Good morning and happy Friday! I’m linking up with Deborah and Coco for the Ultimate Coffee Date! I have a nice souvenir mug from our trip, full of earl grey tea and I’m ready to share- August is already turning into a crazy month!
If we were having coffee together, I would tell you that for the eighteenth consecutive year, I will not be getting “Mother of the Year” award. Yesterday my husband said, “Doesn’t Angie need a physical before school starts?” Hmmm? Who? Get a what-
GAAAAAAAAAAHHHH! I completely forgot that my daughter has to get a physical before seventh grade, and school starts TUESDAY. Shouldn’t the school have reminded me of this? Oh… there it is. In a voice message I never listened to.
A frantic call to the pediatrician confirmed our suspicions that they have no appointments available for two weeks. The school suggested that we call an urgent care center, and LUCKILY my husband was able to get her in for a last-minute physical. Crisis averted.
In my defense, I’ve been distracted by the upcoming departure of my son. I’m hoping to at least pull out “Mother of the Week” in a couple weeks when I drive him to Texas! Yes, it will be an epic road trip from Boca Raton, FL to Baylor University. I say that now, but there’s a strong possibility that I’ll be regretting this decision somewhere in Louisiana, especially on the way back when I’ll be by myself. But for right now we’re excited about this trip.
Speaking of my son’s departure… last week several bloggers posted about their home gyms, and I was severely envious. Right now my “home gym” consists of me moving my weights and mat from room to room, trying to find a convenient spot. I’m now having the evil thought of turning my son’s bedroom into my temporary “gym” while he’s gone… of course it will turn back into his bedroom for Thanksgiving and he’ll never suspect a thing… muahahahaha.

That picture is from my post-run workout earlier this week… look at my muddy legs. And wet shoes. August is a soggy month here.
Anyone else feel like it’s extra hard getting the kids back to school this year?
For those of you who don’t have kids- how’s your August going? I want to hear what it’s like to have a “normal” month!
27 Responses
I have done the 11 hour drive from DC to Indiana a few times but I flew back. Yes, I am not a car trip girl at all. This year, he is driving back alone. I get antsy. Hell ya make that bedroom your gym for a few months! You won’t regret it. Back to school time was always hectic around here. I kind of miss it now 🙂
I definitely thought about driving there and flying back, but it was SO expensive to rent a car one way!
That’s quite a drive from Florida to Texas. And here I was thinking how I’d dread the 5 hour drive when my daughter goes to college (assuming she gets in that one) in 2 years.
For some reason back to school hasn’t been too hectic yet but we do still have a couple of weeks to go. There’s always the last minute thing I have to buy literally the night before that either she forgot to tell me or the teacher just sent out the request for it. I agree with Deborah, go for the home gym in your son’s room!
Ooh, so your daughter is in high school? I remember the school supply list kind of trickles in slowly for high school- it’s not like you get a definitely list of everything before school starts.
Wowza that will be some road trip! I thought our 6.5 hour trip was going to be long LOL
I like your plan for a home gym – might as well take advantage of the space for a few months while you can 🙂
Yes, it’s going to be around 20 hours. GULP.
Well….our son has his own condo (out of town), and his “updated bedroom” is now in our basement (should he need to crash here overnight), so his old bedroom (upstairs, conveniently close by our room) has become my running stash-all. Well, we did house a lot of the youngest daughter’s household stuff there, over the spring semester, because she was in an itsy-bitsy furnished apartment. But, now she’s in a different apartment (for the next year!), so I have a lot of my running room’s space back LOL Hey, it’s ultimately MY house, right? 😉
Yes, I think eventually you get to reclaim that space!
Ummm, I’m on the other end of the last minute physical thing and let me tell you, I’m drowning!!!!! Parents get so upset that we don’t have any appointments. We’re like, why did you wait for the last minute? At least you understand. Glad you were able to find something.
Good luck with the drive to Texas. You should have a lot of quality conversation on that ride. My boys always talk way more in the car.
