walkers walk… but runners fly

Birthday Coffee Date

Yep!  It’s my birthday (today as I’m writing this- March 21st.) I love birthdays, so even though I’m not doing anything super-celebratory, I’m enjoying the day.  No need for the dumpster fire coffee mug this week!  Things are going well.  Grab yourself a nice, hot beverage and I’ll tell you all about it.

First things first!  I signed up for a race!!!  Sweat, Swat ‘n Swear on May 26th.  If we can ignore the name- which seems a little ominous- it sounds like a great race.  I’m doing the 50K distance (there’s also a 10K and 25K) and it’s on the west coast of Florida, north of Tampa.

My life has meaning again!  I’m really excited about this, and it gives me plenty of time to get my ankle 100% healed.  And, it’s “only” a 50K.  I know that sounds ridiculous, but there really is a big difference between 50K and 50 miles (like, 20 miles worth of difference.) I was all mentally geared up for a 50 mile race, so 50K seems easy.  At least it does right now- I’m sure it won’t be easy while I’m actually running it.  But as long as my ankle cooperates, I can do it.

Let’s move on to birthday week!  Because of the way everyone’s schedules worked out, I feel like I celebrated my birthday for days.  Tuesday was the only night my husband was free, so we went out for dinner and delicious beers.  When they served the beers my husband said “Aren’t you going to take a picture?”  Well… it’s the same place we went for our anniversary a couple weeks ago, and I got another IPA sampler, so it looks almost identical to that picture… but okay!  Here it is.

Again, we both ordered the only vegan thing on the menu, which fortunately is a very tasty tofu and broccoli stir fry.  Fun night!

On to Birthday Eve.  Okay- Birthday Eve isn’t normally a thing, but this year my birthday is on Thursday- a work day- and Wednesday is my day off.  So I took myself out for a little Birthday Eve celebration.  I went to Barnes and Noble, where I sat and read magazines and drank tea for a long time.

And then I browsed, but this time I was actually determined to buy something!  A client gave me $50 as a birthday gift, and I decided to buy books with it.  This was actually easier said than done, because while I love browsing, it kills me to spend money on something I could get from the library.  I finally picked out two unusual-sounding mysteries…

and decided to spend the last $15 ordering Nevil Shute’s The Breaking Wave from Amazon.

My actual birthday was spent at work, but as we know, every day counts!  I enjoyed the day.  Even though we don’t make a big deal over birthdays, my husband and I both believe that everyone should have presents to open on their special day- so he got me a book light (for my new favorite pastime of reading in bed) and two tank tops.  And he cooked dinner (best present of all!)

What would your ideal birthday celebration be?

Do you like browsing in bookstores?  Do you buy books or get them from the library?

Anyone else have a March birthday?

Top photo by Nick Fewings on Unsplash

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41 Responses

  1. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!

    Your birthday week sounds wonderful, especially your birthday eve. No such things as too many pictures of IPA samplers, I always say. 😉 Yay for birthday books, too! I really enjoyed The Eighth Detective – I hope it’s a hit for you!

    And hooray for signing up for a race!!!!!!!!! A great week indeed.

    1. Thank you Suzanne! I’m glad to hear you liked The Eighth Detective- I think we have similar taste in mysteries. I can’t wait to read it!

  2. Happy birthday!!! I love that you had several days of celebration, I don’t think we’re ever too old to celebrate ourselves! And even more exciting that you have a race to look forward to soon!

    I have a July birthday so I grew up never having to go to school on my birthday, so when I got my first “big girl” job, I decided to take my birthday off work too, and it’s been a tradition that’s stuck ever since. Some years I’ve had a trip planned for the week/weekend of my birthday (this year I’m signed up for a trail marathon in Utah on my actual birthday, and it’s the first race I ever did too so I’m excited to go back) but even if I don’t go anywhere, it’s nice to have the day off!

    1. Oooh, that sounds like an AWESOME birthday- a trail marathon in Utah. You’re inspiring me- next year my birthday will be on a Saturday and the year after that, Sunday- maybe I’ll try to find a race on my actual birthday.

  3. Happy birthday!!! Excited for your race and it seems a fun birthday week.
    My birthday is on Christmas so it’s never boring/alone. Ideally, I would run a race or do a long run? a long shower, massage, yummy food, and opening silly presents from my girls.

    1. I didn’t know your birthday is on Christmas! How did I not know that? Yes, it will always be an eventful day. i like your ideal birthday celebration!

