walkers walk… but runners fly

December Coffee Date… er, RUNFESSIONS!

Ha ha… I definitely have “holiday brain” because this whole week I was writing a coffee date post.  Luckily I realized that the Ultimate Coffee Date is NEXT Friday- today we’re joining Marcia for Runfessions.  I think I can dig up a few, although there might be a “mom-fession” thrown in as well.

First, I’d like to issue an apology on behalf of the State of Florida to anyone visiting this week.  We are having unusually COLD weather!

Not a great week for a beach vacation, but I’ll runfess that it’s paradise for me.  Let’s look a little closer at Sunday and Monday mornings…

I have BACK-TO-BACK LONG RUNS planned for those days!!!  47 degrees???  Yes, please!  I might even have to find a hat and gloves to wear.  I’m excited!

Next runfession:  I have my eye on another 50 mile race, at the end of April.  It’s the Skunk Ape Endurance Run in Ocala- the start of the race is the trail I ran on this summer when I was up there.  I know, I know- first I need to get through the 50 miler I’m already doing in February.  When that’s done I’ll see how I feel- maybe I won’t be up to it, or even want to do another 50 miler.  But right now I’m thinking about it.

Lastly, my daughter is now in ROME!  The high school band does a big trip once every four years, and it happens to fall in her freshman year.  They’ll play a concert, march in the New Year’s Day parade, see all the sights, and attend a fancy New Year’s Eve party.  It’s an incredible opportunity for her- my son went to London four years ago with the band and it was the highlight of his high school career.

She left yesterday in a flurry of excitement and chaos and, well… I’ll ‘mom-fess” that I’m enjoying the peace and quiet!  I’m definitely thinking about her, and happy that she’s having so much fun, but I need this break.  I think we needed a break from each other.

Before she left, I told her if she didn’t want to send us lengthy texts (I know her pretty well), she could just send us photos.  So today I got this photo from her:

Who is that person? Is this even in Italy???

I guess if I wanted photos of INTERESTING VIEWS and people (THAT I KNOW) I should have been more specific.  Sigh.

That’s it for this week!  Anything you want to runfess?

How is your weather this week?

Is it a busy week for you, or are you enjoying some down time?

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43 Responses

  1. I didn’t know that Florida would get that cold. Great news for you though! Our weather has not been great this week. Christmas Day was very wet and it has been similar top temperatures here as your forecast. Not great for our summer holiday. I just spent the afternoon in bed. I’m hoping I don’t have COVID. My brother in law was sick while he was staying down here with my parents and he has since tested positive

    1. This is just about as cold as it gets down here, and it doesn’t stay this way all winter- next week we could be up to 80 again (but I hope not!)
      Oh, i hope you don’t have Covid. My sister was also exposed on Christmas Day, sigh. It seems like everyone is getting sick!

  2. Hahahaha that photo from your daughter!! lol!! That is so funny! “Who is that person”? 😂 Hope she’s having a blast and that you get some photos of, oh, I don’t know, the Colosseum or something. 😉

    1. I got another “amazing” photo from her today- LUCKILY the chaperones are posting photos on facebook so I can see a little of what they’re doing.

  3. Omg that photo! What in the world! Oh teens… A break can be nice. Distance makes the heart grow fonder right?? 😉

    Wow that is cold! My sister is in FL this week but hasn’t complained about the weather. But she lives in AZ so she doesn’t get cold weather either so that’s probably why she hasn’t said anything! I know it’s been nice enough for some beach days. I am glad that you will get some excellent running weather, though!! It’s been super mild here. We set a record on Christmas Eve when the high was 54. The highs have been in the 30s this week which is very nice for this time of year!

    I worked Wednesday and Thursday and it was extremely quiet which was nice. My company is condensing from 3 floor to 2 in January so the quiet week gave me a chance to pack up my cubicle!

    1. Yesterday was cold and rainy (at least in this part of Florida) but today was what my dad used to call a “hot-cold” day. It was in the 60s, but the sunshine was hot. But if you sent in the shade and the wind blew, it was a little chilly. I’m sure it was still nice enough for the beach though.
      So re you having a four-day weekend now? I hope you get some time to relax!

      1. Yes I have a 4 day weekend! Paul didn’t have care yesterday so I took the day off to spend with him while Taco went to school and Phil worked. We had a very lazy morning which was good as taco had been up during the night. He’s been waking during the night the last couple of nights – we noticed last night one ear is draining so he must have an ear infection (he has tubes so the fluid drains out of his ear and we can just treat it with drops). This is his first ear infection since he got tubes 2 years ago! We were so surprised to see fluid! But he’s fine otherwise so we can still be out and about.

