walkers walk… but runners fly

Christmas Recap Part 1

Ah… I love Christmas.  Have I mentioned that? (ha ha…). This one was really nice, starting with the Christmas Eve festivities.

We always have my friend and her two daughters over on Christmas Eve.  Our girls have been friends since preschool, when we started this tradition.  We decorate cookies, eat dinner, go for a walk, and just hang out.  We used to see each other all the time, but now our girls go to different schools and sometimes the WHOLE YEAR goes by without getting together… until Christmas Eve rolls around again.  It’s actually amazing we’ve been able to keep this tradition going for twelve years.

The cookies were interesting, as usual!

Some of the “highlights.” That extremely weird one is supposed to be a reindeer head, but my daughter turned it upside down and made a… Christmas alien?

After they left, my daughter went to bed (my husband and son were out playing a church gig together) and I got busy with the Santa magic!  I filled stockings, hung candy canes on the tree, and put out all the presents.  When I was done, I felt like I should throw my elf cap up in the air, like they do in Polar Express when Santa’s sleigh takes off.  I crawled into bed at 1 am.

My work is done.

In a true Christmas miracle, I slept SOUNDLY until almost 8:00!  I didn’t even get up for the bathroom! Boy, did I need that.  At 8 my daughter couldn’t wait any longer, and we all got up to open presents.

But wait!  There’s something new under the tree…

What is that way over on the left?

It was my Christmas Book Flood!  Now, let me just mention that my husband HATES wrapping presents.  He mentioned to a friend that he got me a bunch of books for Christmas, and she said “I would just put them in a basket with some tea and chocolate.”

When I heard that, I laughed so hard.  I’m pretty sure she didn’t mean an EASTER BASKET (it’s an old one he found in the garage.)  But hey- our family is quirky.  We can have an Easter Basket under our Christmas tree.

In addition to the Santa presents under the tree, these are the presents my husband and I got for each other, and that the kids got for us and each other.  We had a lot of opening to do!

I had one big present that I saved for last…

Trying to re-create the scene from Polar Express where Billy finds his present…

Here’s my haul (except I left out one thing- a nice serving bowl that I used for Christmas dinner.). Yes, the big present was an air fryer!!!

That little green thing at the bottom is some powdered greens I’ve been wanting to try- I’m looking for something like Athletic Greens, but not as expensive.

Everyone was happy with their presents, although my daughter had a few fails: the jeans I got her were an “ugly” color, the Hello Kitty t-shirt was “too minimalistic,” the Crocs were the wrong size, and the blazer had no inside pocket (a fatal flaw, apparently.) But don’t feel too sorry for her!  She still got plenty of loot- two Switch games, a couple plushies (characters from games she likes) a rat charm bracelet, and various other odds and ends… plus the gift of the day, a Juicy Couture hoodie.  She LOVES that, and fun fact- it arrived at the last minute on Christmas Eve.  Phew!

My son got new clothes, a big Lego (the “Jazz Club”), some shoes, cologne, and oh yes, his stocking was pretty okay.  He got socks, and Pokemon cards, some chocolate bars, air freshener for his car… I managed to fill it.

The fam had cinnamon rolls for breakfast…

and I had gingerbread oatmeal, with a little “breakfast dessert.”

And then I hunkered down on the couch to catch up on blogs and sip tea.  We had Christmas music playing all day, and it was so peaceful!  My cat came over, so that means I had to take a nap.

Just in case you were wondering how long my neck is… my son took this lovely picture of us.

For lunch we had a charcuterie board…

And after lunch I started Dover One, which I am loving so far…

Wait, there’s a book missing! That’s because my husband absconded with My Brilliant Friend, which he’s enjoying.

I had to take nap #2, and then it was time to start dinner.

Lasagna, salad, and garlic bread- and that’s my new serving bowl in the upper left corner!

Dessert was a cookie platter.

Including those “amazing” rum balls! They still taste like rum.

And now… it’s over.  Sob!  My usual pattern is to get sad on the night of the 25th, perk up a little on the 26th- it’s still the holidays!- and then get really down around New Year’s.  But let’s not go there yet.  This is a holiday week (“Between the Years,” according to San) and there’s still delicious food, twinkle lights, and new books to read.  And my daughter leaves for Rome on Wednesday, so there’s a lot to do to get ready for that.  Onward!

Coming up tomorrow: Further Christmas thoughts, and dealing with taking it all down (noooooooo!)

How was your day?

If you have Christmas traditions, what are your favorites?

