Hello there! Since it’s the first Friday of the month, I’m linking up with Coco and Deborah for the Ultimate Coffee Date! If we were having coffee together, the first thing I would share is…. I tried a new drink! Yes, I did! Normally I drink Earl Grey tea, no milk, just the tea- and I love it. One day the Starbucks barista asked me if I wanted to try a “London Fog.” Usually that’s Earl Grey with milk and a pump of vanilla syrup- but he said he would make it with steamed oatmilk and a scoop of lavender powder instead of the vanilla. Apparently I was feeling very adventurous that day, because I said “Okay!”
It was good! And really fun to drink something else for a change. The lavender powder has a little bit of sugar in it, so it’s not something I would drink all the time, but I’ll have it every once in a while as a treat.
If we were sipping our delicious London Fogs together, I might ask if you’ll be able to view the eclipse on Monday. South Florida will have a partial eclipse, but Waco, Texas- where my son is- is in the path of totality.
The City of Waco is holding a three-day “Eclipse Over Texas” festival, culminating in a watch party at McLane Stadium on Monday. Classes are canceled for the day, and all students have been given special eclipse-viewing glasses.

I’m so envious- I wish I could be in Waco this weekend! But I’m excited that my son gets to experience this.
Speaking of my son, last week he was home for Easter. He flew home on Spirit, and back to Texas on JetBlue (side note- do you remember when flying on an airplane used to feel luxurious? Hahahahahahahahaha…) Anyway, when he checked in for his return flight, he learned that there would be no carry ons allowed- any carry ons would be checked at the gate. WHAT.
For him, this isn’t just an inconvenience. His carry on luggage is his trumpet case, with three trumpets inside. It absolutely HAS TO travel on the plane with him- the case is not meant to be handled roughly, and if he checked it, all the instruments would be damaged.
We knew there had to be a solution, and there was! For “only” $70 extra, we were able to upgrade him to a seat with extra space, so he could bring a carry on. Crisis averted! But seriously- could airplane travel possibly get any worse???
What would you tell me over coffee?
Will you be attending an eclipse “watch party?”
Have you experienced the “no carry on” rule on a flight before?
35 Responses
I have to work online from 8-4. No eclipse for me.
I tried the lavender. Meh.
I usually check a bag. I can’t pack light. lol.
Yes, I normally don’t like lavender either! I don’t even really like the way it smells. But this drink was good.
I’ll also be working during the eclipse. It’s only partial for us anyway.
Ha, I worked for an airline for 12 years (Swissair at the time) and the carry-ons were a nightmare.
People would carry three or four enormous bags with them. They needed it because their hand luggage contained their “medication for the flight”…. Usually, it was just to avoid paying for excess luggage at check-in (as you probably know, luggage is limited to 20kg in Europe).
But I can see how it would be a problem with the trumpets. Good that you found a workaround!
Yes, I can see how people would abuse the carry on situation. But I think carrying on ONE bag is reasonable!
Our kids have received free glasses through the school system but I don’t have firm plans yet for the eclipse, but definitely want to enjoy it. This will almost certainly be the only one I see in my lifetime which is…special, yet also sobering.
I’m reading this post nursing a giant mug of Earl Grey which always makes me think of you 🙂 I have a splash of oatmilk – sadly, not steamed – in it. We’re practically twinning <3
Ooh, we are! I can’t even say my “London Fog” tasted that much like lavender, so our teas probably were similar.
I haven’t even researched if there are going to be more eclipses during my lifetime??? Maybe I don’t want to know the answer.
We’re the path of totality. But how much do you want to bet that it will be cloudy next Monday (aka our default weather state).
I don’t know whether to say “GAH they charged him $70” or “wow they only charged him $70!!!!”. It’s a bit of both. But yes these airlines are…choosing my words carefully…something else.
Ack, that would be SO DISAPPOINTING if it were cloudy!!! Are there any special events going on near you this weekend? I’ll be sending you sunny vibes.
I swear air travel is at an all-time low when it comes to service and fees. Glad you figured out your son’s trumpet issue. Checking them is a hard no for sure. I have to work during the eclipse but my sister and her family are headed to Carbondale IL, where she went to college. They’ll visit one of her friends and do some viewing in the “path of totality. Sounds like your son will have a last!
