different instructors and moods. My faves are Leanne, Alex, Kendall, Ben, Denis, Cody, Sam, Bradley, Ally, Jenn, but I will try a different instructor if they have a good playlist. Music is KEY for me! For stretching I like Matty and Ben, and for strength I like Callie. I don’t usually do yoga with Peloton because I have my own practice that I do, but on occasion I’ll do a 10 minute hips with Denis just for a nice stretch post-ride-or-run. Oh, and for meditation I really like Ross. Hmm…I think that’s all. Oh! Hannah Corbin has some great foam rolling that I like too.

    1. Hmm! I’ll have to try one of Matty’s stretch classes. I know you wouldn’t normally do yoga on Peloton, but there’s just something about Denis’s classes that I love.
      Ha- I LOVE that way of putting it, the whispers and the screams. I’ve definitely had some screams in the past!

  10. So glad the shin is feeling better! Nice to see you branching out w Peloton strength. Matty has had some great classes lately. I have a handful of instructors I stick w depending on what is new

  11. Oh no, shin problems? That area seems like a particularly hard one to work on. I’m glad your patience sounds like it is paying off. I did a strength workout last week and was not as sore as I had expected (since I haven’t touched weights in about a month!). But my abs were feeling it for sure after a few days. Ouch!! My cross training is cycling. I do love it 🙂

    1. Wow, I’m impressed- if I didn’t lift any weights for a month I would be SO sore getting back into it! And I’m envious of all you cycling fanatics- I know it’s great cross training but I just don’t enjoy it. I wish I did.

  12. You were smart to take it easy with your shin and how wonderful that it felt mostly normal on your two easy test runs. Here’s hoping you can get back to using your pool for swimming, lounging, and sipping cocktails; not running!

  13. You are being very smart with the shin! And so diligent with your yoga and core 🙂 I need to find this standing barre class, that sounds great!

    1. If you go to the Peloton barre classes, I think there are one or two that where the picture is of her standing- that’s how I chose it.

  14. Yay for the shin feeling better! I’m so happy for you. Hopefully you’ll be up to distance runs soon enough.
    I actually feel like my whole life is cross-training. I’m not really diligent enough at any one thing to claim to have a specialty. As you know, I don’t really love any of it, so it all feels a bit like homework!

    1. Well, it’s actually a really healthy way to be. You won’t get injured from doing any one thing too much, and you get in a mix of strength, cardio, and mobility/flexibility. Especially considering that you don’t really love it, you’re doing amazingly well.

  15. This was a low-running week for me, too, as I had early meetings and then had to do drop-off on Monday which is a day that I almost always run! But hopefully this week will be better. I’m trying to consistently get 3 runs in each week which isn’t a ton, but is as much as I can do in this stage of life. My favorite cross-training in strength training. It’s not cardio obviously but it’s what I enjoy most! I used to bike more pre-kids but haven’t been on my bike since I got pregnant with Paul. I should really get it back out and do some rides. My area is so great for biking since we have tons of dedicated biking trails and it’s something that I can do even if it’s super hot outside since it’s kind of cooling to be on the bike.

    1. When my son was little, I ran every other day. Period! I didn’t even do any strength training or anything else. That was all I could manage. You’re lucky you enjoy strength training- I’ve always said I dislike it, but (to my surprise) I’m starting to like it a little more these days.

  16. So glad your shin is close to 100% – slow and steady is the best way back.

    Matty does have some challenging classes – he’s definitely one of my favorites. I’ll be diving into his core challenge starting Monday.

    And great job with all of the yoga! 🙂

    1. Ooh, let us know how Matty’s core challenge is. I’m definitely interested in it, but this was not a good week for me to start a new Peloton program.

  17. I’m glad your shin is feeling better! It’s so frustrating to be hurt.

    I haven’t run all week, and tomorrow is going to be rough when I get back to it. Fingers crossed.

    1. Ha, hope that went well. Yes, running is so hard if you haven’t been doing it. But it all comes back quickly.

  18. Sunday always comes around too quickly. We need a day in-between Saturday and Sunday, lol.

    so glad that your shin is feeling better. It can be so annoying when injuries like that pop up.

    Matty’s strength classes are pretty challenging! I saw his summer core challenge but I’m not ready to jump into it just yet, lol.

  19. Hooray for the shin feeling better! And good job for letting it heal and not pushing it too early. That was probably key for being able to get back without a setback (I’m a few weeks late on this post, lol, so I’ll keep my fingers crossed your next workout recap doesn’t talk about a setback!)

    I am pretty particular about who I do my Peloton workouts with. For cycling, I tend to stick to Cody, Bradley, Ben, Robin, and Leanne. For strength, Callie is my GIRL. I love her classes so much, and the way she makes me feel when I finish it. I also love strength with Ben, Robin, and Matty.

  20. I try to make use of a lot of warm up and cool down classes on the Peloton. I really think it makes a difference. I wish they had more running warm-ups although they’ve added some recently. I usually tend to stick to the same instructors (although I go through phases with some of them). Who’s your favorite running instructor?

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