        I do hope we get nice, hot weather when we go to Destin in April! We went to the Tampa area in Feb 2020 and it was pretty cold and rainy so we decided to come later in the season this time, especially since we are staying a bit further north. It sounds like my sister still had a nice getaway. She has a 6m baby and 2.5 year old so it was nice a getaway as you can have with young kids. 😉

  4. LOL on your daughter’s photo! Hopefully she’ll explain them when she’s back home!

    We’ve had a wet week, but now we’ve got mild weather — in the 40s and 50s for my morning walks with Scooby.

    I love how you have gotten hooked on these trail races!

    1. It’s funny how our temps aren’t THAT much colder than yours! How is that possible?
      Yes, my daughter will have a lot of explaining to do when she gets home, ha ha. i believe she’s having fun though and that’s the important thing.

  5. I’m SO HAPPY about this cold snap 🙂 AND I’m up in Amelia Island right now so it’s way colder!! So amazing for running that I don’t mind being cold the rest of the time!

    WOW on those international trips! I wanted to go on a school trip to Italy in 10th grade and my parents wouldn’t pay for it. I’m still mildly annoyed. Lol.

    1. Well, it was expensive! We were able to make payments though so it wasn’t too painful all at once. I figure once every four years ys reasonable.
      I’m with you- give me comfortable running weather, I’ll be cold the rest of the day! I don’t mind!

  6. What a fab experience for your daughter hope she has an amazing time! Ah your weather looks amazing and I know you will enjoy doing your long runs in that cool weather. Just perfect for you! Happy new year!

  7. Proof of life photos. 🙂 Wow! I never got to go anywhere for band (except marching bad, and that was never exciting — it was not like it is now, and frankly, I thank God for that!).

    That’s awesome that you’re getting a break in the weather. I’m not coming to FL so enjoy!

    You know I’ve mixed up coffee dates a time or two (or three).

    1. Yes, it’s hard to keep these coffee dates and runfessions straight!
      When I was in high school, our big band trip was to St. Louis. But now they go to Europe. Once every four years seems reasonable.

  8. That photo cracks me up! It reminds me of a time I was in Yosemite and we were at a really nice viewpoint where you can see half dome and El Cap and all of the waterfalls and I asked a lady to take a photo of my family there. When I looked at the photo (later, dang it), it was just of us! She did not include the scenery! WTH! That is why, even though I seem like a pain in the butt, I always specify now! I guess you need to do that with your daughter. Enjoy your cool runs this weekend!

    1. Kyria, my husband is like that. He doesn’t look at the background AT ALL when he takes a photo, so he’ll cut off really important things, or include something like a dumpster in the background. Yes, I guess you have to be specific!

  9. Ooooh enjoy that divine running weather! I know you will! Hope your daughter has a total blast in Rome. What a fun trip…and an interesting picture… haha!

  10. That picture from your daughter cracks me up. I hope she sends you photos that are a little more personal! What a wonderful experience she’ll have, and I hear you when you say it will be nice to miss each other for a while.

    HOORAY for cooler temps, especially when you have two long runs planned! Way to show up, Florida! I get such a kick out of you having your eye on a second 50 mile race, too. You have such a passion for this sport and it’s so obvious and wonderful.

    1. My mind has a passion for it- let’s hope my body can hold up.
      My daughter is such a nut- I can’t figure out if she’s sending me these ridiculous photos on purpose, or if she really thought that’s what I meant when I said “send pictures.” Either thing is possible.

  11. It’s the time of year when none of us know what day it is.

    You have earned that fabulous running weather! I’ll be thinking of you on NYE & New Year’s.

    Sigh, I guess your daughter is going to tell you about Rome on a “need to know” basis. The boys do that to us all the time. Enjoy the peace and quiet while it lasts!

    1. Oh, I’m enjoying the peace and quiet! She can send me all the stupid pictures she wants.
      I’ll be reporting back on the long runs- it should be an adventure!

  12. We are planning a trip to Tampa March 21st for 5 days. If the weather could be agreeable then . . . well, that would be amazing.

    I runfess that I considered running this am but I decided it was too cold and I decided on the stationary bike.

    Ed went to Europe in high school and had an amazing time. I could stand some alone time. No school with the 2 little girls is tough. Coach did not take time off work and I was rather upset so he took today off. Praise God.