I’ll also be working during the eclipse… but it would be more of an event if we were in the path of totality. I just talked to my son though and he said Waco is a mob scene and he’s spending the weekend avoiding crowds. So maybe it’s good I’m not there!
My son was in the “path of totality” at Clemson for the last eclipse, and enjoyed the festivities around it — so glad your son will get to “see” it. Speaking of price gauging a saw a story that a Super8 was charging nearly $900 for a room this weekend. I’d sleep in my car before I’d pay $800 for a Super8!
When he’s traveling alone my husband buys the cheap tickets with no overhead allowed. I don’t know how he can fit what he needs for a few days in one small backpack that fits under the seat, but he’s obviously not packing running shoes!
If I didn’t need to pack running shoes, I could probably fit everything I needed in a backpack!
Wow, that is insane- $800. These things always sound fun, but actually being in Waco this weekend might be a nightmare. My son said they’re going to view the eclipse from their front yard, and stay away from the stadium.
Living on the edge with the new tea!! 🙂 We will also be in partial viewing range on Monday so I hope I get to see it. Yes, airline travel is not what it used to be! There are always delays and issues. Speaking of living on the edge, I vote for you to go for a surprise visit and run the 5K with him
Hahahaha… that would definitely be a surprise, because my son would never run a 5K in a million years. I know- it’s sad!
I’ll keep my “living on the edge” to little changes in my Starbucks order, ha ha.
I cannot even with air travel. Every flight I’ve been on there is an announcement: “we have a full flight today, if you would like to volunteer to check your carryon baggage you can do so at no charge.” Maybe everyone wouldn’t be bringing carryon baggage if the airlines didn’t constantly lose shit. It makes me so mad. I refuse. I will pay extra to board first and take my bag (which is a standard carryon size). Airlines have made it just dreadful to go anywhere, so now we are paying a lot just to have what used to be a regular flight. I can’t imagine how shitty it is on the more budget airlines, either. It’s gotten to the point where we check to see what kind of plane it is BEFORE we book a flight, just so we know they will have space for carryons. And for your son – that’s not an option at all! Ugh, $70, but better than having three trumpets destroyed.
On a happier note, I am excited for him to be in the eclipse territory!!!
Ha, I like your air travel rant! On one recent trip, I found out that- surprise!- I had to check my carry on at the gate because there was no space. So I was sitting there in the airport, rifling through it to take out my thyroid meds and contacts so I could at least carry those in my purse. So fun!
We’re only getting a partial eclipse here in AZ too but how cool that your son will get to experience it!
I actually haven’t flown anywhere since 2019 before the pandemic which is crazy, and I’m sure things are even worse now than back then. I do enjoy flying but it’s not fun when you end up dealing with delays, lost baggage, etc. All of my trips since then have been driving which can be problematic sometimes too but definitely less stressful!
Oh yes, flying is worse now! It just keeps getting worse and worse. Stick with driving if you can!
Wow, I did not realize that Jet Blue had that set up for carry on luggage. That is TERRIBLE. They are not a big carrier here so I have never flown them. I have gotten very very picky about airlines. Like I will not fly spirit or frontier. We are flying Sun Country for our trip to Destin because it was the only carrier with a direct flight and I will NOT take a connection with small children. You have to pay if you bag has to go in the overhead bin but at least we know that ahead of time – and it’s not a ‘no carry on’ type of situation.
By the way, I need a picture of the case that is carryon size and fits 3 TRUMPETS!!! I’m thinking back to my case for my one trumpet and it was not small so I am trying to envision how they get 3 in one carryon size case? I’d like a pic of the exterior AND interior!
We will be in FL on 4/8 so will not be in the path of totality. I am not SUPER interested in seeing the eclipse, as bad as that may sound? It is something Phil and Paul are interested in. If we saw it locally, great. I wouldn’t travel to see it, though.
If we were having coffee I would tell you that I am a bit disappointed in the Destin forecast… I am checking the weather very very often and it keeps showing rain and wind… or overcast skies. I am sure it will be great, just not as warm as I was thinking it would be (kind of in the low to mid 70s). We thought by April it would be warmer on the panhandle. I’m sure it will be a great trip, though, and if it’s cool, we’ll just go back to staying in the Sarasota area (we prefer the Gulf Coast).