Far from being upset, we were incredibly grateful that they were able to accommodate us! Especially since it was entirely my fault.
Yes, I’m looking forward to some quality time on that car ride! The last hurrah before he starts college.
Glad you were able to get that school physical! I’ve used the immediate care center at Target in past for quick desperation sports physicals. Ha! It’s about a 12 hour drive for us to get to Georgia Tech from here and we’ve never done it. When Thing 1 was a freshman we flew down with her clothes and pre-ordered and picked up the rest of what she needed for her dorm in Atlanta. It was SO easy!
There’s a slight possibility we’ll be wishing we took your route instead of driving, ha ha… right now it seems fun though.
Well, no kids but not a normal month here either. Good luck on the road trip! That is one long drive.
You should definitely use his bedroom for your gym.
And I’m envious of that mug. I don’t have one & I lived there 17 years! I do however have a TX mug (I got one from almost every state I ran a half in), so I really don’t need it, but . . .
Funny, I’m planning to get a “Texas” mug when I’m back there in a couple weeks!
Yes, taking care of your mother in this situation is similar to caring for kids- very stressful.
Oh wow, thank goodness you were able to find an appointment for a physical for your daughter. Is it because she’s changing schools or is that the norm in Florida? I ask because I don’t remember that being a yearly thing until my sons started high school sports.
Good for you for driving your son so far! That does redeem you and you just might get Mother of the Year after all!
I have a dedicated gym in the basement, but it’s my “office” where I see about 50% of my clients.
Weirdly, the only year our kids need a physical (other than kindergarten) is seventh grade. So in a way you can see how I forgot!
You definitely need a gym- you can’t be seeing your clients with your mat set up in the hallway (with the cats milling around)- which is my setup, frequently.
My kids are grown so life is easier.
I’ve taken control of both their rooms and closets.
One is my sewing room. The other has a tv and a stationary bike in it.
Enjoy getting away.
Ha, I’m quite a ways away from taking over both my kids rooms. But just having temporary use of one will help.
I’m glad your daughter was able to get her physical before school started!
I’m super envious of others’ home gyms too–hoping to deck out my place with something like that one day, but for now, I’m kinda in the same boat as you, haha. (You should totally temporarily-commandeer your son’s room–he’s not using it right now anyway! ;P)
Ha, I will! I didn’t even think of it until I read everyone’s blag posts about their gyms!
Oh, gosh. I remember running into a different issue with school physicals — insurance wouldn’t pay if I tried to get them done “early” if it hadn’t been a year yet, so planning ahead might not pay off either.
Before you create a new home gym, I need to find you my post from when my nest wasn’t as empty as I thought — my son decided to come home for a weekend I already planned to use his room for guests!
That’s a long drive — I suggest loading up your phone with lots of podcasts — my favorite driving diversion.
Sorry I’m late catching up with coffee.
Ha, I like your perspective! Yes, it’s GOOD to procrastinate!
Luckily my son will be all the way in Texas so he can’t really come home unexpectedly. He would not be pleased to find his room turned into a gym. And yes… I will be listening to all the podcasts.
Glad there was an appointment for your daughter. School starts on Tuesday? Already? Ugh, so soon. I like the idea of turning your son’s room into a home gym. It is going to be empty anyway. 🙂
Yes, the kids got gypped this year with a seven week summer. I feel REALLY bad for the teachers!
My kids are grown (41 and 36 y.o) but my grandsons will start to go to school in middle September. My wife is an elementary school teacher and also this year will be bad for her and her colleagues because of the covid rules.
I had a room for the gym in the past with some instruments and a treadmill. Now I don’t have it anymore and all my workouts are outside but here the weather is always good so it is not a sacrifice.
With the 4th heat wave in Italy August cannot be a normal month.
My husband is also a teacher- this is a hard time for teachers!
A friend had a conference in Austin in 2019 and made the drive from Wellington, so more or less yours less an hour. I heard many good things about Buccees, but that was before Florida’s opened.
Shin/calf mud is real!
I don’t have a home gym either but did get new weights which made me happy.