    I laughed at how you shoulda asked for scenic pics with explanations. Details, right?

    1. Yes, I forgot to specify what KIND of pictures I wanted, ha ha.
      Tampa in March SHOULD be really nice. No guarantees of course, but I think you’re pretty safe.
      Yes, the Christmas break is hard with little kids! Hang in there.

  13. I have another action-packed weekend on deck, so this week has me in a flurry getting everything done (including two blog posts & frantic sweater knitting). Oh, and a 3-day work week at end-of-year looked great on paper, but it has our sales reps in a chronic “just one more favor needed” mode. But, yay for your daughter! That’s exciting….hopefully meaningful more pics are forthcoming!

    1. Well I’m looking forward to hearing about the action-packed weekend! Work has been chaotic for me as well, but luckily my hours don’t change- it can be a madhouse while I’m there, but then I leave it all behind at the end of the day. Good luck getting everything done!

  14. Enjoy that weather! It’s been unusually warm and rainy here. I don’t mind cause it’s less clothes for runs but the trails are so soft!

    I hope your daughter has the best time in Rome! I hope we get to hear a bit more when she comes back 🙂 Or we can just interpret the rail platform photo. Ha ha ha.

    My week is not super busy and I am so grateful for that!

    1. Yes, lots of rain does make for a messy trail. Your “unusually warm” weather is probably similar to our “cold” weather- ie it’s great for running.
      Glad you have a slower week! We all need those.

  15. Rain rain rain here but I don’t care. LOL

    Rome? How exciting. I didn’t go anywhere until junior year of college – France!

    Enjoy the peace and quiet.

    1. Thanks Darlene! That’s one bright spot- it can rain all it wants and it won’t bother you (sigh.)
      I didn’t leave the country until I was in my 20s. in high school we went to Detroit and St. Louis. Nowadays they do much bigger trips.

  16. It is such a QUIET time. I mean, I’m in my office, but I’m not sure why since I’m mostly reading blogs and cleaning out my office drawers. LOL. I scheduled a bunch of doctor and car service appointments this morning, as well. If you’re going to do all your household chores, it’s better to do it at work, I guess?

    I am laughing at Kim’s “warm and rainy” comment because I’d say it’s “cold and rainy.” It’s warmer than average, but 35 and rainy is COLD. I’d rather 30 and snow! We went to the grocery store last night and my husband and I were joking about why we live here and I wistfully said “some people are in Florida right now” and he laughed and laughed at me.

    1. I agree- 30s and rainy is some of the worst weather. If it’s going to be in the 30s give me snow.
      Glad you’re having a quiet week- it seems like “between the years” should be quiet and peaceful!

  17. That picture from your daughter is HILARIOUS.

    A trip to Rome at her age is just so cool. I loved Rome, and can’t imagine getting to explore it as a teen! What an opportunity. Hopefully you’ll get a few more pictures that, um, have a bit more pizazz!

    I’m excited for your cool weather! And another 50 miler. Wow. That’s so exciting, Jenny!

    1. Luckily I’ve been seeing some good photos on the band facebook page- otherwise I would be wondering if my daughter were really in Italy (eye roll.) It sounds like an incredible trip.

  18. The idea of running on another trail is so enticing… and this one isn’t THAT far from me. We’ll see if I can work it out!

  19. Your weather looks really similar to ours! It’s been really nice to be able to run in the afternoons and not melt like I would most of the year. We are supposed to have highs only in the 50s next week which will definitely feel chilly!

    I’m sad that this week has flown by but fortunately I still have all of next week off work too. I’m hoping for less busy trails than this week since it seemed like everyone had off work this week and was spending it outside.

    That’s really exciting that you’re considering another 50 miler! I recently signed up for a trail marathon that’s only 12 weeks after my upcoming May ultra because I wanted to do a race on my birthday and I feel like even that is a tight turnaround for me after having 6 months between my two big races this year but I know a lot of people do ultras back to back and are fine with it!

  20. Well… i’ll try to get through the first 50 and then see if it’s even feasible to do the second one. Meanwhile I’m sooooo excited to do my back-to-back long runs in the beautiful weather!!! I love winter!

  21. Oh, goodness, Rome for your daughter. What a lovely experience for her – despite the pictures, ha! – and what a welcome break for you. My mom could have used the same at around the same age for me. It’s a tough time, for sure. Hang in there. And glad you got some more northerly temps! Let’s hope there aren’t any freezes on the horizon. 😉

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