  4. I love bookstores and libraries but I no longer buy books. Lots of library trips.

    A day off is a perfect way to celebrate. I’m usually in Florida. In May.

    Happy Birthday!!!!

    1. Thank you Darlene! Yes, I don’t buy a lot of books these days- most of my books come from the library.
      Spending your birthday in Florida sounds perfect.

  5. Oooh! I’m not sure if I’ve read The Breaking Wave or not but it’s been on my list. If I did it was in high school, so uh it’s been a while. I’ll pick it up soon and we’ll do a mini CBBC!

    I love the psychology of “just” running 50k;-) A small Memorial Day weekend present.

    Here’s to celebrating your birthday for days! The more beer flights the better!

    1. Ha ha… I think “less is more” when it comes to beer flights- at least nowadays. I love beer but always pay for it the next day.
      Yes! The Breaking Wave!!! It sounds really good.

  6. Happy Birthday!! And I am glad you found a race! And celebrating for days is how to do a birthday! Both of those books look good. I always visit a bookstore on my birthday! I buy them and get them from the library. I try the library first. But on my bday I enjoy buying a few! So glad you have had a great week!

    1. Melodie, you sound like me. Buying books on our birthdays! And yes- I always try the library first but they don’t have everything.

  7. Happy birthday! I love that the celebration was several days long. I would struggle to spend money on books I could borrow too.

    I hope your ankle heals for the 50K!!!!

  8. HAPPY BIRTHDAYYYYYY!!!! I love birthdays, for everyone, but especially for my own. And March 21 is such a nice day for a birthday! Very often the first day of spring! I think you should celebrate not only a birthday week, but a birthday month. Yay!
    Congrats on the race news! Lololol YES BIG DIFFERENCE between 50K and 50 miles – but 50K is pretty significant, so colour me impressed. I’m glad that worked out for you and gives you plenty of time to heal.
    I hope you have a great birthday weekend!

    1. Thank you Nicole! Now that I live in Florida, spring isn’t that important- but when I lived up north I LOVED it when the first day of spring was also my birthday.

  9. Happy belated birthday! It sounds like you had many fun celebrations and a good day overall for the actual day. Hopefully you also extend the fun into this weekend and it is also a good one! My ideal birthday is just to have a regular day, maybe go out for a hike or a run, have beers with friends etc. but I do not like things to be about me so I don’t want any fanfare; I just want it to be like a regular day.

    I love browsing bookstores but usually do not buy anything as I get everything from the library. I have not bought a book in ages, but that does not keep me from spending a long time in the good bookstores. I don’t know if you have ever been to Portland, but if you do go, you must go to Powells. You can spend hours and hours there easily!

    1. Kyria, I also wouldn’t like it if there were some big celebration on my birthday. I like to celebrate it, but mostly on my own.
      Okay, Powells in Portland is on my list!

  10. Happy happy birthday!

    I love a celebration, but our celebration is usually pretty small like a cupcake and a thoughtful present. But I keep thinking that we should do a big blowout in a few years when we hit our next milestone birthday (my husband and I were born in the same year)…

    I don’t like to be in stores at all, but a bookstore is the most fun if I have to be in one. I just don’t buy a ton of books, as you know!

    1. Yes I know you don’t buy books! But bookstores are so fun to browse in. And I think you guys should definitely do something special for your next milestone birthday! I’m thinking a trip to Florida… : )

  11. Happy happy birthday!! I don’t have a March birthday but Paul does! His is on the 1st.

    I like to browse bookstores but I generally only buy kids books. I don’t reread books so I have a hard time spending money on a book that I will only read once that I could get at the library. The exception is books that I might want to reference again, like books on parenting.

    We are very low key in terms of celebrating birthdays. We don’t exchange gifts since gifts are just not our thing. I try to give Phil the gift of time and encourage him to schedule some rounds of golf as that is one of his favorite summer activities and it gives him a long stretch of time out of the house! For my birthday, we typically get take out of some sort. That’s kind of it, though! One year for my birthday I hosted a “puzzle party” and encouraged people to drop by and work on a 1,000 piece puzzles. It was kind of an open house set up so they could come when it worked for them and I had snacks and drinks. Paul was 11 months at the time and was pretty easy to have around. He wasn’t walking yet so he couldn’t like walk off with pieces and hide them. It would be trickier to do something like this with Taco around! But maybe in a couple of years I can host another bday puzzle party.

    1. I LOVE that idea! Very relaxed and low-key. And yes, kind of hard to do with a pre-schooler around. But soon- you can do it again soon.

