Oh, brother (you’re thinking.) HOW many times are we going to have to hear about Jenny’s birthday??? Oh, just a couple more. In the comments yesterday, Coco informed me that in Asian cultures, the “9”s are a bigger celebration than the “10”s- so 59 is actually a big birthday, and I’m making the most of it.
I don’t work on Wednesdays. Sometimes I do a long run, or I have an irksome appointment (last week I spent my Wednesday getting a mammogram and going to the chiropractor.) This week, I had nothing on my schedule, which I LOVE! After I dropped my daughter off at school, I went to the gym, and then on to Barnes and Noble.
I love sitting in the cafe drinking tea and working on various projects- today, I was inspired by Sarah’s latest podcast episode about planning for Quintile 2. (Quintile 2 goes from the beginning of spring break until the end of the school year.) I got out my planner and got to work.
Honestly, Q2 isn’t that complicated for us. We have one trip planned, and the arrangements have already been made. I have a race, which I’ve already registered for and requested the day off from work (note to self- still have to get a hotel in Ocala for two nights,) Then it was mostly a matter of transferring my daughter’s band events onto the calendar.
After I was done I felt like I had a much better grasp of what the next two months are going to look like. I celebrated by browsing happily around the bookstore. I LOVE browsing, but it’s hard for me to actually buy a book- especially if it’s something I know I could get from the library. I ended up buying nothing, but stopped at the library on the way home where I got these:
I’ve never read anything by Elizabeth Strout, so I have a question for the Strout lovers out there- is it okay if I read this book first? Is everyone screaming that I should return this and get one of the earlier books??? If so, what book would I start with?
When I got home I had a lovely nap (obviously) and then…. I cooked a dinner! Someone- and I’m sorry I can’t remember who- posted a photo of a stir fry with cashews this week, and it inspired me.

It was yummy, AND THERE ARE LEFTOVERS! I will not be cooking tomorrow (as a followup to yesterday’s post- this was one of the nights my husband wasn’t home to make dinner.)
9 pm- reading in bed. What a nice day!!!
How would you spend a day off in the middle of the week?
Have you read either of these books?
14 Responses
I love Elizabeth strout and that book. I think you will want to read the others after.
Interesting fact. I turned 59 on 5-9. May 9.
Enjoy your week. Happy birthday.
Oh wow! That must have been a cool birthday. So you think I can read this book, and then go back and read the others? That would work.
Nicole was the stir fry inspo! This is the second time this week that I’ve drooled over a stir fry pic, and I have both tofu and cashews in the house so I think we all know what I’ll be eating soon.
I haven’t read Tell Me Everything, but I think you’re fine to jump in with any Stroud book. I tried to read the Lucy Barton series in order, and I still missed a book but it didn’t hurt anything.
I’m a pro at browsing bookstores and leaving with my wallet intact. It’s not that I’m opposed to ever buying a book, it’s just that the library has so much.
Quintiles>quarters all the way. It’s such a brilliant way of dividing the year. And since we’re planner twins, I really like that planner.
Ha, yes the planner is working out well for me! How are you liking it?
Good to know I can just jump right in with this book. And, when I’m in the bookstore and see a book I’m interested in, I get out my phone and look to see if it’s available at my library. If it is, I just can’t justify buying it.
It was probably me, with the stir-fry!
Also, I’m not saying it’s wrong to read Tell Me Everything, but to be totally honest you might be a little lost. It’s a book that brings together all the characters from her other books, so it might read strangely/ confusingly. I love Strout so much and I adore everything she’s written, and that book is a love letter for her fans, in my opinion. She’s a real character writer, it’s not plot heavy, so I’m not sure if it’s up your alley. I think for you I’d recommend her debut novel first, which is Amy and Isabelle. It’s a mother-daughter story and you might like it. All her stories are a bit grim though, so be warned.
Ooh, grim? I’ll be ready. I’ll check to see if my library has Amy and Isabelle.
Yes, it was you with the stir fry! It was the cashews that lured me in. Thank you!
Happy birthday week! I, too, love browsing in a bookstore! I end up taking pictures of books I’m interested in or using my library app to put holds in as I walk around. It really is the best!
Yes, that’s exactly what I do. I just love the way the books are displayed and I love being able to pick them up and look through them. But 9 times out of 10 I don’t end up buying them.
You get to have as many posts about your birthday week as possible! We need to capture all of the little joys around here when we can. <3
I don't often have a midweek day off work but every now and then I'll schedule one as a mental health day (or a day to take care of some appointments, which is NOT FUN), and it's just so nice to sleep in and do whatever I want with my time. I think my day would look very similar to yours – some bloggy work, some bookstore browsing, and some napping!
Yes, I think we have similar ideas about how an “ideal day” should play out!
Yum to the stir fry, and yay for leftovers!
Your day off sounds very lovely and relaxing. I would probably do my long run if I had a day off in the middle of the week so I would have more time on the weekend to do other things, and the trails would probably be emptier on a weekday. Several months ago I used a sick day for a mental health day from work on a Wednesday or Thursday and did just that, and it was so nice that I think I need to do it again soon!
Next Wednesday I will be doing a long run! I agree, it’s nice to do it in the middle of the week and have a relaxed weekend. Right now I’m alternating, Wednesday, then ten days later Sunday, then ten days later Wednesday again… the problem with Wednesdays right now is I can’t get started as early as I would like because I have to get my daughter to school. But, it all works out. You should definitely take a mental health day and do a long run!
I am so glad the Q2 ep helped!!! That makes me happy. And, now I want cashews.
On a scale of 1 to 10 (with 10 being “my-son-is-visiting-for-Christmas” levels of joy), how much do you enjoy planning?
Personally, I love planning so much that I recently tried to book an Airbnb a whole year in advance… only to discover that even Airbnb has its limits! 🤣