Do you get sad when holidays end?


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34 Responses

  1. Merry Christmas Jenny! It looks like you had a lovely day, you certainly earned your two naps after finishing at 1 am Christmas Eve. My favourite traditions are our Turkey dinner and mum’s plum pudding.

  2. That is a great photo of you taking the nap! I think naps are the way to go and we all meant to take one too but never got around to it in the end. I think you are allowed to leave up your decorations as long as you want, that way you can prolong the good feelings! My parents love decorating and it is not unusual for some things to linger well into January! Nothing wrong with that!

    1. Ah, well there is a slight issue with the tree, which is coming up in tomorrow’s post! I don’t think it will make it to January.

  3. Well I’m a bit smug about the fact that I guessed that Paul and your husband would have a trumpet gig! I mentioned it in my post today because I thought of them at the Christmas service I went to when the trumpets played during joy to the world. Easter and Christmas are such great times for trumpets with the peppy music!

    I am glad you had a great holiday! The Easter basket is funny – at least it has a red bow? What a fun gift, though!!

    I think you know I don’t get sad after Christmas. I enjoy it but then we move on. I like this final week of the year. It nice to look back on the year and figure out what I want to do in 2024.

    My favorite Christmas tradition is going to Phil’s cousin’s house on Christmas Eve! We stay home for the holidays and it’s just our family and my MIL on Christmas Day so it’s nice to go to a bigger celebration on Christmas Eve. Phil’s cousins are much older than him so all of their kids are out of college, except one who will graduate this spring. So our young kids are a huge novelty! So they get a ton of attention and lots of presents and they actually like all the noise they create since they miss having young kids around.

    1. Yes, I read that in your post! It made me happy that you thought of our family when you heard the trumpets.
      I think it’s nice to do the bigger celebration on Christmas Eve, then be able to relax on Christmas Day. Of course, having two little kids means your day wasn’t QUITE as relaxing as mine… but your day will come.

  4. Looks just perfectly lovely!! The Easter basket thing is cute. Hahaha. I’d love to get a basket of books that someone thoughtfully picked out for me! It sounds like a very relaxing day. And too bad some of your daughter’s gifts were a little bust, but oh well- I’m sure you have receipts and she can go pick out a “non ugly” jeans color for herself. (lol!!! What color were the jeans?!) Enjoy the rest of this week! I always usually love the week between Christmas and new years and I definitely still normally really lean into all things holiday until the 1st. It’s my favorite actually because all the work is done and I can just enjoy the good parts like the twinkle lights, movies and some relaxing. Very different this year as we’re in Mexico, as you know, and they don’t seem to really do the whole “cozy” thing here. Ha. Hard to explain, but it’s fine- just different this year!

    1. Yes, I’m enjoying your posts from Mexico!!!
      I think the “book flood” in the Easter basket might have to become a yearly tradition : )
      Oh and the jeans were… blue? I think I chose something like “light wash” whatever that means. They look like normal jeans to me. Whatever.

  5. Love this recap and am JEALOUS OF YOUR NAPS. I am hoping today (or tomorrow) include a nap!

    What a festive celebration and I know how much time and effort go into making the Christmas holiday magical (e.g. Santa’s visit to your house) and full of favourite experiences and foods. You knocked this out of the park (it’s impossible to keep teens 100% happy, so I think you get a sheet of gold stars for her gifts, too – even if they weren’t always well received – SIGH).

    You know how sad I get when Christmas is over. I can feel the slumping a bit today, but it’s okay. It’s worth it for all the joy Christmas brings me and it feels less intense this year. I think it has more to do with how tired I feel after all the hectic pace of the first few weeks of the month. Once we’re settled into January I will get back into the groove of routines! Taking down decorations is my least favourite part. I think if I could leave the house for a day and come back to EVERYTHING being settled and back to normal it would really take the edge off my melancoly? Perhaps my gift request next year of my husband? I’ll put Christmas up if you’ll dismantle it?

    1. HA HA, that would be the greatest present ever. You’ll have to let me know if you can pull that off.
      Yes, teens are hard, and I still consider the presents to be a success. And my post-Christmas depression is mild too so far… just because I’m pretty busy today. I’m sure it will hit harder at some point. Sigh.

  6. Yay for the air fryer!!!! And welcome to the twisted world of Dover!!! Note to self that I really want to read My Brilliant Friend.

    We had lasagna for our Christmas dinner as well – vegan lasagna with my parents on Christmas Eve and non-vegan lasagna on Christmas Day with the family. It was all epic.