  12. Oh my goodness! Happy Birthday! I have this listed in my birthday notes, now, so I won’t forget.

    March is a quasi-big month in our family with various celebrations, the biggest being my daughter’s who turns THIRTEEN next week.

    Ideal birthday? Time alone. Unbaked cherry cheesecake. A walk with my best friend outside in lovely weather.

    I don’t love browsing in bookstores to be honest. I prefer to browse online and then order things from the library. I find bookstores kinda overwhelming.

    I’m not very excited for your upcoming race <3

    1. i know what you mean about bookstores… especially since the only one we have is a huge chain. But, I like to see all the books displayed. A lot of times I’ll see a book that looks good, and take out my phone right there and put a library hold on it. There’s just something fun about buying books though, I don’t know why.

  13. Happy belated! I hope you had a great day (and week)! And, how exciting about the May race (and what a name!!) – I love that it gives time for your ankle to heal but still gives you a goal to work towards to. I am a library person now, but buy physical copies of books that grab my heart and I love, love, love browsing a bookstore to buy books as presents.

    1. Yes, I’ll browse through the bookstore before Christmas and birthdays to look for presents. On this trip I actually bought something for my daughter’s Easter basket. That was fun!

  14. Happy belated birthday! I’m glad you’re not drinking out of your dumpster fire mug today (which is, admittedly, amazing). I hope you’re weekend is fantabulous and that you feel celebrated!

  15. Happy birthday, Jenny!! And what a lovely way to celebrate – both the dinner & beers and to go for a tea date on birthday eve! I can totally see that birthday eve is a thing.
    I love book shops but I can’t buy any more books because we already have too many and don’t have space. I buy books on Apple books instead. Not that cozy feeling like reading a real book in your armchair, but it works.
    Great news about the race!!! Now get that ankle healed asap!

    1. I’m working hard on the ankle- mobility and strength. And little bits of running (hooray!)
      Yes, it’s a little hard to buy books when I know I’m going to read them once and then give them away. But I can’t keep all the books I’ve read (I used to do that, but like you said it gets overwhelming.) I never read e books- I love holding an actual book in my hands. I know I’m in the minority with that though!

  16. Happy birthday!! I’m glad you got to celebrate your special day in your special way! Also exciting to hear you have race plans. That’s a very positive thing! I have been getting through a lot of audiobooks lately, but the paper book I started on my Mexico vacation last September is still sitting by my bed with no new pages turned haha! I basically just look at the books you are reading and them I request them from my library app ;). Hope they are good ones!
    Enjoy the rest of your week!

    1. Thank you Lisa! I’ll report back on these books- they better be good since I paid actual money for them! And yes- I’m really excited about this race. It sounds very cool! Well, not cool temperature-wise of course… sigh.

  17. Happy happy birthday.
    Sounds like you had a great week of celebration. While we in Germany never would celebrate a birthday in advance (it’s considered bad luck) I love doing multiple days. How lovely a client gifted you 50$. So generous.
    I love brownies books stores but usually leave without buying anything. As you said many books can be gotten from the library. Only rarely I buy something on a whim. Or I buy books I really really know I am going to love and want on my shelf. But it’s hard.

    1. Yes, I remember that it’s bad luck to celebrate a birthday early in Germany! I wonder how that got started, anyway?
      Yes, browsing in bookstore is so fun- but I usually leave without buying anything.

  18. Happy (belated) birthday! I think celebrating for days is a good idea, and hope you are still celbrating!

    I rarely get to the library, so I usually buy books from Amazon or at airport bookstores. These books sound intriguing! I want to know what a classic Japanese locked room mystery is. Does the murder occur in an isolated place with a limited pool of suspects?

  19. Happy, happy birthday, Jenny! You share a birthday with my best friend’s daughter. She just turned 2, so there’s a bit of an age difference there. 😉

    You won’t be too far from me for your race – I mapped it; it’s a little over an hour from me! I hope this 50K goes well and the ankle behaves!!

    My ideal birthday: Starbucks for my birthday drink, a massage or facial, and browsing in a bookstore. And dinner with family!

  20. I love it when you can extend the birthday celebrations. I usually like to go somewhere extra special, just Geoff and me, and then get together with the kids as well. I’m not that fussed about presents; getting together with friends and family is what matters to me. I love browsing in a good bookstore, especially ones that have staff picks to check out. There is a bookstore in Queenscliff, which is near my parents, that we visit most of the time when we go there. They always have lots of interesting travel, garden, nature and cookbooks to browse.

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