I’ll take pictures next time my son is home. It’s definitely a carry on size case- as a matter of fact it may have been designed with that in mind. If it helps you picture it, the three trumpets go into the case, side by side, upright (as opposed to lying on their sides- does that make sense?)
Well I’ll be mad if you don’t have good weather next week! We did get an unexpected cooldown here- down to the 50s for a couple nights, which is so unusual for April. But we’re still in the 80s during the day. Next time you’ll just have to come to South Florida!
I’m not that interested in the eclipse either- I would be more interested if we were in the path of totality. But we’re not.
I think we’ll see maybe 80-90% “totality” of the eclipse. In 2017, though, we got up early & road-tripped to Grand Island NE to experience total coverage. It was SO neat!
Oh, that does sound fun!!! I’ll bet it was crowded though. My son said Waco is a madhouse, ha ha, and he doesn’t like crowds. He’s going to view the eclipse from his front yard.
London Fog is really good! :] I haven’t tried it with the lavender powder but that sounds tasty as a treat.
That’s so cool that they’re doing that for the eclipse! I wish I could see it too.
I do carry-on only whenever possible–I deffffinitely would not ever trust the airlines with my instrument (but I play the piano, so I will not be traveling with that, haha). I’m glad you found a solution!
Yes, you won’t have to worry about carrying a piano on the plane!
One of these days you’ll have to try a London Fog with the lavender and see if you like it : )
If we had coffee, I would complain. LOL. The weather, the endless week. But these are choices I’ve made, so I will deal with it. I have to briefly go in to work tomorrow (Saturday) morning, which is unusual for me and is making me sad. No sleeping in for me this weekend.
I do not care about the eclipse. Is that weird? We’re not in the path and I don’t actually think it’s that interesting or cool? I am such a buzzkill!! I think it’s cool that places that are in the path are going all out for it, though – I like big community events!
Now my son says it’s forecasted to be cloudy on Monday! Hopefully that will change, but I think the main thing is the celebration around the eclipse and not the event itself. If I got to see a total eclipse I think it would be kind of cool, but I’m not excited for a partial (and I’ll be at work, anyway.) Speaking of work- yes, working Saturday mornings is sad. I do it every week and I hate it. BUT, unlike you, I have Wednesdays off so I really can’t complain. I hope your work tomorrow is short and painless and then you can enjoy the rest of the weekend.
I think airline travel has really gone down hill! I’m glad you were able to find a solution!
Yes, it’s hard to actually have a pleasant flight nowadays!
How annoying about the extra charge on the return flight. No carryons? Most airlines allow them. Those are the ones to avoid. 🙂 What fun activities for the eclipse? Our students will receive glasses from the District. Tomorrow we go back to school and will find out what is planned for that event.
Yes, I think you’ll have a pretty dramatic eclipse experience there- I hope you get to see it! And- avoid JetBlue!
My anxiety has the WORST time with flying right now. To the way they just cancel flights, to things like this… What other business gets to take your money, and then just not do what you contracted to do with no repurcussions?
The last time I flew was Southwest, and it was fine, but I was on edge the whole time.
And I totally understand that the trumpet had to be with him. I would have wrapped it in a blanket and pretended it was my lap baby.
Ha ha… that would work, except that he has THREE of them. And- I think Southwest is generally one of the better ones.
Here’s how interested I was in the eclipse: Around 3pm, I was like “Oh yeah, that’s today. Hmm… did I miss it?” HA. I wasn’t in the path so it’s been blue skies all day. Would have been cool to see! I think the next time it’ll be around is in the 2040s? So I’ll be in my 70s. Maybe I’ll be one of those cool 70-year-olds who travels and will travel to see it!
That sucks about your son and his flight! Airlines are getting so ridiculous these days with their fees.
Hello, I’m back because I just realized I cannot count and I will not be in my 70s in 2040. I will be in my mid-50s. I was counting as if it was 2000, and it is NOT 2000 anymore. Monday brain hit me hard.
No eclipse down here in Aus.
I’m glad you could work out a solution for your son’s trumpets. We flew on a smallish jet from NYC to DC last year and checked our carry-on at the gate, which was fine, but we didn’t have delicate things in our cases. We mainly use carry-on to avoid our luggage going missing when we have multiple flights, but with gate checks, there’s less likelihood of that happening.