    1. Ooh, who made the vegan lasagna?
      Yes, I’m enjoying Dover’s twisted world and I’m excited that there are more books in the series too!

  7. What a wonderful day, Jenny! Love all the cookies and your book flood looks fantastic! The picture of you and your cat on the couch looks so cozy. Nothing like a nap with a cat!

    Hope you love your air fryer! They are so useful.

    I tried listening to My Brilliant Friend earlier this year and it wasn’t doing it for me, but I’m 99% sure it was the narrator. That’s a book I definitely want to read. Looking forward to your review!

    1. My Brilliant Friend is one of Engie’s favorite books! I’m excited to read it (when my husband finishes it.)
      I’m excited about the air fryer- I’m going to need suggestions on what to make with it.

  8. Looks like such a fun-filled day! Christmas is one of my favorite holidays because it’s such a great time for everyone to come together.

    I love the photo of you snoozing on the couch. At some point during the day, I think we all fall victim to taking a quick nap, lol.

    1. Oh, that nap was a good one. I love it when I’m getting more and more sleepy, and then I just give up and put my head back. A purring cat is the icing on the cake.

  9. What a nice holiday… so many traditions and good things happened in your house.

    I’m Jewish and my hubby’s family is bah humbug so nothing exciting happened here. The hubby is still sick and grumpy. I am injured and grumpy. You should be glad not be around us.

    (I hope to be on the mend by Feb and we can meet up and chat face-to-face).

    I used to mentor a teenage mom & her kids but alas they’ve grown up and she is doing fine on her own.

    1. Oh boy, so you’re having a grumpy holiday. I guess you’ll be happy when it’s all over (and your husband is feeling better.)
      Yes, we’ll meet up in February- it will be fun!

  10. MUFFIN! What an absolute DELIGHT you are. I have spent far to much time in the last few days with a book, a cat, and a blanket on the couch. It is the true benefit of time off.

    It sounds like it was a successful day. Yay for making the magic happen!

  11. What a lovely day!

    I got four books this year – two from my husband and two from a book exchange!

    My parents came over on Christmas Eve – it used to be such an easy night because we would order Chinese food and hang out, but my husband can’t eat that anymore, so it was turkey meatballs and baked ziti. Everyone but me slept in on Christmas, and I even got a run in. We also had cinnamon rolls and then had a chill morning. Lots of new clothes for the my husband and son – they both have had big body changes over the last year and needed to be re-outfitted.

    I would absolutely pay money for a nap right now, though!

    1. My kids got a lot of clothes, too! It’s funny how much my son likes clothes now.
      So you got up early and went for a run while everyone else was asleep??? Christmas bonus points for you!

  12. It sounds like you had a lovely Christmas Eve and Christmas Day! Yay for a new air fryer and I love that big serving bowl. We’ve had a wonderful weekend and week thus far. Our holidays will wrap up on Friday with Book Night. I’ll probably start taking decorations down over the weekend since next week I’ll need to start thinking about packing for our Florida trip.

  13. What a fun day! Love the gifts you got. I’ve seen ads about Bloom but do not know too much about it. I laughed that your husband used the basket for the gifts but at the same time think it is cute.

    1. I haven’t tried the Bloom yet! I’m sure I need it- my eating has been kind of decadent.
      Yes, I’m still laughing at the Easter basket- but I also think it should become a Christmas tradition.

  14. I am giggling at the basket! Yay for getting a bunch of new books to read. I am completely eyeing that Lily’s dark chocolate with sea salt. YUM!!!! And the photo of you napping with your cat is heart eyes emoji! I love it!

    My day was fine! I am so so ready for quiet that I felt relief with the holidays were over. I love Christmas – that isn’t a grinchy thing – this year has just been so busy and I feel like I am always behind.

    1. I have to admit that while I’m sad it’s over, it’s also kind of nice to relax a little! Oh and that Lily’s bar is DELICIOUS. I’m loveing it.

  15. I actually snorted with laughter at the Easter basket under the tree. Thank goodness there is photographic evidence. 😉
    Also, that nap picture is epic. You know it’s a fabulous nap when you end up in that position. So glad you were able to rest, read, and enjoy family. Lasagna for dinner sounds fantastic!

  16. I love all your Christmas traditions. I find traditions so comforting. The Easter basket under the tree is so funny… especially since books are the EASIEST things to wrap 😉
    We spent Christmas with my mother-in-law for the first time in a few years and while we had a nice time, my usual traditions/rituals were missing, which felt a little odd.

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